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Damn...could I just be crazy?


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Anxiety and stress can affect the immune system, both right when it's happening and also long term. Putting that aside, there is no guarantee that all these symptoms have a single cause - it is possible for some of them to be strictly caused by stress and/or anxiety, some to have a physical component or to be entirely physical.


I hope you get some definitive answers soon. If you weren't stressed before all this, I'm sure you are now.

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If your symptoms get better when you stop taking your GERD meds I think it's very possible that your long term use of antacids has allowed yeast to colonize your lower esophagus/stomach. Also if you take any inhaled corticosteroids yeast may have colonized in your lungs.

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But what on earth causes that? This doesn't seem to be a recognized problem or is considered rare. I can only find odd information by doctors who seem to want to sell products.

It's just an overgrowth of yeast. I haven't looked in to it lately, but my naturopath put me on a very strict anti-candida diet way back before I ever had internet access, in my late teens/early twenties sometime. No "quick fix" products, just the strict diet. I can't even remember what my problem (symptoms) were, but I remember the diet being haaaaaard to follow because it was strict!


Speaking of which - have you tried a naturopath yet? They tend to spend a longer time in appointments - intake usually 60 minutes, minimum - to get the whole story and try to look for root causes, rather than medicating symptoms.

Edited by fraidycat
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I totally know what it's like to cry because the blood tests came back normal and you wanted them to have the answers. BTDT. But I wasn't crazy, and I bet you aren't either. Sending good wishes that you get it sorted out soon.

Or when something comes back abnormal and they're like, "Ehhhh don't worry about that." Right.

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I'm now on Clotrimazole (similar to Nystatin).  I feel much better and while not entirely gone, it has gotten better. 


I am getting scoped Thursday too so....


Awesome!  I think your original appt was in September if I remember correctly???  Glad you are able to have it done sooner.  If you are not planning on it already,  please ask for a copy of the pathology report.  


I had a GI tell me my son was perfectly healthy despite the pathologist noting some issues with the endoscopy.  His notes were enough for me to start my son on GF diet and made all the difference in his health going forward.  


Seems like Drs won't diagnose something unless they have solid, glaring evidence.  "Shows early signs of..." means nothing to them.

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I have strange joint issues, and nobody's figured it out yet. Your symptoms of dry eyes and thrush made me think of Sjogren's Syndrome. The lack of moisture in the body causes dry eyes (and mouth), and the dry environment can contribute to thrush (also known as oral candidiasis). Very unofficially, I did a search for Sjogren's and burning chest, and a bunch of people on forums say they have that. Another symptom of Sjogren's is reflux.


I'm sorry you're fighting through this slog... it's very frustrating! 

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Yeah despite some of my more vague symptoms, I can't imagine a thrush infection popping up from stress.  LOL


Well, today has been a decent day.  So I guess I'll be glad for that. 


I'm not so sure, based on what I've read.  Stress can suppress immune function, and thrush can be related to suppressed immune function. 

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I'm not so sure, based on what I've read.  Stress can suppress immune function, and thrush can be related to suppressed immune function. 


Yeah maybe.  But then this would be some sort of chemical imbalance because I'm not really under any extraordinary amounts of stress.


I'm going to push to have the GI stuff dealt with.  At this point all of the stuff so far has been based on a guess. He has not even looked down my gullet.  He'll be doing that tomorrow.  If he tells me everything looks great I might have to find a shrink because it might mean I truly am crazy.  LOL

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