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We survived!


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My oldest turns 18 today!  :svengo:


He's my Aspie guy. My SPD guy. My ADHD guy. My one diagnosed with depression at 11 years old. My one that was told my more than one teacher in public school that he should be a lawyer because he likes to argue so much. My first born. My c-section with a faulty epidural. My kid that had to know the pain of divorce. My agnostic. The one that as a toddler would sometimes only sleep after falling down and crying. My colicky one. My sensitive one. The one that now stands a full foot taller than me. 


My love. 


He's an adult. We survived! 


Both he and I count this a minor miracle. We often thought one of us would end up killing the other before we hit this point. 



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Hey, I have one of those!  And I had a faulty epidural too!  It was a horror story, but not for this thread.


And mine still doesn't sleep much, has major sleep issues.


Glad he made it to 18.  Glad any of our Aspies made it to adulthood!  :laugh:


What is next for him?  

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Happy Birthday to your son and congratulations.  My son, graced with aspergers, is about to turn 18 as well.   They do try our patience, but they also make us look at the world in a whole different way, which isn't a bad thing.   

Edited by Robin M
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thanks all!


He's been much easier lately, which is good. And he also seems slightly more realistic about life, his options, his own behavior lately. 


I told him yesterday I was proud of him for being "good people".  For instance, he put together his sister's new jumper toy thing on his birthday because he saw me struggling to do it 


As for the future, he needs to finish high school, he's a senior this year. Then not sure. He's doing dual enrollment and may continue at the community college to finish his AA, or may try to get into a 4 yr school. We don't know. I'm trying not to think about it too much, and have tried to NOT pressure him. 


Honestly, given everything, I'm just happy he seems happy right now. The suicide rate is so high for Aspie teens/young adults, and having him happy means everything. 

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