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Dr. Hive, Quick: Possible Concussion?


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My daughter hit her head really hard earlier.  She took some Advil about 2 1/2 hours ago.  She is still having really severe pain only on the side of the head she hit.  She is also nauseous and has dizziness.


Do we need to go to the doctor tonight?  Have her sleep with me and wake her up every few hours? 

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I would take her in now. It's probably fine, but the small chance it isn't fine? Not worth the risk to us.


DH's aunt slipped and hit her head on ice. She was headachey and didn't feel well but thought she was fine. She wasn't. She did wake up the next morning, but that was her last night at home. She had to live in assisted living/ nursing care for the rest of her life.

Edited by RioSamba
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Well, my ds did have a concussion and I took him to the ER. He did get right in (we went to a very busy waiting room and I thought we would be there hours). Anyway, they did a CT scan and he didn't have a brain bleed so they observed him for awhile and then sent us home.


If I had it to do over again, I would not have taken him. If I had a good children's hospital near I would have taken him there. I don't think he actually needed the CT scan and there isn't really anything they will do at ER for a concussion.


I think you can google when to see a dr after a head injury. If memory serves correctly, the ER is necessary if it was a big fall, bad car accident, etc. Otherwise it could wait until morning.


If you are more comfortable going, please do go. I probably wouldn't (although I did when it was my son).


They told me at the ER that sleep was good and there was no reason to wake my son. He slept a lot the first day or two.


Hope everything turns out well.

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It sounds like a possible/probable concussion to me. I was glad I took my son in with his concussion. It was good to know it wasn't more than a concussion. He did have more symptoms than you describe, but severe doesn't necessarily mean more symptoms.


Sleep is important for recovery. She'll probably be tired and they won't want you to wake her. But knowing she is ok (doesn't have a brain bleed or similar) will make letting her sleep so much easier for you.

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Well, after searching, it turns out that the Internet advises that you take your daughter in today. So, basically ignore my other post.


I will say, I wish I would have asked more questions before my son had the ct scan. We were out of town and didn't have a nearby pediatric hospital. Had we been home and near a great children's hospital I would have felt more confident in his care. CT scans are not without risk and I wish he could have avoided his. But, better to let a trained professional make that call.

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Thanks for the advice.  I took her in, and there was no brain bleed or anything.  But she was sick enough by then I was glad I checked.  Then she slept the night without either of us worrying about it.  And yes, they confirmed that anytime there is significant nausea or dizziness, take them in.

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Well, my ds did have a concussion and I took him to the ER. He did get right in (we went to a very busy waiting room and I thought we would be there hours). Anyway, they did a CT scan and he didn't have a brain bleed so they observed him for awhile and then sent us home.


If I had it to do over again, I would not have taken him. If I had a good children's hospital near I would have taken him there. I don't think he actually needed the CT scan and there isn't really anything they will do at ER for a concussion.


I think you can google when to see a dr after a head injury. If memory serves correctly, the ER is necessary if it was a big fall, bad car accident, etc. Otherwise it could wait until morning.


If you are more comfortable going, please do go. I probably wouldn't (although I did when it was my son).


They told me at the ER that sleep was good and there was no reason to wake my son. He slept a lot the first day or two.


Hope everything turns out well.

But just because your son didn't have any bleeding doesn't mean the CT wasn't necessary to rule it out. If there was bleeding it would have been treated.

My BIL has permanent damage from a subdural hematoma from a head injury.

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Well, my ds did have a concussion and I took him to the ER. He did get right in (we went to a very busy waiting room and I thought we would be there hours). Anyway, they did a CT scan and he didn't have a brain bleed so they observed him for awhile and then sent us home.


If I had it to do over again, I would not have taken him. If I had a good children's hospital near I would have taken him there. I don't think he actually needed the CT scan and there isn't really anything they will do at ER for a concussion.


I think you can google when to see a dr after a head injury. If memory serves correctly, the ER is necessary if it was a big fall, bad car accident, etc. Otherwise it could wait until morning.


If you are more comfortable going, please do go. I probably wouldn't (although I did when it was my son).


They told me at the ER that sleep was good and there was no reason to wake my son. He slept a lot the first day or two.


Hope everything turns out well.

This. After learning that all they do at the hospital is make you wait for hours and then do a CT scan, but that there is no actual treatment, I wouldn't go. I'd just make my kid rest in a dark room for the next few days.



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This. After learning that all they do at the hospital is make you wait for hours and then do a CT scan, but that there is no actual treatment, I wouldn't go. I'd just make my kid rest in a dark room for the next few days.



but if there IS a brain bleed, there IS treatment. 


You don't need the CT if there isn't a brain bleed, but the only way to know that is to get the CT scan. 

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but if there IS a brain bleed, there IS treatment.


You don't need the CT if there isn't a brain bleed, but the only way to know that is to get the CT scan.

Most head injuries have a very low likelihood of a brain bleed. One head ct scan in children raises their risk of brain cancer and leukemia. About half of children seen in the ER for a head injury receive a CT scan and most don't need them. Medical groups are working to bring the number of scans down, so hopefully more kids are being observed in the ER before a CT scan. There are guidelines that doctors are supposed to follow to determine whether a child needs a scan. Nausea and dizziness are symptoms of a concussion, but they don't necessarily indicate a more serious problem. I'm sure it is often a tough call for a dr-is it worth it to do a scan for a patient that has a very small chance of an injury requiring surgery.


I get it. I definitely prefer a Dr to tell me the severity of my child's head injury rather than guess myself. I just don't know that every head injury with nausea needs to be checked out-such a small percent of them are immediately serious. And it isn't like ER visits don't cost lots of money and time. Having said that, I definitely don't have a problem with any parent taking their child in to get a head injury checked out.


I'm glad everything turned out well OP!

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