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Could I ask for prayer for my son? (m)

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(Those of you who "know" me from this board will understand that I post here because I very rarely go to the General Board.)


My 15 yr old son has been suffering for at least two years now from chronic sinus congestion, post-nasal drip, and throat-clogging phlegm. He's had allergy testing which came back negative. Our GP first prescribed a steroidal nasal spray which did nothing. Eventually she agreed to refer him to an ENT specialist who put a scope through his nostrils and down his throat but found no abnormalities. His view was that this is a reflux problem--reflux pushing phlegm back up the esophagus and into the throat and sinuses--and prescribed an antacid. This has had little if any effect, so he then asked our GP to refer my son to a GI specialist. That has taken ages as well, and we have only now gotten the appointment date--end of May.


If I am at the end of my rope over this, I can only imagine what my son is experiencing. Every morning he has to spend almost half an hour hacking up phlegm and blowing his nose, and then must keep this up throughout the day. He uses a nasal irrigation system, has been drinking apple cider vinegar ( a supposed help), and has cut out dairy, citrus, tomato, etc--but all to no avail. When he comes down with a cold--as he has now--it's ten times worse.


By nature my son is an active,outgoing kid--always involved in something and full of life. For several years he has been involved in karate and even teaches at his school, but has had to call in sick a couple of times, something he hates to do as the school then has to scramble for a replacement. In a couple of weeks he's supposed to participate in a karate tournament and doesn't know how he'll do it. Yesterday I found him sitting and quietly crying over this. He feels so discouraged and hopeless. Although I have expressed my concerns to our doctor about the glacial pace at which treatment is occurring, all we get, of course, are sympathetic noises. I am growing very concerned over my son's emotional state, especially when he says that he "doesn't know ow much longer he can take this." (When you've had a husband who has taken his own life, I suppose you tend to react a little more strongly to such statements.)


We are desperately hoping that the GI specialist will be able to find some treatment to help with this condition--some way of tracking down the source of it, not just covering up symptoms. I'm sorry to go on at such length but I would deeply appreciate your ongoing prayers for this son (Erik). He so needs to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for any prayers.

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Praying, of course!


I am no doctor but I did suffer from something similar when I was under extreme stress. none of the western medicine suggestions did a thing to cure the sinus and drainage and congestion problems, only to mask them temporarily. I tried a lot of different things over the years. Accupuncture did help tremendously. Also, massive, and I mean massive doses of vitamin C. When I get this now I take 10,000 units at least three times a day or until it is clear that I am saturated (diarrhea). All that stress has taken its toll and his immune system needs to be recharged, imho. Poor guy - I DO know how he is feeling.



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I am so sorry. I suffer with chronic allergies and arthritis issues--being sick from a young age is horrible. (My allergies have been lifelong and getting worse, and my arthritis first became an issue when I was 22yo.)


Did they x-ray your son's head? I ask because when my son had chronic sinus/phlegm issues for three years, they ended up removing his adenoids. In his case his airway was *totally* blocked. The surgery changed his life. It has literally been a night/day difference. My son was also on nasal steroids and other meds (6x/day!!!). It's worth checking into. If they did not run an x-ray, then they really should have and need to do so.


Another possibility is for your ENT and/or general practitioner to call the GI specialist and beg for an earlier appointment. Often a dr has more sway than a worried mom. I would also suggest you call the GI specialist frequently to check on cancellations. One other thought is that IF the GI specialist needs tests run perhaps you can have that done *before* the appointment???


Sorry it's so rough.

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(Those of you who "know" me from this board will understand that I post here because I very rarely go to the General Board.)


(When you've had a husband who has taken his own life, I suppose you tend to react a little more strongly to such statements.)


We are desperately hoping that the GI specialist will be able to find some treatment to help with this condition--some way of tracking down the source of it, not just covering up symptoms.


Stacey, I do not post much on these boards...but I have read your post all along about your struggles with your children's education and your husband taking his life...and now this.


