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Not-a-Blockbuster Movie Thread

Jenny in Florida

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So, inspired by the ongoing Current Movie Thread, I'm wondering if those of us who maybe aren't especially into the mainstream stuff could keep up our own thread about what we've seen recently?


In the name of widening the scope a bit, since at least around here these flicks may not play in the first-run theatres, I think it would be fine to include things we've watched on DVD or via one of the streaming services, as long as they are relatively recent feature films.


I'll kick it off with Their Finest




I found it a little uneven, but I enjoyed it very much. It's about a woman who writes scripts for propaganda films during WWII. Definitely worth a rental.


So, who else has seen something good recently?



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I love this thread idea.


As I mentioned in the other thread I really want to see The Hero with Sam Elliot in theaters.  I think my strong feeling about GOING to the theaters is in reaction to all the blockbusters out during the summer.  It definitely looks like it can wait until it's available for home viewing..


Although, I still regret to this day not seeing Emma Thompson's Sense and Sensibility in the theaters.  It was so lush & beautiful. I remember when it came out and thought... "naw, I'll wait."    I wish I'd seen it on the big screen.  


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I don't know if it is still available, but Arranged is one of my favorite films. It's the story of two young women in Brooklyn, one Muslim, one Orthodox Jewish, who are in their early twenties and in the process of their families seeking husbands (by arrangement) for them. It's sweet and charming and I think very family-friendly. It talks about freedom and choice, offers some insight into these religions, and is funny and interesting. IDK--I just loved it. 


Not recent, but if you can get the 3 films known as Les Trois Couleurs, they are super good and very worth watching. 

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I recently watched Last Knights on Netflix. I started watching thinking it was purely a medieval western European movie. Then they started talking about the empire and the capital and the setting looked a little off for pure medieval Europe. I stopped and looked it up, thinking it might be based upon a video game since it gave off this fantasy realm vibe. No, it's  remake of the story of the 47 Ronin, a story of feudal Japan. Then it all made sense. 


It's a story of the code of honor, way more than just chivalrous loyalty. I found it intriguing. It's a long movie at close to 2 hours and it could move slowly for some. The ending was satisfying without being contrived. It truly has an international cast with a Japanese director. 


The effect gave it a true mix of eastern and western, not quite Byzantine, not quite to the Renaissance. The actual incident that the story is based upon happened in 1703. It has the requisite violence for a movie of this kind, but not overtly gratuitous. The writing is well done, subtlety poetic in some places. If you want a men with swords movie with some substance, I would give this one a watch. 

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Monster of Paris. I believe it's still on Netflix. It's a French animated movie about a flea that get accidentally doused in a scientist' growth serum and becomes human sized. He loves music and appears to have the ability to sing. However much mayhem in 1890s-ish Paris ensues. A fun family flick with (I thought) good music. A happy ending for all.

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