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What can I buy each of my kids to listen to audiobooks?

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I'm technology illiterate apparently. Someone mentioned an ipod, someone else a Kindle Fire. I just want the easiest, cheapest thing to give my older kids so they can listen to book.


Mostly, I plan to get these from the library which would require internet. Maybe audible although I don't know how it works. I just know I need to get my kids something so they can listen.



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My kids use an echo dot for all the audible books. It might not be what you want because I don't think it can do anything besides audible, but it is really easy for them. "Alexa, read xxxx" and it picks up right where they left off.


For books we stream through librivox, I just use my own cell phone connected via blue tooth to an ankr soundcore speaker. Any old smart phone with blue tooth would work and could be a much cheaper option than a new piece of tech.

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we use two things - Old kindle Touch which you have to buy used on Amazon now but they have audio speakers.  And my kids have Kindle Fires.  You can lock internet on them.  Don't put minecraft on there or you'll run into the issue I face - kid says they are going to listen to a book and I find them playing games.  For our library audiobooks, I download on the computer and transfer to the kindle via USB cord.  At least with our library, audiobooks can't be sent to a kindle via wi-fi, only cord.  I've never put library audiobooks on the Fires, only the Touches.  Books purchased on Audible books automatically go to the Fires via wi-fi. 

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We've always had iPods. First they had Nanos, but there wasn't enough storage so they got iPod Touches for Christmas. I keep them VERY locked down, and all they have are music and audiobook access. No internet, no other apps.


Refurbished the price isn't too bad.

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I think Kindle Fires would be your cheapest best. We got ours for $35. and we invested in good cases that were just as expensive as the Fires. They have been our best Homeschool investment so far. We have the Overdrive app where we can download library audiobooks very easily. Audible would be very easy, but we can't afford it. It's also easy to listen to books through YouTube or Librivox.

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I buy older mp3 players from ebay.  I stick with the Creative Zen brand because I know that they will pick up mid-track unlike most others of the which always start at the beginning.   When the track might be an hour long, that is a problem.  I never pay over $40 total.  I also like to get one with a little speaker in it.  That way I can stick it in my front pocket and listen while tidying the house.  I also have a little speaker that I bought at Walmart for <$20. It has a rechargable battery in it, and can use bluetooth or a headset cable.   


I think you'll be impressed with what your library has available if they have a download site.  

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My kids use an echo dot for all the audible books. It might not be what you want because I don't think it can do anything besides audible, but it is really easy for them. "Alexa, read xxxx" and it picks up right where they left off.


For books we stream through librivox, I just use my own cell phone connected via blue tooth to an ankr soundcore speaker. Any old smart phone with blue tooth would work and could be a much cheaper option than a new piece of tech.

Oh we can use Alexa for this? I hate that thing. But now, less so! I need to attach my phone to it somehow?
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You don't need to attach your phone for the echo. It has to be on your Wi-Fi and I think the account setup stuff to link audible has to be done just once through the app but maybe you can do it on the computer, I am not sure. I have strict rules for what my kids are allowed to ask Alexa to do(no jokes, no Simon says, etc), otherwise I hate it too. It is awfully good for letting them listen to audio books independently though. They truly have listened to hundreds of hours more since we got it at Christmas than I would have given them or assigned.

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My kids use an echo dot for all the audible books. It might not be what you want because I don't think it can do anything besides audible, but it is really easy for them. "Alexa, read xxxx" and it picks up right where they left off.


For books we stream through librivox, I just use my own cell phone connected via blue tooth to an ankr soundcore speaker. Any old smart phone with blue tooth would work and could be a much cheaper option than a new piece of tech.

Is your Dot hooked up to a separate speaker? I was thinking about getting one for DS but I thought it needed a separate speaker.

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Is your Dot hooked up to a separate speaker? I was thinking about getting one for DS but I thought it needed a separate speaker.

Nope. The kids just move it with them from room to room if they need to. It reconnects to the wifi pretty much instantly on getting plugged back in. It CAN connect to a separate speaker via cable or wifi but for audio books, the echo dot itself has a fine speaker.

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No, definitely not. NO internet. I literally just want audiobook. I would be okay with classical type music too but have no idea how to get that or how to limit it.


The amazon kindle fire is relatively inexpensive and has AWESOME parental controls. For my ds, who needs extreme control, I just flat turn things off. I can turn off anything I want off. You have timers, can passcode lock it. You can lock the wifi so they can't get on without a passcode. So for my ds, I keep apps off most of the time and only connect it to the internet when I want it on.


LOVE the kindle. Can't beat the price, the durability, the features. But a kindle for each dc and earbuds for each dc. Instant peace in the house or car! 


My ds also likes ebooks on his kindle. He reads Calvin & Hobbes comics on there. You can also get ebooks to pair with the audiobooks and do immersion reading. Your library will help you start using the audiobooks if you take in the device. Just take it in and they'll help you. :)

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