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Well Trained Bodies - June 2017


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I'm getting closer to actual chin-ups. I did six today where I jumped up and then held myself up before slowly lowering down. Pretty exciting. I'm definitely getting stronger. I also pushed the #@%$ sled up and down the hall a few times with 180 extra pounds on it. I hate the sled.


Looking forward to my long run tomorrow - going for 16km.


As for belly - for me it was the last thing to go. I was down to 122 pounds in December and the belly was *finally* gone. I've gained it back (seasonal depression eating for 4 months - ugh) but I'm on the road to eradicating it again. 


And loose skin - I lost 60 pounds and had no loose skin, but I did a lot of fasting. I've heard that fasting can really help with reducing loose skin. 



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And loose skin - I lost 60 pounds and had no loose skin, but I did a lot of fasting. I've heard that fasting can really help with reducing loose skin.


I guess my point in saying that was that a lot of physical attributes are genetic. Remember octomom? She said that her body was like a rubber and and then she took up stripping for a while. I've always had a belly and it has reduced, but not like the rest of my body. Of course it doesn't hurt to try and get rid of it! I've just come to terms with it and will enjoy being strong and fit rather than being frustrated at my belly.

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This week it was hard getting back into workouts after taking a rest day.  I find when I take a rest day it can turn into rest days so I am better off doing stretch , yoga or pilates instead of rest days.  However, after doing the Shaun T week on beach body on demand a full rest day was needed which turned into 2 rest days then I did insanity max 30 on Wednesday, took a "I'm feeling to lazy to do anything day" yesterday but did T25 riptcore and T25 stretch today.    


What  is your opinion on "rest days"  should it be total rest or is it okay to consider  a 2-3mile walk, bike ride, stretch, pilates or yoga a rest day?

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This week it was hard getting back into workouts after taking a rest day. I find when I take a rest day it can turn into rest days so I am better off doing stretch , yoga or pilates instead of rest days. However, after doing the Shaun T week on beach body on demand a full rest day was needed which turned into 2 rest days then I did insanity max 30 on Wednesday, took a "I'm feeling to lazy to do anything day" yesterday but did T25 riptcore and T25 stretch today.


What is your opinion on "rest days" should it be total rest or is it okay to consider a 2-3mile walk, bike ride, stretch, pilates or yoga a rest day?

I only take one rest day a week. Even then, the activities you described are fine. They just sound like everyday type activities. Rest days are really only needed when doing intensive exercise.

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Visiting family but got in 45 min of exercise of walking with some jogging intervals. 


Tomorrow, I hope to do the walk/jog thing again as well as do some strength training. There is a park down the street with a lot of playground equipment where I can probably find a decent place to do some kind of pulling exercises. There are also several pieces of equipment for "stations" though I can't figure out what most of it is! Should be able to find something to do though. I did bring dumbbells for my squats and a resistance band for clamshells and no special equipment needed for planks and push-ups! But it will be fun to have the change of scenery. I only hope there is a polite time to go do it. 

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I spent a few days driving and visiting family and a university campus with the oldest 2 dc. A lot of walking on the tour, but otherwise a lot of sitting.


I got in a double dose of tennis today; 2 hrs ladies doubles and 1 hr ladies singles. It felt so good to be out there smacking tennis balls around again!  :laugh:  I biked to and from the courts, too. I've earned an afternoon nap, I think. ;)

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Some walking yesterday, that's about it. Was going to go on a hike but we got around too late and the yard desperately needed mowing. We had planned to go hiking or biking today but dh and dd1 are sick. Not sure what we'll do, I might take the other kids out, depending on how the other kids feel and how much they need me around.

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Hi, guys! I haven't been here in what seems like forever! I have totally fallen off the wagon! Lost my tennis shoes and got busy and lazy! Planning to start again today or tomorrow. Help me!!!


Welcome back! Jump right back on the wagon. You'll feel so much better and energized. 

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Hi, guys! I haven't been here in what seems like forever! I have totally fallen off the wagon! Lost my tennis shoes and got busy and lazy! Planning to start again today or tomorrow. Help me!!!

Make a small goal this week to start. Maybe two or three workouts to start. Find something that you like too. That helps tremendously.

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I usually just read along because you all are inspiring, so many different things! :D


I only take one rest day a week. Even then, the activities you described are fine. They just sound like everyday type activities. Rest days are really only needed when doing intensive exercise.

I run 6 days a week. On my rest day I walk two or three times with the dog. I prefer strolling while he prefers to go as fast as possible for the first couple of miles before he wears himself out. I like walking with him much better then.


