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7th grade workload...


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The thread about the 8th grade workload made me want to ask for opinions on my 7th grader. We also use an alternate schedule and will be starting our new year in March. I am a bit concerned about the work I have planned for her, but I also want to start getting her prepared for a high school/college work load. Here is what we have planned:


Grammar-Analytical Grammar


Vocabulary-Wordly Wise


Spelling-Phonetic Zoo


Literature-Lightning Lit 7. I also plan for her to do reading selections from both Our Young Folks Plutarch and English Literature for Boys and Girls in addition to reading other books from a reading list I have put together.


She has also finished IEW SWI-B, so we will be working on keeping her skills up until I have her to the SWCC. It looks like I should be able to tweak most of the writing in LL7 to fit the IEW style.


Math-TT Pre-Algebra




Spanish-Tell Me More Spanish, She also meets with a group to do ASU Elementary Spanish twice a week.


Science-I am going to have her do Apologia Zoology 1 with her sisters and I this year. I was afraid that General Science would overwhelm her with everything else, so we will wait until next year. She is *not science minded.


Computer-Professor Teaches Office 2007


Typing-Mavis Beacon


Logic-The Fallacy Detective


I had really wanted to have all of us do Latin this year, but I am scared of bogging her down. Some of this I plan on staggering...for example I plan on doing AG for 8 weeks. Once we are through with grammar, then I will add in the computer/typing. I also plan to have her read Bulfinch, Plutarch and English Lit for Boys and Girls on alternating days. Thoughts? Other than Latin, is there something she *should be doing?

Thanks in advance




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Here's my plan for 7th grade next year:


Ominibus I

R&S Math 8

R&S Grammar 7

CW Homer B & Poetry for Beginners B

Wheelock's Latin IA

Homeschool Greek Vol I

R&S Spelling 7

R&S Artpac 7


Like you, I didn't want to overload my son. Therefore, I'm pushing back Logic and we are unschooling science. It's hard to fit in everything I want him to do, so I had to let a few things go.

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My dd is in 7th next year, too. What I have planned:


Math: Saxon Alg. 1/2 or 8/7

Grammar: R&S 6 moving into 7

Vocab: Vocab. from Classical Roots A

Spelling: SWO H

Spanish: not sure, considering Tell Me More Spanish

Lit: LL7 plus other books I choose to go w/ History study

History: finishing ANcients moving into either MOH2 or Diana Waring's RRR

Science: Apologia General with the Live n Learn Press lapbook that goes w/ it

Typing: continue Typing Instructor Deluxe


I'm sure it will change but that's it for now.


Tammie: Have you used Tell Me More Spanish yet or just have it planned for next year. I had posted a questions about that program. Do you like it?

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We just got it the other day. I bought it, thinking I could use it for both my dd's (12 and 9), because one of the reviews I read said they thought it would be fine for a 3rd grader. My older dd has had a year of NAU Elementary Spanish, and about 6 months of Rosetta Stone through our library. When I loaded TMMS onto our computer to play with it, I thought it was considerably more difficult than the beginning of RS. I am doubting that my 9yd will be able to use it this year. My oldest has done a couple of lessons while playing around, and seems to do fine. I am not sure however, if it is because she has had a few months of Spanish already. I need to play around more with it, but right now I think it would depend on if your child has had any Spanish or not. If they have, then I think they will do fine. The speech comparison seems to work quite a bit better than RS. I will try to play around with it in the next couple of days and see if I can provide better info if you would like.

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I have been thinking a great deal about middle and high school too and I think I have planned at least middle school well.


Your schedule looks great to me but maybe a little heavy on Language Arts?

We do IEW as well and when I wanted to add something like General Science and a public speaking course, I knew something would have to go.

We are dropping grammar, spelling and vocabulary as separate subjects for 7th.

I bought an old Warriner's handbook in case we need it.


I would rather study and learn Latin and drop English grammar for now than not have Latin. I am not expressing myself well today, (sigh) but there are some great posts and articles on using Latin as vocabulary and grammar.


So, for what it's worth, here is our 7th

The Thinking Toolbox

Apologia General Science with Live and Learn lapbook

Latin Prep 2

Lightening Literature 7

Lial's Basic College Math

Ancients with her sister SOTW and Human Odyssey

American History with Landmarks and IEW theme based lessons

Advanced Public Speaking

IEW co-op

guitar and children's choir

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Here is mine. It seems to have been enough without being overwhelming...



Language Arts:

Rod and Staff Grammar 7

IEW (writing assignments actually come out of his history)

Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Various literature assignments usually coordinated with history



TT Pre-Algebra




Apologia General Science

Every Unitedstreaming video that I can match up to the various chapters in the text!