Though there were no children involved my ex husband took his own life several years back and even though we had been divorced for a long time it was still a very painful experience. I'm so sorry you and your children have had to go through this.


I just want to say that you and yours are in my prayers.

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I've had issues on and off with ongoing sinuses infections. I also tried nasal steroids, nasal irrigation, allergy testing and the like and had no positive results. I stumbled upon something a few years back that has miraculously kept the condition under control.


That is really watching my oral health -- brushing teeth at least twice/day, flossing once/day, and using a mouthwash containing alcohol twice/day. I just buy the generic stuff at the supermarket, but something strong like Listerine would be similar. When I use the mouthwash, I swish it around for about 30 seconds and then gargle with it before spitting it out and rinsing. I don't know what it is about this treatment, but if I only use the mouthwash once/day or if I forget for a couple of days, I can feel the congestion coming back. I'm still more prone to sinus infections (requiring antibiotics to clear) after colds, but otherwise, my sinuses are generally clear.


I hope you can find a solution to this condition. For me, the on-going congestion some how effects my ability to sleep well, and then I feel lousy from exhaustion as well.


Has a doctor tried a course of antibiotics? If that helps the condition, it may be that he's got a sinus infection that isn't clearing on its own.


Just a few thoughts,


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The nuclear option!!! He finally was sent to an ear, nose and throat specialist who operated on his sinuses -- trimmed them, re-routed one side of his nose!!! trimmed extra adenoids away et cetera. Since then he has had NO sinus infections. It took us 5 years of stupid tap dances around non-medical obstacles such as insurance people and HMOs before his every other month sinus infections and anti-biotics came to an end. We know what you're going through. My prayers are with you and they are that the Lord will help you find that one specialist who will have the wisdom to take care of your son.

love in Christ,


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I would suggest going to an ear, nose and throat doctor as well. My friend has a dd with similar problems and they are going to look specifically at her adenoids - directly related to sinuses. I would also recommend going to an Applied Kinesicologist. We use one and he is wonderful - they can help with just about everything.

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Dear Stacey,


I'll definitely will pray for your ds. My oldest suffers with similar symptoms. About a year ago he also had a bad cold virus and I gave him some high powered olive leaf extract. He took it three times per day for about a week, and during that time he was able to breathe! He doesn't like taking pills so he hasn't really had any lately. I do think it would help him. I firmly believe that a yeast infection has settled in my ds's sinus caveties due to bad eating habits (sweets, cokes, fast food). Olive Leaf Extract kills yeast. I think this is why my ds was able to breathe. I'm no doctor, and this is just a scientific hunch. If you ever think you would like to try this supplement then please e-mail me at whiskers32068@yahoo.com. I don't sell it, but I can send you to the website that does. I don't make any money from this company, however I've used their olive leaf supplement and it works!



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I see that your ds uses apple cider vinegar. I have acid reflux, and vinegar is one of the worst things that will aggrevate it. I would be careful in using it.


Still praying. Please keep us updated. I hope you can get an earlier appointment with the GI specialist. Try to get in good with the secretaries. I'm amazed that your GP can't order an upper GI which would confirm whether or not your dc has acid reflux. Perhaps you could push your GP in that direction.



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(acidophilus/bifidus) for the acid reflux. Sometimes, antibiotics or bad eating habits (too much sugar, etc.) may upset the balance of good bacteria in the stomach. If you try this, do a "load" (3-4 times the amount directed on the bottle - 20 to 40 billion cfu) for a month.


Another thing that helped my ds with acid reflux was raising the head of his bed. Dh rigged some wood blocks under his bed to raise the head of the bed. Maybe you could try one of those foam wedges to raise his upper body at night.


I'd also consider allergy proofing his bedroom - encasing pillow, mattress and mattress springs, using cotton sheets/blankets (& washing in hot water), removing books, stuffed animals, and maybe even replacing carpeting with laminate/wood/tile. Maybe an air cleaner would help also.


I'd also try the nasal irrigation 4 times a day.




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