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Coding and Programming Classes and online resources -- 11 YO beginner

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Happy Summer to all of you who are there!!!!


Sticker Shock. Just checked the coding classes at our local private college thru ID TECH -- $899-1200 for a one week class.

Don't get me wrong the descriptions sound amazing, just too much for us.


So please help -- Coding classes are on the schedule for this summer and into the fall term for my 11 YO and 9YO. Would love my 7YO to do some basic things too.


No experience to date.


Where do we start??


I've enrolled in the Coursera free course on basic programming and I'm checking that out now - first program deals with scratch. (Some vocab might be over the 11YO head but I could help define it along the way I guess if he needs it.)


I had a code.org account set up for each child in Jan and looked at the first fun lessons of Course 2-4 just now. Oldest could probably whip those out in 2 weeks if I just let  him go. These lessons look fun and I'm thinking about starting there.


I took Code Academy classes in Javascript 2 summers ago, did the whole course twice and I didn't feel it explained why I was doing things very well. Not sure how well that would work for a child but I know lots of people rave about it.


I've taken HTML and CSS classes on Lynda. Again I'm not sure the audience is geared for kids there.


I found this list but I don't know which ones are good, or better than others, and we don't want to waste our time.



Any direction or help would be MUCH APPRECIATED!





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Is your goal to get the children thinking like a coder, or to learn a specific language? 


My oldest two have gone through as much of Code.org as they could stomach. At some point, it becomes very geometry focused - lots of angle measurements and tricky loops.  


Scratch has been too wide-open for my coding kids. They do well if they have a prompt, like following steps to design a game and then tweaking the code after to make their own. 


Right now, they mostly enjoy using programs (most listed on the link you provided) and playing around with the logic of coding. 


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Is your goal to get the children thinking like a coder, or to learn a specific language? 

Well, right know I guess the goal is both. I've got a great friend who is very skilled, and he recommends JavaScript to learn first when it comes time for that. So I'm looking into that.


But the first step I would think is to think in code.


Thanks for your thoughts!

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Well, right know I guess the goal is both. I've got a great friend who is very skilled, and he recommends JavaScript to learn first when it comes time for that. So I'm looking into that.


But the first step I would think is to think in code.


Thanks for your thoughts!

Khan Academy has a free Javascript course.

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If it makes you feel better, many of these camps have a lot of "fluff" and students don't always learn very much.  I recommend Python as a first language.  If you are up for teaching it, you can use Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Michael Dawson.  

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We're curious about Youth Digital.

I saw them at a convention recently and I purchased the 3D Game Design course for my son. He LOVES it! He has been working on it for weeks and has built an impressive game world so far. His siblings like to watch as well so they're learning too.


I know it's not their coding class but we are really enjoying their program. I got it 40% off at convention so it was worth it to try. My son wants to do a coding course through them after he finished the game design. He's 9.


It's been completely independent and he's learned a ton. He's going slowly through the lessons but he's understanding them very well.

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Here is a link to some info about the Boy Scout Programming merit badge. There is a clickable list of languages, including some rather simple ones.




BSA publishes a merit badge pamphlet that might be useful fo background info, price about $5. You might be able to find a PDF of it online.

Edited by Alessandra
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My son started with code.org and he loved it. Start with Hour of Code, then move on from there. 


Recently he enrolled in a Khan Academy course (javascript I think?) and it is perfect for him.


He tried Code Academy after code.org, but it was a little too challenging.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We are using Bitsbox, DS8 almost 9. He likes it. It is structured and builds upon itself, he can go at his own pace. I believe it is Javascript.


I would like to check out Udemy for Python, since for his birthday he is getting a Cozmo and it can be programmed with Python.

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I'm looking at classes at CodeHS. For $75/month (which is totally worth it to me because this is a huge area of interest for my kids and a language I do not speak), you have access to all their courses, which are staffed by tutors who grade your student's work and provide help and feedback. They have a six year, grades 7-12 plan that includes: Web Design, Computing Ideas, Intro to CS in JavaScript, Intro to CS in Python, AP Computer Science Principles, and AP Computer Science in Java. This might be good for your older kiddo.

Edited by Alte Veste Academy
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