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The BEST part of my week is _____________________ because _______________.


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The BEST part of my week is Sunday afternoon, after we get home from church where I've taught ladies' Sunday school (a highlight for me) and lunch has been served BECAUSE, I can put my jammies on for the rest of the afternoon and curl up with my current read or veg with my current Netflix binge. 


How about you? 


P.S. I won't be able to do it tomorrow because we have out of town company coming and I'm already missing it.  :closedeyes:

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My schedule is constantly changing this time of year, so I don't have something specific I look forward to. 


But I can tell you the best part of this week--this afternoon. One this rainy afternoon dh and I took youngest ds to a movie (Guardians of the Galaxy 2) at the cheap theatre ($5 tickets). youngest ds is intellectually disabled. dh rarely goes out with us to do fun stuff. ds was so happy. He sat between us in the theatre holding our hands smiling. It was pretty awesome to see him so happy. 

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Wednesday because Latin lessons. :) My advisor is meeting this summer with me and another student and we all have similar senses of humor. It's quite fun. Of course, it's only for a few more weeks then school starts and then it'll be Mondays and Wednesdays for Latin. 

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Saturday night is our at home date night. We usually get take out, have a cocktail, and listen to our favorite oldie radio show (Solid Gold Saturday night) while playing yahtzee or watch a movie. My kids get a little extra screen time and go to bed early.


Tonight, we let our oldest stay up late with us to watch a tape delayed showing of our city's soccer team game. He is loving it, so that's fun, too.

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When I come home late from work, pick up take out on the way home.....and everyone is already in bed.  


No drama.

No fights.

No getting met at my car door asking for things.

No having to play nice.

No having to pretend.

No forcing someone into the shower because they stink after 2 days without a bath.




I get a 

Quiet house

Dinner that I want

Netflix without interruption.

Time to unwind.

Edited by Tap
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