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Why, why why do I have this sore throat?


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Ok, I am so frustrated. I need some other brains to think about this and give me some advice/thoughts/commiseration  :confused1:


I have had a sore throat for almost 2 months now. It is only on the left side of my throat. It hurts when I swallow, like it does before you get a cold.

When it began, my dr gave me antibiotics, thinking it was bacterial, if not strep. We did the strep test. Negative. Antibiotics had no effect.


I also went to an Ear/Nose/Throat, who did an exam and also did the light/tube thingie down the back of my nose. Tonsils, adenoids, throat itself all looked fine. He was stumped.


Dr. sent me for MRI on soft tissue of my throat. Did that, including contrast dye. Nada. No lumps, growths, or anything suspicious.


But my throat still hurts. Dr. having me do two weeks of omeprozole, in case it's acid irritating my throat. I'm a week in: no change. I don't feel acid, in any case, so I'm skeptical, but I'll finish the round.


Her next move is to send me to a Gastroenterologist for a scope. I have had one before (actually more than one in my life), the last one about a year ago, which showed some stomach irritation, but nothing else (this was for stomach pain, not throat pain, but it's data). But what will he see that the ENT and MRI failed to see? It's not deep down in my esophagus, but just down the left side of my throat.


I've tried vitamins, essential oils, tons of water, rest, etc. I went to acupuncture too, which did help, if only for a couple of days. Then the pain returned.


The only thing I can think of is that I began an anti-anxiety med in November. My dr thinks it's highly unlikely that is causing the sore throat. The pain popped up 2 months after I began taking it, not right away. I'd prefer to stay on it, but I guess I could step down off of it to see if that's it. 


Sigh. Any ideas? Hideous virus with long life? I have NO other symptoms of illness at all. I am so over this!

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I had a bad sore throat for 6 weeks last spring.  I went to the doctor twice about it.  No strep.  It finally went away.


Also, maybe 10 years ago I had a sore throat that kept coming back.  Again no strep.  The doctor said that sometimes there can be this recurring inflammation thing and suggested I take a bunch of Advil to help with that.  It finally went away after maybe 6 weeks too.


I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

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Postnasal drip from allergies seems like an obvious cause. Have you tried an antihistamine (for a length of time, 10+ days in a row)? A nasal corticosteroid can help with that. Also eliminating wheat and dairy. Allergies appear to be early and vicious this year.


Perhaps you have a muscle spasming? A magnesium supplement might help.


Hope you get it figured out, that sounds so annoying.

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No allergies (now or in my history), and no post-nasal drip.

I'm sorry - well, not sorry your throat hurts, but sorry it's not an easy diagnosis.


ETA - I need more coffee. Forgive my poor wording. Of course I'm sorry your throat hurts! I'm specifically sorry that it's been difficult to remedy.

Edited by Seasider
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One more thing, allergies can develop later in life. My GYN told me she actually sees this in perimenopausal patients. So maybe try an elimination diet to see if there's a food that doesn't give you a violent reaction, but is causing this bothersome one.

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Did they check out your thyroid?  When I was younger, I had a sore throat that didn't respond to usual treatment.  It turned out to be thyroiditis.  I don't recall what I took, or if it just went away on its own, but I do remember the doctor literally slapping herself on the head when she realized what it was. 

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