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The LAST Teachers Lounge! 7-14-2017


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For about 10 days! Are you gonna miss me??  :D


Good morning! Happy Friday! And welcome to the Lounge!


Today's theme brought to you by the fact that right after I post this, the crazy two-days-before-we-leave-for-camp schedule

will commence!


Who's ready for church camp, summer camp, camping, vacation? Here: not quite yet but I will be!  (Jean in Newcastle, are you ready yet?)


Who knows how to squeak craft projects and supplies for around 200 people into a tiny $100 budget? Here: THIS girl! Hope they like what I've come up with!


For my gluten-free and other dietary-issue friends, what food would you take with you if you've tried to get ahold to camp kitchen staff to no avail and know

that pretty much most of what they serve in the dining hall will be what your body WON'T tolerate? Here: I've already decided on date balls, jerky, homemade gf muffins that I will make and freeze, and stopping by the grocery before we leave for some fresh produce. But I won't have room to take a week's worth of food, so I need to figure out some other things, too. Experienced advice helpful!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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My camp isn't until Mid August. So not ready. But I have 3 out of 9 lessons written! And 0 out of 9 activities prepped.


Good luck and have fun at camp.


I will be preparing a week's worth of gf food I think because Dd's symptoms have been escalating. We have to talk to the celiac doctor first though.



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I hope you have a good time!  Sometimes I like bring my own bread or buns (put them in baggies individually) because usually there is some meat or lunchmeat you can add.  Also, protein bars can fill in for a meal with some fruit.  Pistachios.  Bananas travel well. 

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You scared me there. 


Attention seeker. 


I'd imagine I'd be able to figure out some crafts that are cheap... and if I'd be allowed to not actually run the crafting session if I come up with some neat crafts and stay within budget, I can assure you I will, because directing a crafting section for 200 people sounds like hell. 

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Gonna Miss You: Of course!


Ready for Vacation: Yes, but I don't have one scheduled.


Crafts on Low Budget: Yup.  It's amazing what you can come up with, too!


Take Along GF Food: I'd probably bring a lot of KIND bars and Lara Bars.

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Butter, I don't like KIND Bars, they take fake to me. But Larabars are a good idea!

Just returned from Costco where I bought some Madras Lentils, some Quinoa & Brown Rice packets, 

some Figgy Pops (fig, nut, and date balls), and something else I can take with me.


LUUKNAM!!! So good to see you back in the Lounge!!! Hey, at least it's not 200 people all at the SAME time! LOL

This morning a friend helped me cut material into squares and triangles for planned craft activities. Not sure I have enough! Hmmm . . .


HeWillSoar, thanks for the reminder that I need to buy some gf bread at the farmers market tomorrow. And to pack pistachios!

As for the (lunch)meat, I'm always a little wary unless I buy it myself. So much of it has dextrose and/or maltodextrin, which are corn derivatives.

My body doesn't process corn very well anymore. 


Jean, glad YOU have more time to prep! I'm sure you'll have it all ready by the time you leave!


Just got a call from the pastor in charge of coordinating all the camp stuff. GOOD NEWS: he's going to bring the OTHER three boxes of craft stuff to my house   :hurray: so I 

can see what I can use and what I still need.


Thanks, Scout!


Thanks, Moonhawk!

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mommyoffive, I'm glad to have thought of something (although I'm sure the idea was from God Himself!)

that makes you feel wanted and wanting to return!


I will miss the Lounge, too! But I will NOT miss temps of over 105*F daily! Hello, 6k mountain elevation and cool nights!

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So, MY packing is done. DS is working on his right now. DD has an upset stomach - it's not a fake. She's had to use the bathroom more than twice in that past two hours.

So while her last load of laundry is spinning around getting clean, she's taking it easy and drinking the Moroccan Mint tea I made for her.


Right now we seem to be having a bit of a wind and dust storm. I may wait an hour for it to pass, then go exchange duct tape for batting at WalMart.


Tomorrow is the Farmers Market, all the last minute stuff that needs to be done, and the Packing Party tomorrow night. We LEAVE at 6:30 Sunday morning!


ETA: right after I posted this, my son came down to tell me, "I am finally done." He's done with packing his suitcase. Tomorrow he'll pack his travel-in-the-van bag.

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