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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning!


Things to do today:

Fast and pray - it's Ash Wednesday!

Clean kitchen

Lots of reading

Take 15 yo to math tutor

Noon Mass

More reading


Study Latin

Make black bean soup for dinner


I am blogging about giving up single use plastic.  I am going to post a general announcement here in the chat forum. But what I am really interested in is if people have tips, advice, info, thoughts on the subject to please comment on my blog.  Thank you!  (the blog link is in my signature.)

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Today our little in home homeschool coop (we have 4 families total and all just have kers) is meeting for the kids to play while mamas have a reflection/brainstorm time and discuss what's going well, what's not working, etc. I'm such an external processor so I'm looking so forward to this!


So, our day:

Make lunches

co-op reflection for mamas (play date for kids)

Poetry teatime this afternoon


It looks like a lovely day to me!

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Boom! Huge T-storms and tornado warning here this morning. Power flickering. Hopefully nothing more than that.


Pick up milk

Piano lessons
Trader Joe's?
Church for choir, dinner and worship

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! Busy day here with a slow start. Dd2 has late start today so she is getting some much needed extra sleep. Ds2 is eating breakfast and heading out for his class. Ds3 will be up soon and using the day to study for his Spanish test tomorrow. We decided that the enrichment day was not working (he hated it and I was very disappointed in the quality of the classes) so we withdrew for next year. Next year will be my last year homeschooling and ds3 needs some of the fun stuff that he missed out on having older siblings needing to do high school work. So I have that to plan. Yay!


To do:

get dd2 off to school

work with ds3

clean kitchen


daily chores

jen things


PM practices swim/aikido

HS swim team banquet


Have a great day!


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I went to bed like normal people after working my butt off to meet deadlines yesterday.


Woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of high winds and a funny color out the window.  After a little while, it seemed OK so I went back to bed.


Woke up to a tornado alarm about 5am.  We all went to the basement for about an hour.  Then tried to sleep a bit, but my kids were wired so I didn't get much sleep.


Kids went down to the bus stop like usual, but no bus came.  Turns out their school is closed due to a power outage.


I cleaned out the critter cage and took out the garbage.  Made the kids consolidate a bunch of boxes and take them to the treelawn.  Cleaned up the kitchen.


Theoretically, I am working now, and my kids have a list of work to do without bothering me.  I feel tired though.  Blah.


Would love to go to TKD this evening as the kids have no activities.  We'll see if it's possible.  Probably not.  :/  Well, maybe if I get a ton of work out today ....

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Change of plans...the weather has gone from warm with thunderstorms and a tornado watch last night to low 30's, snowing and very windy this morning. Between the slick roads and high winds, I'm not up for the 20 minute drive into town, so errand day and grocery shopping are postponed. We'll stay warm and dry at home and (hopefully) get lots of school and work done.

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