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The Final Four Teachers Lounge 4-3-2017


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Good morning, everyone!


Welcome to the Lounge where, if I had a planning bone in my body, we'd have stocked up on ginger ale, sodas, basketball shaped cookies, munchies and the like for you to enjoy while watching the final game of the Final Four today.

But since I'm not, we don't. Coffee and tea is about it for this morning.


What did you do this weekend? Here: yesterday I spent the day with my kids and their BFFs at the Renaissance Festival so nothing at all constructive got done at the house. I still need to do some lesson planning for THIS week (ugh) but have to work today so it probably won't get done today either.


Anyone been following the Final Four Championship (NCAA college basketball)? Here: Not exactly following but I work as a security guard at the stadium where it is this year so I'll be working a long day today.


Anyone else not quite awake? Here: me! I started this post about an hour ago and had it in my head I'd finished and posted it. Then I came to look for responses and found I hadn't finished it! Oh, boy.


Talk to me! :bigear: 



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Hi Scrap!


I might watch the game. I went to an ACC school, so I'll cheer for Carolina, though the Zags are favored. Dh and Ds have Cub Scouts, but we live in Central time, so they will be home in time to watch. Though no way is Ds staying up to watch the whole game.


The weekend was lovely, unrushed, and ordinary. Grocery shopping, church, some yardwork, some reading. 


I am awake despite a gray, rainy day. I woke up early and enjoyed some peace and quiet before everyone else got up. 




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This weekend: I didn't do much besides relax and ride horses. It was a very nonproductive weekend.  :P


Final Four: Nope, not a basketball fan - but I am anxiously awaiting the start of hockey playoffs! (Go Blackhawks!!) Hope all goes well with your security job. I bet it can get kind of crazy at those games!


Not quite awake: That's me. One of our dogs is on a prescription diet to prevent bladder crystals and it makes him drink and pee a lot, so now he's up every night wanting to go out in the wee hours. My husband commented that it's like having a baby again.  :laugh:

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On Saturday, we built bridges. We'd done a Mystery Science lesson about bridges on Friday, but hadn't gotten around to actually building bridges out of paper and putting pennies on them to test their strength. Celery spent maybe an hour on it, Broccoli spent probably 3 hours building paper bridges - he absolutely loved it. On Sunday my wife took the kids on a bike ride (to do Pokemon Go), and I did some Khan Academy and watched some TV. 


I didn't even know what the thread title was about, so, no, we don't follow basketball (or any sportsball, for that matter). 


Definitely awake, but contemplating taking an allergy pill. I need to buy some more, so at the moment we only have Benadryl, so if I take that I would become drowsy. The weather is nice - did some gardening outside in only a t-shirt while Celery was at speech... trying to trim some shrubs and get rid of some weeds so I can sow some flower seeds.

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FYI, I'll be leaving in about 30 minutes to head out to work. Chat amongst yourselves and have

a blessed, restful day. The Lounge may open late tomorrow as I will be getting home late tonight 

and getting up early tomorrow to drive the kids to horsemanship lessons. Tuesday afternoon, I may 

just sleep through til Wednesday!

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In between running to the hospital to check on my mom who has been there a week now with father figure who is not doing well, only has two months to live, and won't sign a DNR order, we've been packing for the NASA trip with the rocket team. Oh, I also frantically hemmed eldest ds's new tux pants because he got a weekend email from the director that the chorale and orchestra were getting professional photos tonight only to get a follow up email today that said, oops we meant next Monday night. It is done though, so there is that.


What's the Final Four? Just joking :D but that is an indicator of how much basketball we watch.


I am awake because I had to be. The dog had a vet appointment this morning. And the imp managed to knock open the door on his dog crate so he got loose in the back of the van. The van we had just cleaned. The van that was just vacuumed. The windows of that van now having dog nose prints on them. GRRRR......Now I want another pot of coffee to sip on while I finish checking off items on the packing list in between taking moments to glare at that dog!

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What did I do this weekend?  Took Dd to a climbing competition 2 hours away early in the morning.  Despite rolling her ankle on Wednesday, she managed to place second in her category.  I spent the morning belaying at the comp.  We went out for a team lunch to a really cool empanada restaurant.  On the way back, Dd informed me that we were invited to dinner at her friend's parents' house.  And we had to bring something.  And it was an "International" theme since the foreign exchange student they hosted a few years back was in town with her family.  Fortunately, we had potica in the freezer.  And I had to do a quick clean up when we got home.  Interesting evening trying to communicate with the girls' parents who spoke almost no English.  Dh understood some German, but can't speak it.  Fortunately, the host family's dad spoke some German.  We mostly pointed and nodded.  Yesterday, I spent most of the day in bed with a killer headache.  Didn't even make it to church.  I did watch Call the Midwife, though.


Final Four? I really haven't been following it much since my Illini were so bad this year.  I've been places where it has been on, but the two teams I cared about were robbed.  Since Dd has climbing practice tonight and we won't get home until late, I doubt I'll tune in.  I'm pretty sure it won't be a big topic at the climbing gym. 


Am I awake?  Well, I accomplished quite a bit this morning online this morning (reservations for an out of town competition, paid some bills, but I haven't been out to walk the dog yet.  And the rest of my day is piling up on me. 

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This Weekend: Ran errands.  Bought an iPad.


Final Four: No.  Seriously couldn't care less about it.


Not Quite Awake: I wake up ready to go and fully awake every morning around 6 or 6:30.  I'm no longer quite awake, however, by 4 pm lol

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All I can say is Go Heels!


I'll get home just in time for the tipoff.


I just hope it won't be a nailbiter like the last two games...

Oh, but the close games with lead changes that run down to the wire are so much more exciting to watch! :)

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The weather is nice - did some gardening outside in only a t-shirt while Celery was at speech... trying to trim some shrubs and get rid of some weeds so I can sow some flower seeds.



And, trimmed some more, and put some Nasturtium and Impatiens seeds in the ground. Which is pretty optimistic and impatient, since they both said "after risk of frost", and technically that date for Buffalo is May 20th, but I looked at the forecast for the next month and a half, and there are two nights it's supposed to drop to 31, and other than that, no frost, so... yeah. Work with me here, global warming!


We also went to the playground right after public school was out, and they'd put the swings back up, so Broccoli was very excited by that, and they both had a bunch of fun. 

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