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Strange signs on the side of the road.

Night Elf

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On my way to the grocery store this morning, I saw 3 signs on the side of the road. They were low to the ground and hand written. The first said PLEASE PRAY, the second one said FOR OUR, and the third one said MARRIAGE. I was expecting it to say country. That would make sense. But someone is asking the general public for prayers. Isn't that odd? I thought it was.

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yes it's odd to do something like that - but some people do odd things when they're desperate.


I'd be expecting there to be a fourth sign saying "barbasol".   which was the shaving cream that did the sets of road signs as advertising.

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On my way to the grocery store this morning, I saw 3 signs on the side of the road. They were low to the ground and hand written. The first said PLEASE PRAY, the second one said FOR OUR, and the third one said MARRIAGE. I was expecting it to say country. That would make sense. But someone is asking the general public for prayers. Isn't that odd? I thought it was.


That is odd. But desperate people do desperate things. That's harmless enough and I hope that they can repair their marriage. 


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On my way to the grocery store this morning, I saw 3 signs on the side of the road. They were low to the ground and hand written. The first said PLEASE PRAY, the second one said FOR OUR, and the third one said MARRIAGE. I was expecting it to say country. That would make sense. But someone is asking the general public for prayers. Isn't that odd? I thought it was.

Please tell me there was a fourth sign further on saying "Burma Shave."

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I would assume it leads to something like a new red corvette (or whatever a nice car is LOL). Like hardy har har I got this think and he/she's gonna be steamed, but really all parties are in on the joke....And they're all bad at jokes...


I've seen marriage proposals done in a series of signs like that.


And when I lived in Ca people wrote all kinds of stuff on the sand dunes abutting the interstate with detrius, including prayer requests, marriage proposals and asking people to prom.

Edited by OKBud
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