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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I am down to three reports that were supposed to be done but aren't.  Should I sleep for an hour or two and then have back at it?  Or try to power through?


I don't have exciting plans for Tuesday, I just hope sleep is some part of it.  :)

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Hello!  Things to do today:


1)  Stay off internet as much as possible so I don't derail myself and get unduly upset about the  state of the world!

2) Get 15 yo to Bio class

3)  grocery shop for the week

4) Get 18 yo to his exam review

5)  Read while kids are in Gov't 

6) vacuum upstairs

7)  Do Latin and religion with kids

8) Focus on my own Latin studies

9) Pizza for dinner

9)  Babysit this evening

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Morning all!


I caught ds's cold and was up much of the night coughing and snuffling. Blah! I can't complain, though - it's the first cold I've had in ages and really isn't that bad.



•delivery 3000# hay

•clean kitchen

•sweep & mop kitchen floor (my new daily habit. our kitchen floor is a light colored tile and looks so much better with a quick mopping each day)

•tidy bathrooms


•spend the afternoon on business paperwork

•dinner=fish tacos

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Good morning! I am back from am practice run, had my coffee, skimmed through the paper and am ready to go! Ds3 went back to sleep when he came home from practice, so the morning is for chores.


To do:

clean refrigerator

get ds2 going


daily chores

more laundry

replace a few lightbulbs

school with ds3

quilt a little if time

dinner in crockpot

PM practice swim/swim

dh does judo run


Have a great day!


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daughter to school- done

youngest to enrichment

grocer w/oldest

get gas

drop off oldest pants to be hemmed

pick up youngest

pick up daughter

drop oldest at work


dinner-chili-already cooked meat

put away laundry

clean kitchen

sweep/vacuum downstairs


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Tuesday! Busy morning, and a few things to do this afternoon:


Boxing class


take shelf to convention

help set up stuff on the shelf

get gas

print paperwork and get it all ready to mail


tidy up

pick up ds

buy milk and stamps

take ds to basketball

to to dd's bball game

pick up ds

quick dinner (breakfast)

go to cooking class


Edited by wendy not in HI
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daughter to school- done

youngest to enrichment-done

grocer w/oldest-done

get gas-done

drop off oldest pants to be hemmed-done

pick up youngest-done

pick up daughter

drop oldest at work


dinner-chili-already cooked meat

put away laundry

clean kitchen-done

sweep/vacuum downstairs


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Where did the day go?!



School (mostly)

cleaned two bathrooms, including washed the shower curtain liner

paypal transactions and packages ready to go

general organizing and decluttering  :hurray:

checked on testing info - need to budget for that and set aside two days in the spring



dd is reading, ds is watching WildKratts, dog is asleep in the sunshine.


To do:

dinner - meatloaf, frozen veggies, rice

tag clothes - ugh!




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Well, I was wrong in thinking this cold/sore throat would be nothing more than a pesky annoyance because it has been kicking my butt all day. Other ds has it now, too, so 3 out of the 5 of us are feeling lousy. I managed to do the bare minimum of kitchen cleaning, but the rest of my to do list will have to wait for another day. 

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