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how do you find a counselor?


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How would I go about finding a marriage/family counselor if I wanted one who has a specific style?  That's not the right word but I can't think of a better one.  What I mean is, I like the Dance of...books and I can see that the suggestions in there would be really helpful, but I'm not sure I can figure out how to implement them on my own, so I'd like somebody who gives suggestions similar to those who could talk me through them.  Also, DH told me the other day, "You don't like anything I do."  He's right, and it's not really fair to him, but I don't know what to do about it.  So maybe a counselor could help me figure that out too.

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1 - pulled the list from my insurance company

2 - pulled up the web page for each councilor from #1 on the list looking for key words on their site that matched what I wanted (experience counseling young adultS)


3 - called each one from #2 to find out how long I would need to wait for the first appointment


4 - took first available with the knowledge that I might have to bail and go to the next one on the list if things didn't click properly.

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New Life Live has counselor referral based on your area.

You can given them some specifics and they can refer you - at least this is how they used to do it.


You can also google counselors, many have a brief description of their therapeutic approaches.

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Pastors also usually have a list.  This is particularly helpful if you want a Christian counselor, but often they have lists of all types of counselors that have a good reputation in your area.  Even if you don't have a church, you can call a local church and ask.

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1 - pulled the list from my insurance company

2 - pulled up the web page for each councilor from #1 on the list looking for key words on their site that matched what I wanted (experience counseling young adultS)


3 - called each one from #2 to find out how long I would need to wait for the first appointment


4 - took first available with the knowledge that I might have to bail and go to the next one on the list if things didn't click properly.


This, and asking friends if they have one they liked or disliked and why.


It sometimes takes a few tries to find someone who fits.

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I think personal recommendations are best. Doctor, pastor, school counselor, etc. are all good. And friends, of course. But if those don't work, I'd look on local boards. I asked around and found a couple of people that way among friends, but none of them fit. But then I found ds's therapist through a local moms board - someone recommended her. I called and had a chat and liked her.

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We asked about counselors from a local enrichment program our kids attend. 


I agree that it can take more than one to find the right one. Our counselor said two sessions--don't give someone more than two sessions to see if things click or not. 


Best wishes! We love our counselor, and I really hope you find a good fit.


Also, it's nice to know what you want vs. don't want, but some guidelines like being CBT literate, are good ways of paring down a list as well. CBT=cognitive behavioral therapy

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