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Cooking or not? What's your ideal world like?


Cooking Poll - What's Your Preference?  

114 members have voted

  1. 1. In your ideal world, what would you like to have happen?

    • I love cooking and would want ample time (no stress or rush) to make at least 95% of my meals.
    • I enjoy cooking, but would prefer to just make two meals per day - any others outsourced - anything (eating out, take out, someone else cooking)
    • I enjoy cooking but would prefer to just make one meal per day - any others outsourced.
    • I enjoy cooking, but only for special occasions. For everyday I'd prefer someone else making my meals.
    • I'd love a personal chef who used my recipes to make meals for me most of the time.
    • I'd love a personal chef who used their own recipes to make meals for me most of the time.
    • I'd love a personal chef who would do either my recipes or their own (my whim) most of the time.
    • I'd love to be able to get take out most of the time, only cooking when I felt a desire to do so.
    • I'd love to eat out most of the time - no mess in my house.
    • I'd love a mix of take out or eating out, but not having to cook myself.
    • Other
    • I prefer to skip meals (mostly) and just munch as I want to throughout the day.
  2. 2. Would you want someone else cleaning up (most of the time)?

    • YES! After I cook.
    • YES! After they cook (or we've finished take out, etc).
    • No! It's my kitchen. Nothing would be done "right."
    • No! I don't want anyone in my kitchen - period (small talk or other).
    • Other

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In my ideal world, are all other variables equal? ie, am I homeschooling? If I had unlimited time I'd love to make most of my own meals. But if I'm still homeschooling I's prefer someone else making most of them so I can grab a nap while they cook for me. ;)


In an ideal world, anything can happen, so time is not limited by other things we're doing - like homeschooling.   :coolgleamA:


It's interesting seeing our likes and dislikes.  I've never liked much of anything with food prep or cooking or clean up.  It's a job I'd gladly allow another to handle.

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In an ideal world I wouldn't cook or clean.  Ever.  Or shop for food.  I would just tell my "person" to go get it and prep it exactly the way I wanted it.


But my ideal world would also have vacation homes in several countries of the world, a private jet, possibly a private yacht that would have 20 staterooms, and staff to either travel with me or stay in each location.


I can't even imagine being that wealthy, but I can dream.

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I love to cook; I love to pore over cookbooks and put together nice meals.   But in reality I can't do that very often.  There isn't time or money to cook the way I'd like to. 


I chose one meal per day in the poll.   Pretty much that's how it works here anyway:  everyone does their own breakfast unless we decide to make something special on a weekend.  Lunch is either packed (I do my husband's, my son does his own on days he works) or scrounged.  On weekends when my husband is home I have decent lunch food for him. 


Daily dinner planning around everyone's tastes is doing me in.  There are many strong dislikes in my family.  Sometimes I find myself fantasizing about living alone and cooking just the way I like.  Then I snap out of it and think of how lonely I would be.


Basically I enjoy cooking for people who like to eat, are adventurous and not too fussy.  Allergies and restrictions I can understand.  But strong dislikes - like my husband's hatred of celery - can get on my nerves at times, because of how they limit me.  

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I re-voted, to include the cleanup question.

I would still clean up. Two reasons: first, I want things just so. I don't like when my guests help clear the table and start putting things in the dishwasher; I want that in a specific way.

Second, and maybe this is an odd one: I actually enjoy performing basic household tasks. There is something grounding about washing pans, or mopping floors, or doing other simple things with my hands that are part of normal living.

I find a certain pleasure in restoring order and cleanliness. That does not mean I am an obsessive cleaner; I just do what is necessary.

But my ideal perfect life does not include dreams of household help, staff, servants.


Am I weird?

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I re-voted, to include the cleanup question.

I would still clean up. Two reasons: first, I want things just so. I don't like when my guests help clear the table and start putting things in the dishwasher; I want that in a specific way.

Second, and maybe this is an odd one: I actually enjoy performing basic household tasks. There is something grounding about washing pans, or mopping floors, or doing other simple things with my hands that are part of normal living.

I find a certain pleasure in restoring order and cleanliness. That does not mean I am an obsessive cleaner; I just do what is necessary.

But my ideal perfect life does not include dreams of household help, staff, servants.


Am I weird?


No.  Not to me, anyway.


I don't like guests helping me clean up.   I prefer to enjoy my guests and clean up after they're gone.  That also means I don't like helping to clean up other peoples' kitchens when I am a guest, but I do it because it seems to be expected. 


I don't mind cleaning if I am allowed to do it on my own time and in my  own way.  The only time I don't mind my husband helping me in the kitchen is after a party. Then there is just too much to do - and he doesn't mind hand-washing the wine glasses, a chore I dislike.  We enjoy a last glass of wine, talk about the party, etc.  That is pleasant.  Otherwise, stay away when I'm cleaning  up.  I can do it much more quickly and efficiently without help. 


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I enjoy food and eating healthy, delicious meals. I think it would be marvellous to have an in-residence chef or enthusiast to make some meals together. I could learn how to prepare things correctly and creatively while having another motivating force initiate things. It would be great if this person had a good sense of humour and enjoyed cleaning up, too! (While I'm dreaming, I might as well go all out.) ;)  A very large food budget would also be needed to keep our creative juices flowing.  :laugh:  And while we're at it, why not add in very expensive wine at meals? Surely this would enhance the experience, too. And a taxi driver to take the dc to their activities, as I won't be able to drive after the wine. Meals should never be rushed.  :lol:  (I can barely type this with a straight face)

Edited by wintermom
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I wish I could choose more than one option. I would ideally have a combination of personal chef and eating out, and I would never have to clean the kitchen again. 


I used to not mind cooking, but between kids grousing and hubby criticizing I am to the point I hate it. These days I mostly just cook a protein and everyone figures out the rest themselves. Or DH cooks.


Also, it never fails that after I clean the kitchen someone goes in for a snack and leaves some sort of mess.  :cursing:

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I would love to have the time, space, equipment, and especially budget to make anything I wanted. It would be so awesome to have an unlimited food budget.


You know what needs to be an option? A sous chef, or cooks assistant. I could tell him to chop celery, while I'm rolling out the homemade egg noodles. We would have meals prepped in no time.


And of course I'd love someone else to do the cleanup. Or even to have 2 dishwashers! The dinner parties we could have!


It would still be nice to go out to eat on vacations instead of peanut butter and bread. Or to go to some really fancy foodie restaurants. But in a perfect world, I would cook.

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I thought personal chef for a nanosecond before imagining an actual person in the house who'd require small talk...I totally couldn't handle that even in imaginary land. :blush:

Yeah, I think I'd have to switch my wish to a second dishwasher instead of a person cleaning up while I stand around awkwardly.

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