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3 yo's perspective on daycare.

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So we drive past a day care facility on our way to the dentist this a.m. 3 yo ds says, "Mom, the kids. Cage. kids cage. Cage?"


And 5 yo ds says, "That's a daycare. That's where kids hafta go because their mommy's don't homeschool them."


Well done! You've taught your children well.:D

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Guest janainaz

Well, I'm against daycare. But, there are some parents/moms that have to put their kids there - and wish they didn't. I'm not sure I find that "sweet" necessarily. I would not want my kid telling another kid they are in a "cage" all day. Doesn't sound really great. I think I might have corrected even my 3 year old on that one.

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I find nothing "sweet" or "cute" about that. Sometimes daycare is a necessity, there are no cages. My children all attended a very good daycare for a few hours each day while I was in school & working full time. They all came through unscathed, and even learned some Spanish. They all have fond memories of it.

Also, just because *we* choose to homeschool, does not mean that it is the best, absolute, only choice that is good. Homeschooling is one option that a good, involved parent can use...daycare, preschool, private school, tutoring, public school; all of these are other options that a good, involved parent can use.

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I agree. I used to send my kids to ps and daycare. I was a single mom who needed to keep a full time job. I would have felt like crap if someone's kid said that and mine were to hear it.


I can't pretend I think daycare is a good idea but a friend of mine recently said something that really struck me. She is also home schooling her kids and said that it was really important to her that she has CHOSEN this route for her family but that it would less meaningful if it weren't a true choice...that is if people didn't have the option to legitimately choose something else. I have to agree with her. My choice is only meaningful because its a true choice.

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I can guarantee you there were no cages, he was not there because I didn't love him enough to homeschool him, and he was in an excellent home daycare with a very loving lady watching him each day.


Most kids are in daycare because their parents work. Period. It doesn't mean they are unloved, uncared for, or any other bad. And I've never seen or heard of a daycare that had cages.

Michelle T

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Well your 5 yr old had it right. But I would have corrected them just to ensure they didn't say something to another child next time. Having spent 20 years creating a career in daycare and having had my kids in daycare with and without me, I can say like everything else there is good and bad daycares. I don't think agreeing with a 3 yr old (who isn't old enough to understand) that the kids are in cages is not sweet at all. Yes that may be his perception, but it only takes a few words to let him see the truth of the situation. Instead of laughing about cages, why not say something about how it is a big fence keeping the children safe from cars (if it is near a roadway which I assume given the convo.

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why not say something about how it is a big fence keeping the children safe from cars (if it is near a roadway which I assume given the convo.

It's also to keep them safe from predators, although you don't need to mention that to the child. I knew someone who worked at a daycare center, and their fence was the standard four feet chain link. The kids were outside playing, and a drunk came along and reached over and grabbed a child. Fortunately he was too drunk to lift the child over the fence, but the daycare workers immediately rescued the child and got everyone inside & locked the doors (& called the police).

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Everyone needs to settle down. This is not a post on the merits of daycare or anyone who chooses to, or must, use them. We have all seen the big daycare centers surrounded by a high fence. I am sure the parents are glad there is a fence to keep their kids from running into the street and they keep the wrong people out exc.


This is a post about the unique way small children perceive what they see and explain what they don't fully understand.


Yes, it can be cute because they are 3 yo and 5 yo and reporting the world as they see it. You know what? Those big fences do make some centers look rather like cages and if you are 3 yo they are even bigger.


Don't take offense where none is intended, and certainly not from small children for goodness sake.


Thank you.

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