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I still have not found owner of mystery gift. Now what


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What info do you have?

First names of giver and receiver?

Address it was first delivered to?

Have you opened the gift?

Did your neighbor describe the person? What age?


If the giver was school age maybe the school has a place to post "Looking for a Scott who dropped off a gift wrapped in shiny blue paper on Dec. 5th. Please email xyz@abc."


Or have you knocked or mailed anything to the same number on other streets?


I'd have a hard time giving up!

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Confession: I once had three nice location-related items. One was a mug from a prestigious college; the others were more like home decor or collectors items based on different states or cities. I came by them in various ways that did not make them precious to me, and I really did not know what to do with them. I suppose I could have tried to sell them online, but I didn't want the hassle. I can't imagine anyone nearby wanting them because the places they represented were unrelated and far away; it didn't make sense to send them to goodwill. So I mailed each item to a random person in the area of origin (ie. a random student at prestigious-college got an anonymous gift mug in the mail, etc.). I still get a good chuckle thinking about their potential perplexity. :D I figure someone living in that location would be more likely to either want or know someone who would want the nice collectable item. Or maybe they just threw it away. Who knows?

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Confession: I once had three nice location-related items. One was a mug from a prestigious college; the others were more like home decor or collectors items based on different states or cities. I came by them in various ways that did not make them precious to me, and I really did not know what to do with them. I suppose I could have tried to sell them online, but I didn't want the hassle. I can't imagine anyone nearby wanting them because the places they represented were unrelated and far away; it didn't make sense to send them to goodwill. So I mailed each item to a random person in the area of origin (ie. a random student at prestigious-college got an anonymous gift mug in the mail, etc.). I still get a good chuckle thinking about their potential perplexity. :D I figure someone living in that location would be more likely to either want or know someone who would want the nice collectable item. Or maybe they just threw it away. Who knows?

What a strange, seriously cool thing to do!

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Confession: I once had three nice location-related items. One was a mug from a prestigious college; the others were more like home decor or collectors items based on different states or cities. I came by them in various ways that did not make them precious to me, and I really did not know what to do with them. I suppose I could have tried to sell them online, but I didn't want the hassle. I can't imagine anyone nearby wanting them because the places they represented were unrelated and far away; it didn't make sense to send them to goodwill. So I mailed each item to a random person in the area of origin (ie. a random student at prestigious-college got an anonymous gift mug in the mail, etc.). I still get a good chuckle thinking about their potential perplexity. :D I figure someone living in that location would be more likely to either want or know someone who would want the nice collectable item. Or maybe they just threw it away. Who knows?

I love this so very much!


A mystery gift would get a place of honor in our home.


I have sent anonymous "have a great day!" notes to random names from the phone book but mystery gifts is taking that up several notches!


*thumbs up*

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If some random box with stuff showed up at my house addressed to me and I had no idea who sent it, it would seriously scare the crap out of me. For real. It wouldn't be whimsical, it would be scary.



and as for the gift that was mistakenly left on your door, I would just put it away for a while and forget about it.  If no one ever knocks on your door looking for it, then, when you find it again in 6 months or whatever, keep it or donate it. But I would hold onto something for quite a while before I tossed it, just in case.

Edited by redsquirrel
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If some random box with stuff showed up at my house addressed to me and I had no idea who sent it, it would seriously scare the crap out of me. For real. It wouldn't be whimsical, it would be scary.






Yeah, I agree.  I would be creeped out by that and would be watching out for a stalker for a while.   And I'm old and not likely to be stalked.  It'd be even more creepy if I was young, or it was my daughter who received something like that. 

Edited by marbel
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