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dog - ear mites?


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I'm dogsitting for my sil's dog.   she loves to tell people how he has no fleas becasue he stinks. . . he has fleas - but he also doesn't smell as bad as when she got him. it's the only bad thing I can say about him.  he's the nicest little thing.  doesn't bark, doesn't scratch at the door when he wants in or out, very friendly,  doesn't jump.   really, he's the perfect dog . . except - smells .. . . (ds wanted to know if this was normal for dogs, as his gf is a very big dog person.  no dear, this is not normal.)


I gave him a bath tonight - and yes, he does have fleas.  so, I'm off to petco tomorrow.  


however - and my question - I think he may have ear mites - and I'm wondering if that's where some of the smell is coming from?   anyone have advice?



eta: and it's funny to see how excited he gets when I'm handing him a treat.  it's like his whole face lights up and his tongue swishes out of his mouth and his tail starts wagging . . .

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Ear mites usually look like coffee grounds in the ear canal.


Do his ears smell? Or look red? It's been a very long time since I've dealt with ear mites but I don't remember them smelling.


What food is he on? Diet can make a huge difference in how a dog smells.


Other sources of odor to consider are anal glands and tooth or mouth issues.

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she feeds him chicken - and some treats. otherwise I don't know.  she left cooked chicken here for him to eat.  3oz.  I don't know what he was eating before she got him - but his smell has improved.  but still smells . . .


it looks like mites - i've been around dogs in the past that had them. I just don't know what to do for them.
he was upset with me for bathing him - especially as I think I did get some water in his ears.  (I tried to be careful)  he was rubbing them on the floor/carpet.   so I only got a brief look in each ear.  the smell seems to come from his head - and I don't think it's the teeth.   good chance it is the ears - but I will try to do more tomorrow.  I'll also be able to brush him.  he doesn't shed - and his fur is currently short in most places.

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What I have heard from my most-knowledgeable dog owners acquaintances in the UK is that there is a brilliant product to solve this ear problem in dog's called: Thornit Ear Powder.


I have never used this, as I've never had a need. But Thornit gets high praise from multiple highly-trusted sources.


The challenge in the USA is to find a source. I think you can get shipped from the UK here:





The stink comes from brown wax inside the ear that's made by mites. So yes, that smell is attributable to the dog having mites.


I'm told Thornit is superior to any other treatment. Do a web search and see what you think.




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she feeds him chicken - and some treats. otherwise I don't know.  she left cooked chicken here for him to eat.  3oz.  I don't know what he was eating before she got him - but his smell has improved.  but still smells . . .


it looks like mites - i've been around dogs in the past that had them. I just don't know what to do for them.

he was upset with me for bathing him - especially as I think I did get some water in his ears.  (I tried to be careful)  he was rubbing them on the floor/carpet.   so I only got a brief look in each ear.  the smell seems to come from his head - and I don't think it's the teeth.   good chance it is the ears - but I will try to do more tomorrow.  I'll also be able to brush him.  he doesn't shed - and his fur is currently short in most places.


It is mites.


If you've ever smelled mite wax, it is an odor one never forgets or conflates with anything else, right? 



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The last pet I had who required ear mite treatment was a cat. The vet used Revolution. One application got rid of them.


Thornit powder would a nearly non-toxic alternative to using a systemic pesticide.


So safer, from what I understand probably more effective as it dries out the ears in addition to killing mites, and eliminates vet bills.



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It is mites.


If you've ever smelled mite wax, it is an odor one never forgets or conflates with anything else, right? 





thank you bill.   I've encountered mites in animals before  (that's why when I look at his ears, and saw the brown gritty stuff - I thought mites) - but the smell has never been this bad. I have encountered dogs who smelled - who didn't have mites - so I didn't go looking for something.


though it looks like some sort of abnormal growth in one too- it's skin color and fleshy.  makes me think of one of those big fungus? things that grow on the side of trees in the rain forests.


