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Need advice on how to entertain a 9 year old boy on a 11 hour plan ride.

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What about a hand-held video game, like a GameBoy? You can buy used GameBoys and games at a used video game store and save some big $$$, or borrow one from a friend for the trip.


We went on vacation last week (7 hours each way) and my boys played with their Nintendo DS the entire way down and back home....but didn't touch them at all during the vacation itself (too many fun things to do on vacation!!), so if you're a "no video game" person, you could make that stipulation that video games are only for long trips, or only to be used in the car (or on a plane), etc.

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Ditto on the tvs, my boys largely entertain themselves with those in our annual 15-hour flights. They now often have video games in addition to movies/tv shows.


In the dark ages before they had those, and if you happen to fly an airline that still doesn't, I always pack a little "goody bag" of new things for the boys -- new books they haven't seen before, coloring books/activity books, pencils/crayons; and some magnetized games and puzzles (so the pieces don't slide around). I wouldn't do legos (too many small pieces), but I might do something like a transformer, which is kind of like a puzzle without individual pieces, lol. Maybe a rubix cube? Are those still of interest to kids?


Also, my kids generally hate airline food. So I get a box of their favorite cereal and some disposable plastic bowls with lids (also plastic spoons). Divide up the cereal into bowls and pack in a plastic grocery bag with the spoons and some napkins; on board they ask for milk to put in the cereal.


Nine yrs is a little old, but when my kids were a bit younger (under 7?) I also did regular "exercise breaks" on the plane; I'd walk with one to the back where the staff are and we'd do knee bends and toe touches and the like, chat with the people back there; they were usually happy to chat for a couple minutes and it broke the monotony for us.



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When we flew to Alaska in August we had 2 PSP's and several movies for the kids. We also have a GameBoy DS and bought a couple of new games for them. I also bought me a game for the DS....Crosswords, but the kids played it more than I did.


Dh really likes the PSP because it plays movies & games. It is more expensive, but worth it I think.

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I may get blasted for saying this, but when we go on long flights, I let dc watch tons of tv/movies. I always make sure that we have the little individuals screens so they can choose what to watch. We also bring books and playing cards. I got tired of bringing tons of stuff to keep them occupied and none of it getting used. I figure one day of too much screen time won't kill them.

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My kids know that overseas trips require special packing. They are responsible for packing their carry-on because it's boring if not prepared. I suggest a DS, books, writing utensils/crayons, iPod, stuffed animal, sweat shirt, extra set of socks. They choose what is packed.

I bring munchies for the long flight. The meal times don't correspond with their hunger so fruit, gum, and easy snacks are helpful.

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If you're not flying international, pack plently of snacks as the US flights don't feed you. If you are flying international order a kids meal for your dc. Kids meals have more kid-friendly food choices & they are served before the regular meal service begins. As for entertainment...on most international flights today there is individual TVs even in the economy seats. My 10yos either watched movies, listened to audio books, played games, or slept. He didn't even open his backpack the whole 12 hours (AKL-LAX). In his backpack I had his school folder with MUS pages, LL pages, & blank paper for journal writes. We did "school" during the lay-overs in the various airports along the way. I aimed for 1 page math, 1 page Latin, & 1 journal write during each lay-over. Our 2 US flights were during the night & early morning, so ds slept for most of the flights. As blankets & pillows aren't always available, I made us each a poncho out of 2 metres of polarfleece. These ponchos are great for long flights as they don't fall off & are warm, but not as restrictive as a jacket.


Our return flights are during the daytime for the US segment. I plan on getting a new travel game for us, packing a lunch of snacky-type food, & having ds choose a new book for the flight. I may have my brother load a new audiobook on my son's MP3 player as well as a surprise.


Where are you flying to? Different airlines offer different choices of children's activities. Some airlines even list the movies shown on their website. I have found that if I prepare my dc for what is offered befroehand we have less fuss during the journey. For the Air NZ fight I printed out the movie selections, etc. & made a guide for ds to choose from. I crossed out selections I didn't approve of & highlighted selections I thought he'd enjoy. This prevented a lot of debate during the journey.



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I know my 9 yob loves any visual entertainment media. He also enjoys Legos. Maybe you could put some Legos in a Ziploc bag. The only pain about that would be losing them or dropping them on the floor of the plane. Blessings.

I will pass on the Lego's. I step on them at home and don't want to inflict that pain on anyone.

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