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What to do with a homemade gift that won't get used?


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DD18's cousin gave her a gift at Christmas that dd will Never use. It really is super cute in an edgy/funky way. She crocheted it with different yarns, some of which are the kind with strings and squiggles hanging out.


 It is hard to describe but it is a hat/scarf/mitten all in one thing. it is a series of squares all stitched together. The hat isn't head shaped, it is a square with two sides stitched shut, and the scarf is a series of squares that come off the hat and the mittens are squares that are folded over on the ends.  The style is definitely fitting for the cousin......but definitely not dd18.  We know the cousin originally made it for herself because she wore it when we were together one time (I'm sure she doesn't' remember).  It is made for a petite person (cousin is barely 5'....dd is 5'9"). That lessens my guilt a little, knowing it wasn't a customized gift for dd, but still, I know how much work it can take and money to make items like this.  It was very, very generous for cousin to give to dd. 



What do we do with it?  I don't want to donate to Goodwill because if they cousin ever saw it on someone else, she would know where it came from.  I hate to hold onto it because it is not going to be used.  I don't want to throw someones handiwork away. 





Dhs grandma hand knit me a sweater years ago and I donated it to Goodwill after she passed.  It wasn't a style I would wear, and I have felt bad about it every time I think about it since. LOL 


(there is no one else in our family that would wear it, it is a unique piece that takes the right personality to pull off. 

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If there is a good relationship where honesty is possible, and it took a lot of work and looked good on the cousin, maybe it could be offered back to her with profuse thanks, but explaining that it won't work for dd, but that dd is sure that cousin would look charming in it.

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It's like your dd was given a thneed.


In your daughter's shoes, I'd would wait a few weeks until the weather is cool, and then tell cousin that she was looking forward to wearing it but unfortunately it just doesn't fit, the scarf mitten thingie is too short. She loves it but she hopes cousin will take it back bc it will fit her better and look just perfect. Then return it boxed up with a cute card and some candy.


Edit: I mean for dd to do all that, not you, if that was unclear. :)

Edited by Tibbie Dunbar
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Do you know of anyone who would like it or could use it? I would give it away instead of returning it.

Personally, I would rather something I made be of use to someone (even if not the person I intended it for) than to get it back. That would hurt more than thinking they at least thought enough of it to give it to someone. It would feel like "thanks for the thought, but you wasted your time."



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If I couldnt use something and I couldnt give it away, I would throw it away. Otherwise, it is just going to be hanging around gathering dust.


I dont put more value on homemade things just because they are homemade. Sometimes homemade stuff is still junk. It really is the thought that counts.

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Does cousin visit your house regularly?


Is there a large stuffed animal sitting around that the hat would look really cute on?


Dress it up the next few times she'll see it and she'll think it's being used as decor.  When you get tired of doing that, maybe offer it back with the "didn't fit, but think you could use it?" excuse.

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