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E-Reader without Wifi Capability


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I have a 3rd gen kindle that has wifi just to recieve books, there is an expermental browser that can be turned off with parental controls ( as well as access to the cloud, so they only see the books you put on there).

I had a couple ereaders that had NO wifi, but they are old and slow. I could only put free epub books or pdf books i downloaded on it. Nothing from overdrive or amazon, etc.

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yes, why is that you don't want wifi?    The Kindle paperwhite does nothing but read books.  No, browser.   Mine has been in continual 'airplane mode' since I got it.   I use the cable to move books to it through calibre.   By having wifi off, I also don't see ads even though I bought the cheaper ads version.  

The Kindle Fire does have a browser in it.  

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I believe the Kindles only have wi-fi in order to get books; there's not a browse per se. Any reader will need wifi in order to download the books. But mine is old, so I'm not sure if they still make them like this.


This depends.  I rarely use wifi to put books on my Nook.  I generally check books out from 3M or Overdrive, so I physically connect my Nook to my computer, no wifi needed.  If you buy books through Christianbook, you can also physically put them on the Nook through a computer.  I believe that you must connect the Nook wirelessly when you first get it to register it.  (I have gone through 4, you think I would remember!)


However, I am not aware of any e-reader without any wifi capability.  Like the others said, a dedicated e-reader will probably not have a web browser.  

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AFAIK all ereaders have wifi or 3G because that's the most convenient way to get books.  Ereaders really only let you read books (as opposed to tablets which you can go on-line and play games and stuff as well).  The ones with experimental browsers are so ridiculously clunky it's not worth using unless it is an emergency (which I did once when our power was out from a hurricane - I didn't have a cell phone yet, but I did have a Kindle Keyboard so I was able to go on-line with the awful browser and let my friend know we were okay).  My sister has a Kindle that she never ever turns the wifi on for various reasons.  She transfers books via the computer.

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Are you looking for one, or have the opportunity to GET one and wonder how that works? or just don't have WiFi in your house?

Or do you want to have one that you can make sure no one can use to get on the net?  


Two different answers, the second one dealt with.  

If you don't have WiFi, you download the content to your account on your computer (which is obviously connected, SOMEHOW) and then link your reader to your computer.  I used to have to do it that way.

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I also don't quite get why you would want one without when many of the models don't have the ability to do anything but download books and read them. It makes downloading the books so much simpler and there's no danger of getting on the open web to access anything "bad."

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Some summer camps don't allow any devices with wifi capabilities.


That's the only place I have heard of it, but I suppose there could be others.


And I don't know if any recent readers that don't have wifi. You might be able to buy an old Sony off ebay.

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