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flying for the first time in 4 years...


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Wear socks- you will need to take off your shoes for TSA,

Wear comfortable clothes. Be ready to empty out your pockets. It's not too bad and seems to move faster these days.

You can't carry liquids in containers bigger than a certain fl oz and then you need to bag them in ziplock bags- think perfume, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, conditioner etc.

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And don't make any flight attendants angry or video of you might go viral.



I do the opposite. We carry $5 Starbucks cards and give then to particularly helpful or stressed out travelers / attendants / gate agents. For $10 or $15 every few trips (we travel a lot, relatively speaking) it blesses us and others. It's helped my kids to focus on looking out for others and seeing the needs of others, which can be hard when traveling.

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I do the opposite. We carry $5 Starbucks cards and give then to particularly helpful or stressed out travelers / attendants / gate agents. For $10 or $15 every few trips (we travel a lot, relatively speaking) it blesses us and others. It's helped my kids to focus on looking out for others and seeing the needs of others, which can be hard when traveling.

What a lovely idea!

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I've found that I don't always have to take off my shoes and I don't always have to pull out my quart-sized Ziploc of liquids in containers 3 ounces or less. It seems to vary by airport these days. Just read the signs and listen to what is actually being announced/yelled.


They don't care about electronics except laptops. Sometimes they want the cords out also, but usually not.


Be sure to have your license or passport with you! Ai-yi-yi, I saw a woman recently - it was not going to end well.

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Have valid ID. If its domestic and your drivers license expires whie you are on the trip, you will have a delay if you have nothing else. I was with dh, it was return leg, and I whipped out my library card in addition to volunteering that I knew it expired earlier in the week,but the new one hadn't arrived before we began our trip.

Edited by Heigh Ho
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When you get your boarding pass, check for the words "Pre Check" (or an abbreviation of that).  If you see it, you'll get to go through the Pre-check line, you won't have to remove your shoes, and you won't be x-rayed.  This happened to us this weekend, and it was a nice surprise.  Apparently, we were randomly selected by the airlines for this special treatment.  


Don't wear an underwire bra.  I've been flagged in the past by the x-ray machine, and had to be patted down.  Not fun.

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Although there is no guarantee that all of these things will be needed, these are the most common things required for a smooth trip.  As others have said:


1.  Get to the airport early.

2.  Don't carry on liquids over 3 oz.

3.  Put all liquids under 3 oz. in a quart size clear baggie that you can easily pull out quickly at security (including makeup and medications and food/drink).

4.  Have a valid ID that will not expire during your trip and make sure it is readily available.

5.  Wear socks and preferably slip on shoes for ease of removal and putting back on when going through security.

6.  Prepare to remove your lap top and run through the security scan separately so have it easily accessible/removable.

7.  Prepare to take off jackets.  You may have to run them through the scanner separately.

8.  Don't have keys/coins/other metal in your pockets.  Goes much more smoothly if they are in the bag going through the security scan.

9.  Be aware that some makeup has metal in it.  This may delay getting through the scan.  As mentioned up thread avoid lots of makeup for this reason.

10.  Don't joke with the airport employees.  :)

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so, has anything changed?  we will not be checking bags...just carry on luggage.


What will we need to know about going through security...and anything else.


We are headed to DC on Monday.


Some airlines have ever-so-slightly changed the size and/or weight allowed for carry-ons.  Double check your airline's rules to be sure your luggage, which may have fit before, still fits the guidelines.  Every airline's rules about size and weight are slightly different.  They seem to be more serious about checking this, too, so be prepared to put your carry-on into their size frame thingy.  They are also getting more serious about the number of items you can take on - used to be you could get away with rollaboard suitcase, giant tote bag, plus purse.  Now they are often asking you to put your purse into your tote before getting into the boarding line to be sure you only have your two allowed items.  Pack less than your capacity, to allow space for new things on the way home.


All the usual advice still applies.  

  • Bring food and plan ahead in case you are delayed or stranded so that you can take it in stride.
  • Look directly at every airline employee you interact with, give them a smile, and say something nice.  A simple "hello" on boarding, or when talking to a gate agent, can pay off later if there are complications of some sort.
  • Dress in layers, as it can be hot or cold.
  • Fill your water bottles (or buy a bottle) after security / before boarding so you aren't dependent on the flight attendant if you get thirsty.
  • Have ID & ticket/itinerary info easy to access.
  • Have a little something to entertain yourself and kids during the flight and in case of delay.  I like to load up books on my Kindle and audio books for the kids on iPods; the library and/or Project Gutenberg and/or Librivox are good free sources.  Don't underestimate the potential here to get some good literature time in!
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When you get your boarding pass, check for the words "Pre Check" (or an abbreviation of that).  If you see it, you'll get to go through the Pre-check line, you won't have to remove your shoes, and you won't be x-rayed.  This happened to us this weekend, and it was a nice surprise.  Apparently, we were randomly selected by the airlines for this special treatment.  


Don't wear an underwire bra.  I've been flagged in the past by the x-ray machine, and had to be patted down.  Not fun.


When I see precheck on my boarding pass it feels like I just won the lottery.  I used to only get it occasionally but I think I've had it nine out of the last ten flights I've taken. Keeping my fingers crossed when I check in tomorrow.


OP, I think security checks are more friendly these days.  I can't remember the last time I heard the agents barking instructions and they aren't as grouchy when they run across an infrequent traveler who needs some help.  Even when they find contraband like a full water bottle they are more polite- they used to yell and throw it away but now they offer to let you finish it or dump it out and refill on the other side. 

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When I see precheck on my boarding pass it feels like I just won the lottery.  I used to only get it occasionally but I think I've had it nine out of the last ten flights I've taken. Keeping my fingers crossed when I check in tomorrow.


The last two times a flew the pre-check lines were significantly longer than the regular lines.  There was a time premium paid for not slipping off your shoes and pulling your bag of liquids out.

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The last two times a flew the pre-check lines were significantly longer than the regular lines.  There was a time premium paid for not slipping off your shoes and pulling your bag of liquids out.


I haven't run across that yet but with more people being allowed into the precheck line, I'm sure I will soon.   I'm ok with extra time. Dh has some mobility issues and the whole taking shoes off/walking with no shoes/putting them back on is difficult for him.  I wish he could wear slip on shoes!

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When you get your boarding pass, check for the words "Pre Check" (or an abbreviation of that).  If you see it, you'll get to go through the Pre-check line, you won't have to remove your shoes, and you won't be x-rayed.  This happened to us this weekend, and it was a nice surprise.  Apparently, we were randomly selected by the airlines for this special treatment.  


Don't wear an underwire bra.  I've been flagged in the past by the x-ray machine, and had to be patted down.  Not fun.


The new x-ray machines seem to get everyone - I got a pat down a couple of weekends ago because the metal clasp in my bra triggered a "spot" on the machine. The TSA agent was very polite, but it still sucked. My advice would be to try not to wear anything with metal on it.

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