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One more confession to get off my chest:

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Wow. Really, Stephanie, I expected better. WE, by contrast, carefully go through their candy with them and allow them to choose a handful of faves. They are allowed to eat one of each a day for about a week.


Then after they go to bed, we eat the rest.




We only eat MOST of the rest.




We only all of the rest of the chocolate.


Not kidding! :D

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I let my children eat their Halloween candy. All of it.


So there!


So do we, after we've checked it over. The thing is, DS is very slow. He'll have Halloween candy well after Valentine's Day. He dosen't get that much, either.


I always buy what we like to hand out, so I don't have to steal candy from my baby. lol (But if he gets something really good, he's great about sharing!)

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I let my children eat their Halloween candy. All of it.


So there!


That does not happen here. I wouldn't tolerate it.




My kids can eat all of it at a rate of one piece per day but they usually can't gut it out until its all gone. Amateurs, I say. I could have it polished off by November 4.

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I let my children eat their Halloween candy. All of it.


So there!

LOL... DS can eat as much as he wants on Halloween night (someday he'll get that tummy ache I keep saying he's going to get... right?) and then a reasonable amount any day after that, but only after lunchtime. Candy is not a breakfast food!! ;) And of course there are pieces that disappear... I couldn't possibly say how that happens.... :D

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Okay, okay, you're right, I didn't 'fess up to the candy I snitch from them :D Or anything that looks suspicious (all M&Ms look suspicious, don't they?).


VERY suspicious...but not quite as suspicious as Reese's peanut butter cups or those sneaky little Hershey's miniatures. We have to be ever vigilant, don't we?:D

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VERY suspicious...but not quite as suspicious as Reese's peanut butter cups or those sneaky little Hershey's miniatures. We have to be ever vigilant, don't we?:D




My children have an aversion to nuts so I kindly point out everything that has nuts: Snickers, peanut M&Ms, Baby Ruth, Mr. Goodbar. My son thinks he hates butter so he gives me all the Butterfingers. Who am I to argue?

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us too! Even worse I do not limit their daily amount, so by Nov 3 they have pretty much eaten it all. I figure that way they get all candied out quickly and I don't have to stress about rationing it. I figure twice a year they get a pile of candy(halloween and easter) I may as well let them enjoy every piece of it.

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VERY suspicious...but not quite as suspicious as Reese's peanut butter cups or those sneaky little Hershey's miniatures. We have to be ever vigilant, don't we?:D


Skittles. Skittles are ALWAYS worth a CAREFUL inspection. ;)


I let my kids eat all their candy too. Except for the stuff I sneak after they're in bed. The worst part of Halloween is when the candy bags have shrunk in quantity enough so that they'll notice if you take any more of it.

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I must be really bad. I have no rules for Halloween candy. Candy for breadkfast? Of course! What's better than reeces peanut butter cups for breakfast :thumbup: :leaving:


Of course my kids are maniacs by about 8am on those days. :willy_nilly:


I do have one rule. I just remembered. They have to pay a tax for every candy I open. One bite or one piece per candy. It's a teaching mement. :001_smile:



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All the Halloween candy is consumed in our house too. (Notice the careful use of the passive voice there?:D)


Our rules:

1. No candy until after lunch (and you have to eat breakfast and lunch to get candy).

2. At the end of any candy-eating session, all wrappers and any partially eaten candy must be thrown away. No wrapping the sucker up to save for later. For some of my kids, at some ages, this has seriously reduced the amount of candy they consume.

3. Mom tax may be levied at any time and must be paid without complaint.


Of course, we also sneak candy while they are at school (there are some advantages to ps!) and after they go to bed. My middle son likes to hide his pumpkin in his room to reduce parental sneakage. :blush: I do try to not take the last piece of a given candy type. (For example, I won't eat the last Snickers bar.)

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