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Dentist or GP?


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I have an infected tooth that will need a root canal. Totally aware of the fact. At the moment I just want to sleep. I got about 3 hours of sleep. Ibuprofen is doing nothing.


I don't want pain killers because they make me vomit. I want to get an antibiotic.


My dentist is in another town, my GP in my town. I'm just wondering if my GP will make me go through the dentist.


I'm guessing my GP will make me come in for an appointment. Do dentists usually just call in a script? We knew this might happen.


I just want sleep :(



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Dentist, and she will likely want to see you unless you are a long-term patient.


When I had an infected jaw, the only thing that would touch it was 800 mg ibuprofen and two extra-strength tylenol. I had permission from my dentist to double up on the meds, so I recommend you ask the dentist if it is okay to do so.



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I am a long term patient and was just there. That's why we knew this might happen. It's also why I was hoping I wouldn't have to go in.


I've taken 800mg of Ibuprofen. I don't have any Tylenol. Might have to see if we have the kid stuff.


I just want it to be 8am so I can call either one.



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If you were just at the dentist, they'll probably call in a prescription for antibiotics for you. Mine did that and got me a same day emergency appt at the endodontist when I had an infected tooth. 


Good luck - tooth pain is the worst!

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The dentist office hasn't turned off their answering machine so they aren't picking up. Doctor said medical won't cover it. I went to urgent care 2 years ago for something similar and it was covered.


Wah! The dentist needs to pick up. All I can do to keep the pain down is hold cool water in my mouth on that side.



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Tooth pain is the worst.  My dh has dealt with a lot this himself recently.  The only thing that helped him, and it really helped, was the combo of three Ibuprofen and 2 Tylenol, as someone as mentioned.  Hopefully your dentist can prescribe the antibiotics over the phone, but you really need the root canal ASAP!  Our medical insurance never covers root canals either.  It's very frustrating.


Good luck!


ETA: I just remembered that the first time this happened to my dh when we were on vacation, we were at a National Park and there was not a dentist around.  He did end up going to a regular doctor there (GP) who prescribed him antibiotics and pain pills (though it was only the above combo that helped the pain) until we could get home in a few days to see our own dentist.

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After 2 days of no sleep I was able to get an emergency appointment with the endodontist. I felt relief as soon as he numbed me :) He said 90% of people would feel relief after this first appointment. I did! I went home and slept. I go back for my root canal on May 3.


Nothing was helping, and I didn't want to have to go out to buy clove oil. I was in too much pain to deal with the grocery store. I'm glad I can stop taking 4 Advil and 2 Extra Strength Tylenol every 4-6 hours. My stomach was starting to hurt.


Just glad to be out of pain. I do have a prescription for pain killers in case I need it. I really don't want it because they make me vomit, but after two days of no sleep I was willing to make the sacrifice.  



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As a temporary solution you can use clove oil dabbed on a cotton ball. I don't know if you need to dilute it first, so I would. Dh has used this to help with tooth pain before.


just a reminder/heads up - some people are allergic to the eugenol in the clove oil.



OP - glad you're feeling better.

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After 2 days of no sleep I was able to get an emergency appointment with the endodontist. I felt relief as soon as he numbed me :) He said 90% of people would feel relief after this first appointment. I did! I went home and slept. I go back for my root canal on May 3.


Nothing was helping, and I didn't want to have to go out to buy clove oil. I was in too much pain to deal with the grocery store. I'm glad I can stop taking 4 Advil and 2 Extra Strength Tylenol every 4-6 hours. My stomach was starting to hurt.


Just glad to be out of pain. I do have a prescription for pain killers in case I need it. I really don't want it because they make me vomit, but after two days of no sleep I was willing to make the sacrifice.  




It really is amazing how quickly Endodontists can make you feel better!! My first appointment, I was in so much pain, I was crying in the waiting room. Within minutes, all the pain was gone. Glad you're feeling better!!

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