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The Late Risers Teachers Lounge 3-24-2017


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Welcome and Happy Friday!


While I was not a late riser today, my brain certainly seems to be! I think I may need to take a break from getting online first thing in the morning. I get too distracted!


What's going on where you are today? Here: some school stuff and the kids have theatre class.


Plans for the weekend? Here: nothing set in stone but a couple of possibilities are looming.


Anyone live in the mountains? Can I come visit??


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I was a late riser today. I slept in until about 9.


On the docket for today, I have ds' school, planning for book club activities next week, and used book sale prep


My sister, who lost her son, is going to a women's event at my older sister's church tonight. Tomorrow we are talking about meeting in between so the three of us can go see Beauty and the Beast. I'm glad she's willing to come out and do something with us. Tonight we might go to downtown and eat out for something a friend is trying to get established in our community as a local holiday. 


I don't live in the mountains. I lived near the mountains of east TN growing up, and I had a nice view of a mountain ridge line from my front yard. The mountains extend far down a highway I've had to travel my whole life. I love traveling it because it just feels like home and brings me closer to my past. 



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Hi Scrap and Amy!


Slow risers here today and slow on schoolwork too. Almost done with writing. Math, piano and Bible are done.


After lunch we will run errands and drop Dd at my mom's. Quck grocery stop on the way home.


Dd has a volunteer thing most of tomorrow. Other than that, just housecleaning and meal planning on my list. Dh will be watching college bball.


No mountains here, just rolling hills. Mountains are 3 hrs East.

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I got up at 5:30 this morning so I could be at the grocery store when they opened at 6.  I like shopping super early.  I'm a morning person anyway.  That's just a little earlier than normal for me.


I've found if I get up and get on-line, my day is screwed.  If I so some things first, my day goes much smoother.


What's going on: My daughter is doing a publicity thing tonight for taekwondo at a movie theater.  It's coinciding with the opening of Power Rangers.  My oldest son just got back from doing some day laboring he does every so often for a rich Mexican guy who has a second home near us in San Antonio.  Tonight the missionaries are coming for dinner.


Weekend plans: We might take the little guys to see an advanced screening of Boss Baby tomorrow morning.  Adrian really wants to see it.  Both Ani and Cameron will be doing the publicity thing over the weekend.


Living in mountains: No.  I'm not actually really a mountain fan.  I like being close to sea level.

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I've been a slow riser since my ankle injury last year. I have so much trouble getting moving. Dd is attending high school part time, so I don't have anything urgent in the morning.


Weekend plans: We are in the last hour of a 5 hour car ride to my BIL'S house in St. Louis. Dd has a climbing competition in the morning and we are staying the weekend so that she visit SLU and University of Illinois next week. I hope to see my brother this weekend as well.


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I don't often sleep late bc I have to pick DD15 up from class at 7:30am (DH drops her off). So I get up and work so I can be finished earlier in the day.


Weekend plans- DS21s show opens tonight. He's in Hamlet (a guard) but has been burning the candle at both ends building the sets. We are going to watch the show tonight. DH and DD15 have some scout thing tomorrow, so I'm going to binge Netflix while I baby my ear infection.


Mountains are about 1/2 mile away - skiing is still good up there I hear.

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I just read this article today!  https://www.weirdunsocializedhomeschoolers.com/homeschooled-teenager-schedule/


We are late-risers as much as possible here. We never start school before 10.  Just can't happen.  


Plans for this weekend include babysitting for the 2 younger girls (19 and 17) at church and ds16 is on a camping weekend with Scouts.  Oldest ds (22, still living at home) had minor surgery so he's around which is SO nice for me.  He's off work for a week to recover!  Going to try to get a few walks in this weekend because the temps are gorgeous!

Edited by 6packofun
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There's a late risers teacher's lounge??? Yay!! Finally a place where I belong! I won't say what time we woke up this morning. I hate daylight savings. lol We started school after lunch today, and that's just fine with me. 


What went on today: school for two kids, mom came over to visit for awhile, dh and I went out for dinner.


plans for weekend: get all the leaves off the backyard and put them in the natural area for mulch. We should have done this a long time ago. Also, prom dress shopping.


mountains: no REAL mountains here, but I'm in Birmingham--foothills of the Appalachians  So it's mountainous enough here that I crave the beach more than mountains.

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Glad to see some new folk! 


Just an FYI, there is almost always a Teachers Lounge open here each day,

but it's not always labeled "The late risers Teachers Lounge." I'm just picking a them for each day.

Hope to see you all again in the Lounge! Look for a new one on Monday!

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