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Need 3rd Grade Writing Curriculum


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I swear - my obituary is going to say - "She died at her computer while researching homeschool writing curriculum." :laugh:


I need a writing curriculum for my 3rd grader. We currently have Write Shop Junior Level D. I like the idea of it, but it's just not getting done. We go to multiple therapy appointments a week and I need something that is portable. Also, DD LOVES workbooks - she has very high anxiety and she LOVES knowing exactly what pages she needs to do.


Ideas? I thought about Essentials in Writing, but we'd have to make sure she watched the DVD at home and then take the workbook with us.

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Cottage Press (or Classical Writing) 2nd set of Primers, or the next one

Just Write

Writing Tales

Write On

Jump In




Classic Curriculum Writing series 3


Possibly Hake 4?

Rod and Staff







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We also had multiple therapy sessions when ds2 was a third grader. We always used WWE for writing and FLL for grammar. Both are absolutely 'do the next thing'. WWS follows a very predictable pattern of narration, dictation and copywork. It has four exercises per week, so you get one day off. I would see it as portable. You need the book for you to read to her from and she needs a piece of paper for dictation. There are student pages for writing in the back, but we always used our own paper to write on.  I believe you could even get it on PDF and just print the pages you need to read from. That means on any given day you might only need two pieces of paper...one for you to read from and one for her to write on.  That makes it very portable. It also doesn't take a huge amount of time. It's done in about 10 mins per day.

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I would look at Winning with Writing.  There's nothing more spelled out and to the point! In fact, you can do whatever grade that you feel fits her even if it's second grade.  But it's pretty on-target for the age range so 3rd should work!


After 3rd grade I highly recommend HIGHLY BJU Writing and Grammar!  From 3-6th grades, the book gives one page of teaching WITH SPACE for every step of the Writing Process, except the first draft, which is at the bottom of the pre-writing page.  There is even a whole page dedicated to each step of revision. So you literally turn the page and there's your next assignment, even for the writing!  I have never seen this before in any other book and it was perfect for my ADD ish girl.  It also has splashes of color and cute stories.  AND YOU DO NOT need the expensive TM until the grammar gets "ahead of you."  Also, the grammar was challenging for my creative/visual spatial child so we did that as open-book, and I never gave her any tests or grades on the grammar.  I figured she would pick up whatever she picked up.  If she needed help, I just helped her and we moved on.  


The only reason I don't recommend BJU for 3rd grade is that it's pretty advanced.  But if your dd is a good writer, take a look at it.


ANOTHER note- For the price (about 20.00) it is worth it to purchase even if you aren't going to use the grammar at all.  And, it works OK that way because the chapters alternate between grammar and writing.  :)  So you get 16 writing units and 16 grammar units (or close to that.) plenty for a whole year of writing.  :)

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