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What blood tests to ask Dr for 20yo DD.


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I thought the hive might have some good ideas. DD has agreed to a blood test today so I want to know what to ask for. She is quite often tired, does not deal very well with stress, is often depressed (low level, she can still work etc but is just flat), has achey joints whenever she doesn't wear her magnetic bracelet (has been tested for rheumatoid arthritis a few years ago but tests were inconclusive). She donated blood a year ago and it took her several months to not feel quite weak and listless. She had iron then but stopped after the course finished.


I'm kind of thinking full iron studies, maybe also B12, and D? Any other thoughts?


Thanks so much in advance. It's not often that she agrees to this so I want to get a comprehensive check. She said she would agree to the test when I told her that I'm going to buy a bottle of floradix and give it to her. She said that she thinks her ferritin was 30 three months after donating blood so if it's lower than that she'll take the floradix.

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A complete thyroid panel; I'm not an expert but hopefully more knowledgeable folks will chime in. Free T3, free T4, and reverse something-or-other are what I seem to remember being recommended.

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A complete thyroid panel; I'm not an expert but hopefully more knowledgeable folks will chime in. Free T3, free T4, and reverse sonething-or-other are what I seem to remember being recommended.


ft3, ft4,

it's reverse t3


no totals - they're worthless.  the only thing tsh is good for is determining how your pituitary is doing.  it's not a thyroid hormone.


24 hour cortisol - which is adrenals  (the blood test is not reliable.)


I posted the link for the rec'd labs below.


there are FOUR iron labs- not one.

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Perhaps instead of firing a machine gun into the air in hopes you will hit something, let the doctor do a history and physical first. That may narrow down the labs she needs tremendously. In addition, some lab can narrow down other lab she might not need. Not only will this approach save her a lot of money, it will also save her the harm from false positive testing of tests she never needed in the first place.

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Perhaps instead of firing a machine gun into the air in hopes you will hit something, let the doctor do a history and physical first. That may narrow down the labs she needs tremendously. In addition, some lab can narrow down other lab she might not need. Not only will this approach save her a lot of money, it will also save her the harm from false positive testing of tests she never needed in the first place.


ITA, except for thyroid labs. She needs Free T3, Free T4, and Reverse T3 (they will test TSH no matter what). TSH only is useless. Any other thyroid labs (e.g., total anything) are useless.

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Thyroid basics: Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, TSH; TPO, TgAB (Hashimoto's), and TSI (Graves) antibodies


You'll want to print hard copies of all lab results.


You don't want her thyroid levels to be "normal." "Normal" does not mean "as long as the labs are within these ranges, she should feel fine." Her TSH should be in the lower fourth of the lab's ranges; Free T3 should be in the upper fourth; Free T4 should be in the upper half. Antibodies can be in the normal range, though. :-)

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So she went with my list and her symptoms, and the Dr said he doesn't think her symptoms warrant any tests because her last lot of bloods last year, not sure what was tested at that point, showed normal. Therefore no need for any more. She rang me very upset about feeling like a fool and feeling that it was my fault that I pushed her into going.


I told her that I've never had a Dr refuse to test before. Some are certainly a bit peeved that you are asking for specific tests rather than letting them be the diagnosing Dr. So yes, I understand her annoyance, and I am too. It's pretty much ruined further chances of getting her to do tests for a few years I'm sure.

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So she went with my list and her symptoms, and the Dr said he doesn't think her symptoms warrant any tests because her last lot of bloods last year, not sure what was tested at that point, showed normal. Therefore no need for any more. She rang me very upset about feeling like a fool and feeling that it was my fault that I pushed her into going.


I told her that I've never had a Dr refuse to test before. Some are certainly a bit peeved that you are asking for specific tests rather than letting them be the diagnosing Dr. So yes, I understand her annoyance, and I am too. It's pretty much ruined further chances of getting her to do tests for a few years I'm sure.

Ugh!  How annoying/frustrating!  I'm sorry.  Did the tests last year ever address her thyroid?  I wonder if she fully explained her symptoms.  

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So she went with my list and her symptoms, and the Dr said he doesn't think her symptoms warrant any tests because her last lot of bloods last year, not sure what was tested at that point, showed normal. Therefore no need for any more. She rang me very upset about feeling like a fool and feeling that it was my fault that I pushed her into going.


I told her that I've never had a Dr refuse to test before. Some are certainly a bit peeved that you are asking for specific tests rather than letting them be the diagnosing Dr. So yes, I understand her annoyance, and I am too. It's pretty much ruined further chances of getting her to do tests for a few years I'm sure.


