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what to do list app do I want


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I used to be queen of the paper calendar and to do list. They kept our life on track. Last year, I switched to an electronic calendar with good results. However, I lost my to do list, which was also kept on the paper calendar. Trying to keep it in my head or on the electronic calendar has failed.

So, I am looking for an electronic to do list. I looked years ago, and I didnt find anything that worked for me.

Any suggestions?

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What kind of device are you using? 


I have an Android phone, and while I really like GTasks, I ended up switching over to Google Keep for my to-do List for one simple reason: I can say "OK Google...Add to To Do list" and then just keep talking while Google records them for me. This was key because I'm constantly thinking of to-do's in situations where my hands are busy--driving, shower, etc.--but by the time I have my hands free I've completely forgotten them. This way I can record them automatically and reorganize them later on. 


If you're on an Apple, maybe there's a similar feature? 

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I have not used it yet, so I don't have a Review for you, but my Samsung Android phone has Evernote. I cannot remove it, so I may sign up for an account. This is the URL of their web site which will give you the highlights: https://evernote.com/?var=1


Note: I would prefer something that doesn't require me to have a user name and password to use it as Evernote apparently does. That's why I've never opened the App.  My Dumb phones had a way for me to make simple notes, without needing a user name and a password.  I just looked at their home page and I see it is across  devices, which I don't need, but many people need that capability. 

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I use Todoist.   I use it on my iPhone, my Android tablet, and on my PC (with an add-on for Outlook) and it syncs across all platforms.   I like that I can designate different projects (or people) and they are color coded.   There is a premium version that integrates with Gmail, but I've been OK with the free version for several years.

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What kind of device are you using? 


I have an Android phone, and while I really like GTasks, I ended up switching over to Google Keep for my to-do List for one simple reason: I can say "OK Google...Add to To Do list" and then just keep talking while Google records them for me. This was key because I'm constantly thinking of to-do's in situations where my hands are busy--driving, shower, etc.--but by the time I have my hands free I've completely forgotten them. This way I can record them automatically and reorganize them later on. 


If you're on an Apple, maybe there's a similar feature? 



I tried several, and ended up discovering that Google Keep did everything I wanted, simply and easily. Check it out!


Does Google Keep let you organize tasks in different categories? Or tag them? I'm piggybacking on this, I want to be able to filter and get "all photo tasks" or "all school tasks." 

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