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Singapore Math - How many exercises a day do you do?


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Singapore lessons are not consistent in the amount of time they take, how hard they are, or how many problems they include. We play it pretty much by ear - - dds can easily do three some days, just one others.


I used to look at the book and tell them how many to do, but now they're doing a pretty good job of gauging for themselves. Occasionally, I'll say "there's only one more ratio exercise, why don't you finish it so we can start fresh next week" but that's about it.

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I go through a lesson in the textbook, which I count as the info from one workbook assignment to the next - and then he does that workbook assignment on his own.


We generally do the textbook exercises orally, but sometimes there are practice problems that he needs to write down.


Sometimes there are two workbook exercises at the end of a lesson. If those are long or more involved, then I do one that day and the other one the next. If they are short, with few problems, then I may do both that same day.


On days when we have the practice pages in the text, I let him work through those on his own in lieu of doing a workbook exercise.


I use the multi-page reviews in the workbooks (generally about 5 pages long) as tests.


He also does daily drill work. This year, I'm using MUS Delta for that. Next year, it will be some of the Singapore extra practice workbooks and perhaps some of the Key to... series books.

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We usually do about 1 lesson a day however some lessons need more explanation or experimenting. The last few days my 5yr wanted to do something different for math so we played dividing games, measuring items,etc. I am pretty flexible, we also play money and time games instead of just sticking to the workbook. I think that the workbook stuff can get a little boring so doing "real math" is much more fun!

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Sometimes we do two or three exercises a day but more regularly we do just one. As Katilac says, Singapore are inconsistent with the difficulty or length of lessons. I generally find the early stages of the workbooks (often with more arithmetic) take longer than the later ones (often with more geometry). Review and revision exercises also take longer.

With NEM 2 I have found it unnecessary to do the whole exercises. We do every second question and them use the others for review.

I allow plenty of time for the experimental cut-outs, tesselations etc because I consider them important to consolidating understanding. They certainly take time here. :001_smile:

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