I think?  but am not sure, that he is a rescue dog she got from somewhere  (NOT the local animal shelter-  she wouldn't have paid the fee).  she has very limited income.  but when she was on a farm, she did all her own dog/cat inoculations/other-tx along with the livestock.


I will look.   I'm heading to petco today to get flea powder.  :gnorsi:



(as an aside - I was wrong about that one pan.  it wasn't a tramontina.  I do have one that I have no particular opinion on.  after reading up on the tramontina triply gourmet - it looks good)   :leaving:

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What I have heard from my most-knowledgeable dog owners acquaintances in the UK is that there is a brilliant product to solve this ear problem in dog's called: Thornit Ear Powder.


I have never used this, as I've never had a need. But Thornit gets high praise from multiple highly-trusted sources.


The challenge in the USA is to find a source. I think you can get shipped from the UK here:





The stink comes from brown wax inside the ear that's made by mites. So yes, that smell is attributable to the dog having mites.


I'm told Thornit is superior to any other treatment. Do a web search and see what you think.




I did a search for it - and some other automatically came up.  I wonder if they sell it in the US under a different name.


It can be ordered from the UK here as well. http://www.christiesdirect.com/en/Groom-Professional-Thornit-Ear-Powder/m-421.aspx


eta: I'm going to read ingredients, and see if that will answer the question of is it the same, or different.

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There are a number of things that can cause ear issues, including ear infections of various varieties. The vet would do an "ear scrape" and look at it under the microscope (cytology) to determine what it is. IME, most of them are not mites but are infections. Or, they can be both. :) If you let ear infections go too long, the ear can get really nasty and inflamed and even require surgical correction. I'd take him to the vet and get his ears checked. They can also sell you better flea products than you can get at Petco (and generally not significantly more expensive, but much better). Probably under $200 in and out for the ear issues. 

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hey bill - zymox on amazon looks like it might be similar. I know things can be marketed under different names.


eta mr. ben's miracle ear wash . . . .  I think I'm going to head to the more upscale pet supply store towards the more expensive areas.

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Poor little guy. He's going to feel a lot better once you take care of the mites and fleas. 


You can get an ear mite treatment at Petco: https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/r-7m-ear-mite-treatment-for-dogs-and-cats


A whole-body flea treatment should also help get rid of any mites that are living outside of his ears.


If there is any way you can start him on a (comparatively) inexpensive monthly preventative like this:



that would help keep fleas and mites from reinfesting him again once he goes home. The fleas are probably all over your SIL's house, though. She really needs to get on top of the situation.

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What breed of dog and what type of smell? Musty, poopy smell like a fart? If so, could be the anal glands. All dogs have them (it's how they mark with scent). But some dog species are more prone to the glands not self emptying during bowel movements. If that's the case, a dog owner can express the glands or can pay the vet to do it.


I know this because we have a beagle who has this common problem and we are self taught gland expressors.

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Poor little guy. He's going to feel a lot better once you take care of the mites and fleas. 


You can get an ear mite treatment at Petco: https://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/product/r-7m-ear-mite-treatment-for-dogs-and-cats


A whole-body flea treatment should also help get rid of any mites that are living outside of his ears.


If there is any way you can start him on a (comparatively) inexpensive monthly preventative like this:



that would help keep fleas and mites from reinfesting him again once he goes home. The fleas are probably all over your SIL's house, though. She really needs to get on top of the situation.


thanks. I'll loot at those.

I wonder about her sometimes . . . . sorry - a dog who is scratching and biting needs to be treated. . . big eye roll.  for the dogs sake - I'm glad it was me who ended up dog sitting him.  . . .  some of the other likely candidates would have just let him go outside and pretty much ignored him.


she'll be home tomorrow - and I will give her lots of infomation!


What breed of dog and what type of smell? Musty, poopy smell like a fart? If so, could be the anal glands. All dogs have them (it's how they mark with scent). But some dog species are more prone to the glands not self emptying during bowel movements. If that's the case, a dog owner can express the glands or can pay the vet to do it.


