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Let's take a breather: 24-hour political conversation break

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Any chance we can lock the current threads?


Good thought.


Just wanted to add my thanks to admin/mods for their tireless efforts to *help* us keep it civil here.


I think people have been doing a decent job for the most part, but after seeing the IQ thread....well, it's a bunch of intelligent, well-educated, research-a-philes so sometimes that passion gets the best of us! :D

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:iagree: Or, maybe, 4 month, so that the new pres can be in office and everyone can have gotten over the shock of the election? I'm dreading the after-election comments as well.


Hey! I knew we could agree on something! I'm liking this break already! :cheers2:

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Any chance we can lock the current threads?


At this point people are strongly for one candidate or another and no amount of discussion is going to sway either side.


For those who are undecided, well, they can use the search option - we've certainly given them enough to read here - or they can go elsewhere and search out candidates' positions for themselves.


I vote for a moratorium on all political discussions - including those that relate to government in schools - until well after the election (a cooling off period). The anger and divisiveness over this election has harmed people's relationships on this board. I found myself using my ignore list for the first time ever.


I think one of the problems is trolls. One of the banned people has been encouraging people (most of whom don't even homeschool or have kids) to register here to ignite posts with their political/religious rhetoric. By eliminating the political threads for now, hopefully these people will just go away; can't fight what you can't post.


I, too, am looking forward to getting back to discussions about home schooling, recipes, crafts, and genuinely helping one another be better home schoolers on the general board.


Just my $.02.

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I too would like to see a moratorium on all political discussions, not just until the election, but for a reasonable length of time afterwards until everyone's thoughts and emotions have calmed down.


Like Bev said, at this point most people's minds are made up. No one is going to be swayed one way or another by any amount of logic or rhetoric.


The main purpose of these boards has been and should still be encouraging each other in the education of our children.

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What a wonderful idea.


Is there any chance of installing an ignore feature for threads?:confused:




Until Monday morning, let's give the political conversations a break. Time for a Sabbath, both for you and for the moderators.


As the moderators will not be up all night you can, of course, ignore this request. Please don't.



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