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So...life without a dishwasher?


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You are all talking me out of the no dishwasher thing. Well, that and the fact that on day one of my experiment I was left with a sinkful of dishes that didn't get done on Easter AND cleaning out the refrigerator day was today with all the crusty leftover dishes.


I am currently reworking my kitchen plan, lol...No resale issues, as this is an old family farmhouse on a family farm. Storage is super tight but I have done that here too and still had a dishwasher. I don't think it would be a huge deal breaker for me as it appears to be for many of you, but I do already feel sort of overwhelmed by life in general (working part time, homeschooling, activities, housework, etc..) So now is probably not the best time to take away something that helps me. I think I will still do my experiment just so I am convinced I need one..

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Storage is super tight but I have done that here too and still had a dishwasher. I don't think it would be a huge deal breaker for me as it appears to be for many of you, but I do already feel sort of overwhelmed by life in general (working part time, homeschooling, activities, housework, etc..) So now is probably not the best time to take away something that helps me. I think I will still do my experiment just so I am convinced I need one..


I have a small kitchen but there's also a closet near the dining area and I've converted into a place for dishes. Even though we store them out there we were going to have to carry them there for meals anyway so it's the same amount of work, but at a different place in the cycle. Do you have room for a corner cabinet or open shelving in the dining area, or can you carve out part of a nearby closet to relieve some of the kitchen cabinet crunch?

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Not trying to argue or talk anyone into anything, but dishwashers are getting better all the time.  A good dishwasher doesn't require rinsing beforehand.  We scrape the plates to minimize chunks of food getting caught in the filters but we don't rinse at all.  Some dishwashers have grinders in them so scraping isn't even necessary.  We chose a quieter dishwasher so no grinder. 

Well, yes and no.  In an effort to meet increasingly stringent energy saving requirements a lot of them have been redesigned in such a way that they don't really dry the dishes.

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I didn't have one as a child. It was no big deal. Rinsing before the dishwasher takes about as much time as actually washing. Just be sure to leave enough space for a large drying rack or even two racks.



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But see a good dishwasher doesn't require rinsing.  

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Well, yes and no.  In an effort to meet increasingly stringent energy saving requirements a lot of them have been redesigned in such a way that they don't really dry the dishes.



I don't mind opening the door and letting them dry on the racks before I unload.  Mine doesn't dry very well because it is like the worst dishwasher ever.

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I didn't have one for the first 10 years. I love having one now. My DH really had an issue with helping with the dishes for some reason even though he would do other stuff round the house and it bred a lot of resentment for me. Now we don't have that issue.


I'm also really prone to dermatitis both from soaps and detergents and rubber gloves and I'm super clumsy when I use the gloves with seperate cotton liners. Before we used the dishwasher I'd often have cracked red hands. Now we rarely do.

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Well, yes and no.  In an effort to meet increasingly stringent energy saving requirements a lot of them have been redesigned in such a way that they don't really dry the dishes.


Funny, our old dishwasher had an option to skip the heat drying.  I liked that, and don't remember problems with the dishes being wet.  That dishwasher died, and we were without for a long time.  The new dishwasher, which is labeled as very energy-efficient, doesn't have that option,   If I have to open it to get something out right after the cycle finishes, it's all so hot!   But they are dry, that's for sure.  

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Thanks for all the feedback! It's funny how people fall to such extremes on these issues (kind of like the one bathroom thread, lol...). I am really not sure what to do yet, so I am going to throw a bunch of things in my current dishwasher and try out the experiment. I will have at least one night where we have guests and a pile of dishes too 😀


I am pretty sure I won't mind for a little while but I am just not sure about the long haul! Most people I know who went without one hated it and couldn't wait to get one. I didn't have one for a few years early in our marriage and I don't remember it being a huge deal but I didn't have kids using 20 cups a day either! If every one has a turn hand washing maybe that will improve.

I was fine not having a dishwasher until I had 3 kids. The third kid pushed me over the line and I gave up a cupboard and dh installed a dishwasher.

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