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Has anybody mentioned the new Doctor yet?


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I agree. It's not a stretch to have Rose going from the 9th Doctor to the 10th, but the 11th? No. Just no. Rose was younger than her Doctors it's true, but I just can't see her having the same feelings for Matt Smith's Doctor as she did for Eccleston's or Tennant's versions.


By, like, HUNDREDS of years!

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Expressing personal preferences, likes, dislikes, and concerns about a newly revealed Doctor is hardly new or exclusive to this one. How many times have people criticized Peter Capaldi for being too old or too Scottish or Matt Smith for being too young or too hyper/bouncy?

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The only thought I had was, if I were wandering around through time, I'd probably choose to be a white man too. I'm curious how being a woman in certain periods will be written. Will it cause the obvious issues it would have really caused? Other than that, it's great.

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I'm so thrilled they picked a woman. I didn't adore her in Broadchurch and while I know she's done other things, that's my only exposure to her. But whatever, they picked a woman! *does happy dance*


Clara also put me off Doctor Who for a good while. Though, really, it wasn't even Clara... I blame Moffett. #@$* Moffett put me off Doctor Who. I will never forgive him. Just nonsense disguised as depth. And so sexist at times. I like Chris Chibnall okay, I guess. Proof will be in the pudding.


True, Moffat had a lot to do with the downhill slide imo. I started to lose interest near the end of Matt Smith's time but kept watching because ds and dh were still enjoying it. Maybe it will get good again without him. I wonder if it's possible to pick up with the new Doctor having skipped most of Capaldi's reign. I really am glad the new Doctor will be a woman. I'm glad for those who still enjoy the show. I just don't know if I can forgive Moffat and give the new guy a chance. I was always willing to give a new Doctor a chance, writers and showrunners are a different story. I loved Davies.


By, like, HUNDREDS of years!



Edited by Lady Florida.
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I think it's about damn time the Doctor reincarnated as a woman. And, if you're refusing to watch because it's now a woman Doctor, then you've completely missed the point of who the Doctor is.


​Also, if you are judging an actor based on whether or not you liked a character they played, then you've also really missed the point of why it's calling acting.



Perfectly said.




The Master is as old as the Doctor (they went to school together as boys), has had run-ins with just about every incarnation of the Doctor (a good 8 or 9 of them) and often seems to be dead...but then turns up alive. Missy/Master isn't dead. That's just not possible. We didn't see her die = she isn't dead. She'll be back, either as Missy or as another incarnation.



Anyone who stopped watching and hasn't seen this last season, might want to give it a try. Capaldi's doctor was first written as being a very grumpy older man, as were the 1st and 7th doctors. But in this last season, he softens. And Clara is gone and Bill is wonderful. I love, love, love Bill as a companion. As another person said, she is as likeable as Donna Noble.


Female Doctor:

Yes, please! Why not? It's fun! It's just a tv show and after 12 men playing the role, (13 if you count the war doctor) it's ok to shake things up. The fun part of Doctor Who is that the actors change constantly, but it was still getting old that it's always a man blah, blah. I think having the Doctor as a woman will add a fun spark to the show, just to keep things interesting. I have a feeling that about 4 epsiodes into it, we'll have forgotten about her being a woman. She'll just *be* The Doctor.

Edited by Garga
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I agree that the Master/Missy's probably alive. Time Lords probably scooped her butt up because they all have a delightfully unhealthy relationship with her, not just the Doctor.


Yes, if you skipped last season, give it a shot. Bill was awesome (she's right there with Donna as my 2nd favorite companion) and the writing was vastly improved over the previous seasons. That was the best season finale in years. I highly suspect someone at the BBC read the riot act to Moffat, just before the last Christmas special, about the dismissal of fan concerns. It didn't feel like he was totally in charge anymore. There was a more noticeable presence of female writers this time, which I think shifted the show's viewpoint back to the companion experience, and the "heart" of the show started to come around again. You could actually follow what was going on most of the time.


I'm looking forward to the next season. I was also ready to give up on it.

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