God and Church Program through Boy Scouts

Bible Study Guide for All Ages




Kingfisher History Encyclopedia

Veritas Press cards to coordinate with SOTW 3

TONS of library books

LOTS of Unitedstreaming videos


I thought your schedule looked just fine!:)

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Grammar & Composition

Apples Spelling & Spelling & Voc.

Of People Literature

Saxon Math

STOW 4 History w/ Kingfisher

Apologia General Science

Spanish Discovery Education

Critical Thinking Reading Detective

A Healthier You

Art outsourced lessons weekly

Music Piano lessons


(The critical thinking, art, health and music lessons are rotated.)


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For my dd who will be going into 7 th at the end of April I am thinking of this although honestly nothing is concrete until I get to the homeschool convention and see some of it.



LL 7

Analytical Grammar

Mega Words

Wordly Wise



Math: TT AlgII


Science: Apologia Physical Science


History: History Odyssey Early Modern with extra books added : )


Foreign Language: Latin Prep and ? (she wants spanish)

Logic: Introductory logic

Home ec

Music drums, guitar, piano ( I think she will be dropping piano soon)


Honestly I can't decided between IEW and CW. And I am not completely sold on TT. She did TT algI this year and it seems awful easy for her.


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What I have so far


Latin Prep 2

NEM2 or Jacob's Algebra (still to early to tell)

AG (second year)

CW Homer B

SYRWTL Science

Continue French Prep or go back to Spanish SYRWTL .. French is becoming very hard for us :(

Logic (Bk of Think)

History (my real challenge... either SL7 with lots of supplements as the readers are too easy/boring to her or HO Early Modern and then design my own for Modern using The Human Odyssey as the spin?)

LL British Literature: Early-Mid 19th Century


And of course Drama, PE, music, art, and lots of field trips :eek:

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Well, we are changing our writing a bit next year... and I will stream line more subjects as best I can. Due to working, I just need to simplify. We will be working through the summer for my 15 year old to finish science and both girls history.


Tapestry of Grace: year 4

History 3-4 x a week

Literature 5+ x a week (Teaching the classics to help me aid in her discussions)

Geography/timeline 1-2 x a week

Church/worldview 1-2 x a week

LA: Writing w/ Writing Aids along w/ IEW B (I have IEW already from previous kids) Analytical Grammar 4-5 x a week

Science: will be zoology 2 (maybe3 too) along with live and learn folds for her notebook. 3 -4 x a week

Health: Total Health Middle School 2x a week

Math: Teaching Textbooks pre Alg 5 x a week

Spanish:La Clase Divertida along with extra vocabulary and maybe starting the easy Spanish with her sister. 5 x a week (3x real work 2x continue practice and and activity)


Typing: Typing tutor deluxe continue (we have not been faithful at all)


Bible study: I love Explorers bible study, but I am considering going back to BSF next year on Thursday nights. If we do, we won’t use Explorers. If we don’t go back, we will use Explorers.


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My ds went to school this year for 6th for the first time, but we'll be homeschooling again for 7th.


Math - Chalkdust prealgebra

Science - PH Science Explorers

Writing - Classical Writing for older Beginners

CW Beginning Poetry for Older Beginners

Latin - Latin Prep 1

Greek - Elementary Greek 1

Mandarin - take outside classes once/week (continued from this year)

Music - piano and violin

History - haven't decided this yet

Logic - Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox

Bible - undecided



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We are currently using :


Algebra I

Prentice Hall's Science Explorer - Life Science

alternating Home2Teach classes with IEW history writing lessons

Hake Grammar 7 ( we won't use this next year!)

Cambridge Latin I

Truthquest history- Middle Ages

Sequential Spelling

Worldly Wise 6

We do art history on Fridays ( instead of History)

Literature - right now he is just reading ( we're thrilled since he used to hate reading!)

Geography - we do this on Fridays - using a unit study over Around the World in 80 days




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I dont think I have ever posted over here, but the topic caught my eye and I want to play!


We somehow tend to finish things in December, then start again in January. Im not sure how, but it has been like this for the last few years.


This year's 7th grade:


AOPS Algebra/Jurgensen's Geometry

World Cultures/American History

Voyages in English 7/8

French 1/2 (outsourced at cc)

Prentice Hall gr10 lit/ American lit plus 5 extra books over the year

Wordly Wise 6/not quite 7 yet

Traditional Logic 2/ Critical thinking book 1

Glencoe science Green/Blue/Physical Geography (outsourced cc)

General 1xweek art class for first semester



I feel like Im not doing nearly as much as some of you, I would have loved to add Artistic Pursuits! Maybe next year...

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