I know this because we have a beagle who has this common problem and we are self taught gland expressors.


no idea of the breed. kinda sorta reminds me of a brichon frise - but very intense apricot/tanish, and not as curly.  I don't think he is. head is similar . . . hmm/  he may have some in him.  he weighs more though.  maybe as much as 30 lbs - and he's skinny.  not a big eater.   My mom had one.  nice dogs.  and he's great.  after he's successfully treated - he'll be perfect.

looked up yorkie frise - about that color.  http://www.101dogbreeds.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Yorkie-Bichon.jpg  looks just like him - but he's bigger.

 very long feathery tail.  she does have him clipped.  he doesn't shed.


it is not his rear end.   I grew up with a cocka-poo dog like that (her fur would also get matted back there)  - this is not the problem.

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From your descriptions I'd guess it's more likely a yeast infection than mites. Or at least just as likely to be one as the other. A vet check really is the way to go.


Yeah, working in a vet office for almost 20 years I saw a handful of mite cases but daily ear infections. Seriously, daily. It is very likely an infection, could be yeast or bacterial. 


Zymox is a great product for until the owner comes home and can take the dog to the vet. And it doesn't sting, unlike many of the other over the counter products...some of them REALLY burn if the ear is already irritated. 

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Yeah, working in a vet office for almost 20 years I saw a handful of mite cases but daily ear infections. Seriously, daily. It is very likely an infection, could be yeast or bacterial. 


Zymox is a great product for until the owner comes home and can take the dog to the vet. And it doesn't sting, unlike many of the other over the counter products...some of them REALLY burn if the ear is already irritated. 


I'm so glad you answered katie.


here are pix of his ears. and yes - that seems to be where the smell is coming from.








we'll see if that works . . . .  glare.

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Oh, and make sure you use enough. Dogs have a very long L shaped ear canal. Most people do not use enough product. The vet I worked for said dilution is the solution to the pollution. In other words use a crap ton. Squirt it into the ear, massage the base of the ear and then let them shake it out. Make sure you get out of the way for that last part, LOL. if the dog won't let you squirted into the ear, then saturate a cotton ball with it put that in the year and squish around. Again, make sure you use enough.

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Oh, and make sure you use enough. Dogs have a very long L shaped ear canal. Most people do not use enough product. The vet I worked for said dilution is the solution to the pollution. In other words use a crap ton. Squirt it into the ear, massage the base of the ear and then let them shake it out. Make sure you get out of the way for that last part, LOL. if the dog won't let you squirted into the ear, then saturate a cotton ball with it put that in the year and squish around. Again, make sure you use enough.



one site I was on said massage the treatment for 90 seconds - and do it outside then get out of their way while they shake their head!


I really appreciate your comments and suggestions.

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Where I live, barn cats very often have ear mites. I didn't realize it wasn't common in dogs! Glad we have lots of animal experts here. :thumbup1:


Katie, your new pic is pretty (as was the old one)!

Thank you! And us mites are much more common in cats.

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Many places have low cost vet clinics.


It sounds like the dog needs a check up.  Ear infections can be very painful, and whether it is or is not mites, many times there is more than one infection / infestation at same time.

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hey bill - zymox on amazon looks like it might be similar. I know things can be marketed under different names.


eta mr. ben's miracle ear wash . . . .  I think I'm going to head to the more upscale pet supply store towards the more expensive areas.


This has no ingredients in common with Thornit powder.



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I will be encouraging her to take the dog to the vet for his ears - especially the one with the growth.  he did act more sensitive on that side.  this dog doesn't complain - so who knows how much discomfort he's in.  I'm not even sure where she got him - but I think he had the ear infections then.  not sure if she's ever taken him in for anything. 


I will also be telling her - Yes, your dog DOES have fleas .. . . :glare: treat him!   she repeatedly tells anyone who will listen the fleas don't like the stinky dog either - so he doesn't have fleas.   :tongue_smilie:  




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