That's crap.  I'd find a new primary care!

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That's crap. I'd find a new primary care!

Our usual Dr takes weeks to get in to see, and my daughter is just here visiting for the week from out of the state, so I thought just for ordering blood tests she can go to any dr in that practice. Obviously not. Yes, I was not happy.

I wouldn't be surprised if she underplayed her symptoms as she doesn't like to feel like she's a whiner about health, but still...if someone asks for certain tests, you'd think the Dr would assume they had a reason for doing so.

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Directlabs.com is a way to get around skeptical physicians but the results will come without interpretation. So I tend to use them prior to appointments with non-network specialists as a way of saving a visit.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So she went with my list and her symptoms, and the Dr said he doesn't think her symptoms warrant any tests because her last lot of bloods last year, not sure what was tested at that point, showed normal. Therefore no need for any more. She rang me very upset about feeling like a fool and feeling that it was my fault that I pushed her into going.


I told her that I've never had a Dr refuse to test before. Some are certainly a bit peeved that you are asking for specific tests rather than letting them be the diagnosing Dr. So yes, I understand her annoyance, and I am too. It's pretty much ruined further chances of getting her to do tests for a few years I'm sure.


Welcome to the world of "everything is normal." :cursing:


Your daughter has symptoms. They could be serious symptoms. Here's Rule #1: Never, ever be happy with "normal." The number of thyroid disease patients alone who spent years battling their doctors because the minimal lab work done came back "normal" is legion.

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It should not have taken that much out of her to donate blood. I would think her iron would be the most likely culprit. It is very common to have low iron at that age and low iron can really mess someone up.


I would only have her iron, Vit D and B tested initially. That would be most likely. If those are not conclusive then I would have thyroid checked. Though...if you do not have to pay for the tests I would do them all at once.


She probably should not have stopped taking iron. I have to take toxic levels of iron just to keep from being anemic....I wouldn't recommend people just doing that but some people have to.

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Welcome to the world of "everything is normal." :cursing:


Your daughter has symptoms. They could be serious symptoms. Here's Rule #1: Never, ever be happy with "normal." The number of thyroid disease patients alone who spent years battling their doctors because the minimal lab work done came back "normal" is legion.

That is true, there is a very particular range of normal and some people with thyroid conditions only feel well if it is within a certain range. If getting tested ask for the actual numbers instead of whether or not it is, "normal."

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So she went with my list and her symptoms, and the Dr said he doesn't think her symptoms warrant any tests because her last lot of bloods last year, not sure what was tested at that point, showed normal. Therefore no need for any more. She rang me very upset about feeling like a fool and feeling that it was my fault that I pushed her into going.


I told her that I've never had a Dr refuse to test before. Some are certainly a bit peeved that you are asking for specific tests rather than letting them be the diagnosing Dr. So yes, I understand her annoyance, and I am too. It's pretty much ruined further chances of getting her to do tests for a few years I'm sure.


She needs to get her exact labs and see what was and wasn't tested. It would be really unusual for a doctor to have tested the specific thyroid tests, to do a Vit D test, etc. 


There are independent labs you can go to for blood testing. A doctor does not have to order it. You may have to pay for it though. 


I'm sorry she had this experience. 


Would it help to have her follow the doctor's suggestions (whatever they were) and see if she improves? If not, then try another doctor or the test? 

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I know your dd is an adult but would it be possible for you to go with her to the Dr.? I almost always go with my husband, who has a variety of medical issues and is not good at advocating for himself.

I knew she would not be be good at insisting so I offered to go with her, but she is also extremely independent and was absolutely certain she didn't need me to come. Which I expected.


I'll give her a bit to get over it and suggest asking our usual Dr. Only trouble is she's generally 5000km away from here. Might have to be on her next visit.

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Thanks anyway, everyone, for confirming that it is not usual for a Dr to do that. We are in a small town in a very low socioeconomic area, and it seems we mostly attract Drs that are desperate for a position somewhere. Most are from other countries, which is not a problem if they are good, but unfortunately I find most are not that great.

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I know that I am late to this party, but if she does get her labs done, maybe do mthfr, B vitamin.taking methyl B was night and day for one of my kids.

Of course, you could just try giving her the vitamin. Here are a few few brands:


Thorne research

Or just google meyelated B

It couldn't hurt. Sorry about her feeling so badly!

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