So, long story short, I agree with the above re: rest days. Since I train with a heart rate monitor, I can generally gauge how recovered I am by my HR, and the walking has no impact on that.


Ran a 5k race this morning. I'm training for a half-marathon this fall and my training plan is one of those run lots, but do it slowly for most of your miles things. As a result, I have felt incredibly slow lately. It was nice to discover I am faster than I think I am. Ran another 3 miles after I got home back at my slow, recovery run pace for a total of 6.3 miles today.


myblessings4 - small steps are more successful long term so pick something you like and start slow. What do you enjoy doing? If you don't know, make it your goal to try something new. Walking works too if all else fails. A little bit today, 10% more the next time by any metric (time, steps, distance, etc). Heck, you can walk now until youfind the thing you really love to do.

Edited by mamaraby
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mamaraby- congrats on your race


solascriptura- I agree with everyone else, start slow, find something you enjoy, make goals, make plans(so it is harder to skip), find friends if you can etc.


I'm not doing anything today, I'm not feeling well either, hopefully, this is a short-lived bug, we've got swim lessons tomorrow.

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Hi, guys! I haven't been here in what seems like forever! I have totally fallen off the wagon! Lost my tennis shoes and got busy and lazy! Planning to start again today or tomorrow. Help me!!!


What would help? Are you asking for accountability or ideas on getting back on the wagon? 


For getting back on the wagon, I have found that if I am really mentally resisting it/irrationally dreading it/procrastinating, that I can create a "ramp" back to the wagon, by setting a low goal for the first time or two and calling that good. So when getting back on the wagon for strength-training, I had to ramp on by allowing a couple workouts where I did only one set (instead of 3) and used decreased weights. Knowing the workout would be easy helped me beat the resistance in my mind and doing something re-established the habit. 


You could do the same form of ramp up no matter what your preferred exercise. Just dip your toe in the water at first. 

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Didn't get in my last workout on the weekend because there just was no time with social obligations (I was visiting family.) 


I will do strength training today. Haven't decided upper only or full body and some kind of lower key cardio if I do a whole body workout. 

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Starting this week good. Pilate's and t25 yesterday and today 21day extreme cardio fix and hopefully Pilate's this afternoon. Oh, does push mowing a largish yard count?


Push mowing a large lawn definitely counts towards your cardio and maybe strength, depending on how much you have to maneuver in awkward spots. 


ETA: I enjoy the daily chores more when I realize that they are an opportunity to incorporate exercise, like mowing, or sometimes I will do biceps curls with the grocery bags on the way in the door---stuff like that!

Edited by Laurie4b
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Ran 5.4 today. I ended up not being able to get it in until almost 4pm owing to childcare issues. I prioritized dh's running and my oldest had his lawn mowing gig so couldn't be the responsible party for his sisters. I have about 200 steps to go to meet my step goal for the day.


I prefer to get my exercise in outside over inside. Always. No matter the weather. I think lawn mowing counts the same as a walk unless you're talking a heavy mower or a hilly yard and then you can probably up the impact. Ds usually gets 15k steps or more just with his lawn mowing, but that's two lawns. Today he did just the one and got 7000 so that's a fair amount of walking. So, yeah, count it!

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UGH lost my post.


Miss Peregrine- I'm not sure, I'd certainly hold off for now but I'm not sure when it would be safe with that kind of infection.



No swimming, it rained here. Just as well my joints were killing me, I hope that is just a remnant of the illness from Sunday and not something else. A couple of summers ago I had long term joint pain which coincided with my thyroid antibodies going off the charts(I need to get my lab work redone). I feel ok so far today. I've got company coming today and tomorrow so I don't know how much time I'll have to exercise with getting things prepared this morning(maybe I can get some sets of bodyweight training in between activities and perhaps a walk with our guests if they are up to it). Tomorrow, however, I'm teaching an hour and then doing swimming.  


I've decided to discontinue work out classes, for the time being, we need to buckle down on spending and although it is a great motivation to work with others I can work at home with the kids too. It is my b-day Thurs and I told dh I might like to try and do some hiking/backpacking this weekend(that is if it doesn't storm all weekend). We've got a trail we can access right out my front door while we've hiked it several times we've never backpacked it and I think it would be cool to set out on foot and pitch a tent out there and being relatively close to home and only doing one night we'd not have to pack too much, I guess we'll see what the weather does.

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Should I go to the gym if I have cellulitis? The abx are making me really tired so I will probably have to skip it. Or just treadmill it. From a health standpoint, though, how long would you stay away from the gym if your infection could be staph related?


That's an excellent question. Probably best to call your doctor's office and ask. 


