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Mortality is rough


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This afternoon I visited with a favorite uncle . He and my aunt are the last on that side of the family. They're one of the few people left who remember my grandmother and mom from when they were young. Such a sweet visit but he's not doing well.


I helped put him in the car and he told me that he didn't figure he'd ever see me again. They live several hours a way and he's not on great shape.


That was hard.

Then we got a call that a wonderful guy from our church was found dead in his yard this afternoon. He was playing ball with my dh 2 nights ago. He was 50-55. Totally unexpected and we're all sad and shocked.



Mortality is rough.



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Oh my goodness. So sorry for both circumstances.


I was thinking with my MIL being 91, and two deaths of close people to her having just happened in the past few months, it must be difficult to face one's own age and mortality. I was even thinking, by that age, you probably don't even muse much about the future, like, you might vote in a presidential election, but you might not still be alive when that President's term ends.

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It is unspeakably hard to say good-bye to someone when it's likely you will not see them again this side of heaven.

When I visited my grandmother last, I knew I would not see her again since she was suffering from cancer and lived in Europe.


And sudden, unexpected death shakes us to the core. No chance for a final word or good-bye. I cannot decide which is harder for those left behind.

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:grouphug:  I agree.  I'll admit I think about this almost daily now that I'm in middle age with a mom diagnosed with terminal cancer and seeing other folks from my youth or friends or even Hollywood, etc, pass away from car accidents, health issues, or whatever.  I'd say 5 years ago it rarely crossed my mind and I'd always wonder why folks routinely read obituaries in the newspaper - even of folks they don't know.  Now I've joined that group - reading the obituaries to help honor the lives of those who died.  (In our newspaper obituaries often tell more about lives - not just listing "facts" as I've seen in other papers.)  :grouphug:


It's all reminded me to "Seize the Day" because tomorrow is likely to be totally different.

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We just had a super active woman in our community have a 92nd birthday at the restaurant. She has made me laugh every time she has come in since we bought it. She is really fun. I HOPE to be her at 92, but who knows. I have a friend whose grandmother was living at home and taking good care of herself up to the age of 101, although she finally ran into some health problems this year. But it is hard when someone you love is not going to be there anymore.

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:grouphug: to all who need it. My favorite aunt passed away recently. We lived too far away for visiting, 1000+ miles. I saw her 16 months ago, she was coherent and had a sense of humor, better than it had ever been. She was the last of the sisters-in-law on my paternal side. I have no mementos to remember her by but she did set a very good example for me all of my life. 


I hope you can afford the time to go see your favorite uncle often or call him frequently. Send him a card or photo. I think they think we forget about them.

I'm sorry about your family friend. We recently lost two family friends, one had had a big impact on our family's lives, but everyone who knew him felt that way.

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