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Still undecided about my hair

Night Elf

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I've spent months and months thinking about getting my hair cut short. My hair is wavy, but it starts a couple of inches from the top of my head. The last haircut I got, I took off about 6 inches and it's still long. I hate it hanging near my face so I keep it in a pony tail all the time, with two barrettes in the back to keep it in place. I've had short hair in the past several times and it wasn't difficult to style. I like cuts that allow me to just wet my hair, brush and go. However, the last time I got my hair cut short it wasn't wavy. My wavy hair has only happened in the last couple of years. 


How will I know I'm totally ready? Each day I'm certain I'm ready but when I actually think about making the appointment, I chicken out. I've looked at short styles online but most of them are bobs and I don't know how my wavy hair will look with a bob. I really don't want my hair sticking out from my head. So I'd have to go super short, maybe like a pixie. DH has no preference. DD19 thinks I'll hate it. Dd25 thinks it would be cute. I just don't know! I thought about going in and talking to my stylist and seeing what she says. I did once ask her and she said I might not like it since my hair is so long. It would be a drastic change and she's worried I'll feel stunned. Dd25 went short slowly, getting a shorter style each time before settling on a super short pixie cut that is clipped close to her head. I'm not sure what kind of short style I can have that won't stick out sideways!


Oh what to do? What to do? Gosh. I don't think I'd be so hesitant if my hair was still straight. 

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I probably wouldn't go short drastically. Do you have bangs already like your picture shows?


My default length is that I have to be able to put it in a pony tai, because when I am doing any sort of work, cooking, cleaning, etc. I need it contained...but I don't wear it in a pony tail if I am just at my desk job or out and about. I just got my hair cut....she took off about 4 inches and the hair near my face is just below my chin and layered down from there to just below my shoulders.


If you already have bangs I think the decision to go short would be easier.


Remember hair always grows back.

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That picture is a few years old I think, but yes the bangs still look the same. My hair is longer than in the picture. I never wear my hair down except when it's air drying after washing it. Then when it's dry it goes right back into a pony tail. I'm just so tired of this look.

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The hairdresser can cut it progressively shorter. Brush it out, see how you feel. Cut another inch. Repeat. Then if you regret the last trim length, you've only got to live with it a couple of months, and it's not drastically uncomfortable. Tell them what you're asking for and book at a time they're not busy and tip well if they spend a ton of extra time. ;)

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I'm with you. I/ve NEVER had short hair, but I'm so sick of always having it in a ponytail or bun. Always. Except when I'm sleeping or maybe 4 times a year if I'm dressing up. 


But I'm SCARED to go short, because it is wavy, almost curly, and I have no idea what it will do. 

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I cut off my waist length hair the day before Easter.  I cut it to a chin length bob.  No regrets.  It forces me to wear it down, and I LITERALLY never wore it down before.  In my mind, hair always grows back.  I don't struggle with self-image, so I don't mind uglifying myself in the name of experimentation.  :-D  


In your shoes, I'd cut to a bob first, see how you like it, then go from there.  I don't think I'd go straight to pixie.  


As for your first question, I thought about it constantly for six months.  Then one morning I just woke up and HAD TO GET MY HAIR CUT.  

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I've had long hair (very curly) for 30+ years. No cuts except for trims. I've been obsessed with cutting it for months. I got a recommendation for a deva cut stylist and had it cut one week ago. Best decision ever! 


I knew I was ready when I decided that I was so sick of my hair that it didn't matter what the stylist did to it. I'd still be glad I got it done. And I am. :)

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I'm thinking something like this...I know my hair could do this. maybe a bit curlier. But....how do you keep it out of your eyes constantly if you have a haircut like this? Wouldn't it be always in your face?




Yes, that's got to be in your face all the time! I could never try that one. I'm picturing something for myself that is short on the sides so that even if I look down, my hair isn't coming over my cheeks. 

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I feel exactly the same.  I got my hair cut very short (for me).  It's still in my face and I still pull it back which because of the length involves a lot of barrettes to keep it all tied back.  So I thought maybe I should go even shorter.  But I dunno.  I just can't bring myself to do it!


Sometimes I wish I was bold enough to shave my head. 



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My pixie was the best decision ever.


I've grown it out twice (takes a full year from pixie to chin length Bob) & immediately recut to pixie as soon as it was an even Bob.


My issue with a bob is that I like them short, but my sides never stay tucked behind my ears where I want them & I want no hair in my face or blowing around on windy days & a short bob is too short for a pony tail.


When my hair was long (for decades), I wore it in abun or pony every day & finally said "why bother?". And no more headaches from heavy hair or clips


Yes, I need to get it it every 6 weeks, but I do it on a night I'm running a kid to evening dance class & am out anyways.

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Yes, that's got to be in your face all the time! I could never try that one. I'm picturing something for myself that is short on the sides so that even if I look down, my hair isn't coming over my cheeks.

Can you link an example?

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My pixie was the best decision ever.


I've grown it out twice (takes a full year from pixie to chin length Bob) & immediately recut to pixie as soon as it was an even Bob.


My issue with a bob is that I like them short, but my sides never stay tucked behind my ears where I want them & I want no hair in my face or blowing around on windy days & a short bob is too short for a pony tail.


When my hair was long (for decades), I wore it in abun or pony every day & finally said "why bother?". And no more headaches from heavy hair or clips


Yes, I need to get it it every 6 weeks, but I do it on a night I'm running a kid to evening dance class & am out anyways.


I wish I had the face and head shape for a pixie cut! I love them on other people. The last time I had really short hair? ((Shudder))

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Can you link an example?


I don't have one. It's just in my head what I know I'd be comfortable with. I've spent some time online today looking at short cuts and pixie cuts. The problem with the short cuts is they all hang down on the sides like the picture you showed and I don't like that. I'd hate to have to keep tucking it behind my ears all day. I used to wear a headband but they're uncomfortable with my glasses and I can't read my Kindle or computer without wearing my glasses so basically I'm wearing them all day. Going pixie seems extreme and I understand the advice to go short gradually but I know the lengths between a pony tail length and a pixie would drive me bonkers. So if I go short, it will have to be a pixie and that scares me. 


I am just so tired of wearing my hair in a pony tail. I know I would like a pixie short all the way around because that's basically what I have now with my hair in a pony tail. It's off my face and neck. I do wear bangs and I trim them every time I wash my hair which is every 5 days or so. Since I wear my hair up all the time I don't have to wash it every day. 


My dd has a pixie cut and gets it trimmed every 4 weeks. 

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My dh would cry if I went super short. He LOVES my hair

Mine too, but since it's on my head.. I'm keeping the pixie.

I loved his long hair hippie look when we met too, & he has worn his short for ages but I don't lament over it to him ;)

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