I appreciate it when people take responsibility for the possibility that they could spread an infection to others.  Too often, people weigh the impact on them (last time he threw up was last night, so he can go to school this morning since he seems to feel fine...) but neglect to factor in that others may have genuine risk from what is a minor matter to the contagious person. Not to mention other people may just not want the hassle even if it's not a major health risk.  So thanks for being so considerate!

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UGH lost my post.


Miss Peregrine- I'm not sure, I'd certainly hold off for now but I'm not sure when it would be safe with that kind of infection.



No swimming, it rained here. Just as well my joints were killing me, I hope that is just a remnant of the illness from Sunday and not something else. A couple of summers ago I had long term joint pain which coincided with my thyroid antibodies going off the charts(I need to get my lab work redone). I feel ok so far today. I've got company coming today and tomorrow so I don't know how much time I'll have to exercise with getting things prepared this morning(maybe I can get some sets of bodyweight training in between activities and perhaps a walk with our guests if they are up to it). Tomorrow, however, I'm teaching an hour and then doing swimming.  


I've decided to discontinue work out classes, for the time being, we need to buckle down on spending and although it is a great motivation to work with others I can work at home with the kids too. It is my b-day Thurs and I told dh I might like to try and do some hiking/backpacking this weekend(that is if it doesn't storm all weekend). We've got a trail we can access right out my front door while we've hiked it several times we've never backpacked it and I think it would be cool to set out on foot and pitch a tent out there and being relatively close to home and only doing one night we'd not have to pack too much, I guess we'll see what the weather does.


I think it's great that you've got ideas of how to adapt to changing circumstances and yet keep your exercise. I think that being able to adapt is one thing that keeps people "on the wagon" so to speak. How lovely to have a trail right out your front door! 

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So my head is spinning trying to pull together various often contradictory research studies about how much rest one needs, what kind of exercise is best for anti-aging, cognitive preservation, cardio, etc. How to combine lifting with HIIT, blah blah blah. When I get my act together, I'll post the various studies and see what the take is from others in this group. 


So I'm tweaking again. 


Yesterday, I did a bare bones upper body workout after about 10 min of Zumba for warm up . (Just alternating sets of push-ups vs. incline rows), then did 45 min walking with a total of 15 minutes of jogging embedded in interval form. (My goal is to work up to 30 min. embedded.) Then I did a set of dumbbell squats for lower body. I had intended to also do clamshells but tweaked a muscle doing the squats---not too badly---but I deemed it best not to push it. I also ... drum roll.... did several flexibility exercises. I have a mental block against them, so am much less likely to do flexibility than strength-training or cardio. So that is a victory. 


Today, I will do some core work and rotator cuff exercises and cardio of some sort. It should be a nice day out so maybe I can repeat the walk/jog. 

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I'm always so thrilled when I see the results of my efforts.  We took a long walk last night instead of going to the gym.  I've taken that same walk many times before over the years and certain spots left me feeling like I wanted to die.  LOL  I walked that walk like I was standing still.  I didn't even break a sweat.  Of course then that left me feeling like I didn't get as good as a workout so I'm going to the gym tonight too (I don't usually go on Tuesdays). 


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UGH lost my post.


Miss Peregrine- I'm not sure, I'd certainly hold off for now but I'm not sure when it would be safe with that kind of infection.



No swimming, it rained here. Just as well my joints were killing me, I hope that is just a remnant of the illness from Sunday and not something else. A couple of summers ago I had long term joint pain which coincided with my thyroid antibodies going off the charts(I need to get my lab work redone). I feel ok so far today. I've got company coming today and tomorrow so I don't know how much time I'll have to exercise with getting things prepared this morning(maybe I can get some sets of bodyweight training in between activities and perhaps a walk with our guests if they are up to it). Tomorrow, however, I'm teaching an hour and then doing swimming.


I've decided to discontinue work out classes, for the time being, we need to buckle down on spending and although it is a great motivation to work with others I can work at home with the kids too. It is my b-day Thurs and I told dh I might like to try and do some hiking/backpacking this weekend(that is if it doesn't storm all weekend). We've got a trail we can access right out my front door while we've hiked it several times we've never backpacked it and I think it would be cool to set out on foot and pitch a tent out there and being relatively close to home and only doing one night we'd not have to pack too much, I guess we'll see what the weather does.

I love hiking. We don't do enough of it. Want to remedy that.

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I'm always so thrilled when I see the results of my efforts.  We took a long walk last night instead of going to the gym.  I've taken that same walk many times before over the years and certain spots left me feeling like I wanted to die.  LOL  I walked that walk like I was standing still.  I didn't even break a sweat.  Of course then that left me feeling like I didn't get as good as a workout so I'm going to the gym tonight too (I don't usually go on Tuesdays). 


Great progress on the walking!  


I, too,have the "problem" of being too acclimated to walking for it to provoke much aerobic response unless it is fast up a steep hill, but it's a nice problem to have, no? 

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I dropped out of the Zumba class, about 4 weeks ago. I was the oldest person in the group and it really made me feel a lot older than I am...   The Zumba instructor and his Dance group left for Europe last week. They will be there until approximately August 1st. His temporary replacement is a man who is a Physical Fitness Trainer and he is in incredibly good shape, according to my wife.  My wife told me that our DD is really the only one who can keep up.  She is in the best condition of the participants there.  The normal teacher is outstanding with Dance, so he is more easy going on the participants, and the man who is there now is much harder on them physically. They are both excellent instructors.  My wife and DD are enjoying the classes. 

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I dropped out of the Zumba class, about 4 weeks ago. I was the oldest person in the group and it really made me feel a lot older than I am...   The Zumba instructor and his Dance group left for Europe last week. They will be there until approximately August 1st. His temporary replacement is a man who is a Physical Fitness Trainer and he is in incredibly good shape, according to my wife.  My wife told me that our DD is really the only one who can keep up.  She is in the best condition of the participants there.  The normal teacher is outstanding with Dance, so he is more easy going on the participants, and the man who is there now is much harder on them physically. They are both excellent instructors.  My wife and DD are enjoying the classes. 


Imo, an excellent instructor is one who provides at least two levels of modifications so that everyone can "keep up."  My instructor is like that. You can get a good workout if you are 25 or 65, in top shape or just starting to try to get into shape. 

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Ran 6 miles today at my moderate pace. Between that and running errands to get the kids ready to go camping I exceeded my step goal.


Bummer about the group exercise classes, Lanny! I find all group exercise classes make me ferl like an uncoordinated fool. At the very least, though, the instructor did their best to include everyone.


I love hiking and walking. The lower cardiovascular impact of the walking doesn't bother me. I figure I have enough tougher workouts in the mix to make the walking active rest.

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hike through the woods yesterday

swimming lessons tonight, taught an hour of yoga to kiddos


We worked on breast stroke tonight, when I tried it before I never could get it at all. Tonight I think I at least had something that you could tell was supposed to be a breast stroke :) 


I'm not feeling great. The body/joint aches came back yesterday, not sure what's going on. I have aches from my feet and ankles to my wrists and everywhere in between coming and going. I put in a call to get a consultation and blood tests. 

I'm always so thrilled when I see the results of my efforts.  We took a long walk last night instead of going to the gym.  I've taken that same walk many times before over the years and certain spots left me feeling like I wanted to die.  LOL  I walked that walk like I was standing still.  I didn't even break a sweat.  Of course then that left me feeling like I didn't get as good as a workout so I'm going to the gym tonight too (I don't usually go on Tuesdays). 



I love hiking. We don't do enough of it. Want to remedy that.

We love hiking too, I think it is our fav activity!


Imo, an excellent instructor is one who provides at least two levels of modifications so that everyone can "keep up."  My instructor is like that. You can get a good workout if you are 25 or 65, in top shape or just starting to try to get into shape. 

I agree and that is why it is harder than it seems.


I camped on Saturday night (with DH) and then again on Monday night (with DGD). Upon returning from camping yesterday, I had a team tennis match two hours away from home. My partner and I won our match and our team won the night.


I'm going to look for swimsuits today and plan on beginning lap swimming 


Congrats on your win!

Tuesday bbod lift and hiit and today 21 day fix extreme dirty 30.  



I walked a mile on the treadmill yesterday.
Today, too, then I did a weight circuit through the gym for 3 sets.

good job!

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I took a rest day yesterday thanks to the rain. 10 miles today on the trail. With all the rain we had yesterday I had to make a few changes to my planned route due to the overflowing creek. I'm working on finding a running speed that's slow enough to be restful.


This run is one of lots that I will run by myself in the lead up to my half marathon in September. Dh and I have run all of our long runs together up to this point, but he's training for a marathon and has his own time goals in mind. Sadly, I'm too slow to keep up. I miss running with him

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6 miles yesterday that felt like it was way harder than the heart rate data showed

7 mile tempo run today - 1.5 warm-up/cool down and 4 miles at half marathon goal pace


I ended the running week at almost 41 miles and got all excited until I remembered that the new running week starts tomorrow and rest day isn't until Wednesday. I think.  :lol: It has been a long couple of days.

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