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When USPS says delivered but it's not?


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The tracking number says "delivered" on Wednesday, but it's really not here. Or hidden at my basement door soaked in water (that was another missing package this week!). Or with the neighbors. Amazon won't let me file a claim on it because of the tracking number. USPS won't let me file a claim on it because of the tracking number. This is so absurd. And probably not worth it for a $5 book.


I know the cause of this too. Our (completely weird, likely OCD) regular carrier has been on vacation all week. We had to take mail next door twice. But who knows where he left my book.

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I  have called Amazon about this in the past.  In fact, one time I called about something that said delivered but wasn't, only to discover that it had been delivered and my son had opened it.  I called back to explain since Amazon had already sent out a replacement, and they said to just keep it.

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Yeah, when it first said that, I thought, maybe dh got it (kids are away this week) or maybe it's at the basement door ruined (that's how I found a missing birthday gift I didn't know existed and another book I was waiting for that I didn't think was here yet, so bonus, I guess), or maybe the neighbors have it. But now I'm out of options. They simply didn't deliver it. Though, considering this stand in mail carrier, I'm thinking he delivered it - just to some really random person. Like, maybe it's at my house number on 10th or 13th streets. Sigh. I guess I could go knock on their door and ask. Though, probably not on 10th St. We were once assessed a massive (thousands of $) city fine that was meant for our address on 10th. And we made sure they got it. Sigh.

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We've had this happen twice in the last few months.  The first time it was a box of books from AoPS that went missing -- the post office could not find them, but AoPS promptly shipped new ones for no charge (as if I needed another reason to love AoPS).  Much later it turned out that the box had been misdelivered to another address.  


More recently, I shipped a box of books back home while we were on vacation so we wouldn't have to drag them on the plane.  USPS said that they were delivered but we did not get them.  DH went to the post office last week and apparently the box is now officially "lost."  They are supposed to be trying to find it but I am not hopeful that we will ever see those books again.



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Bah. I would much rather just reorder it than go to "our" post office. That place is one of the circles of hell. I drive to other places to go to their post offices to get out of going to mine. I was once second in line at our post office and I thought, this will be okay. How wrong I was. I waited nearly an hour to be helped.

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Bah. I would much rather just reorder it than go to "our" post office. That place is one of the circles of hell. I drive to other places to go to their post offices to get out of going to mine. I was once second in line at our post office and I thought, this will be okay. How wrong I was. I waited nearly an hour to be helped.


oh my gosh lol.


Well ours isn't perfect. It's only open minimal hours and one time I asked dh to drop off a letter to my sister in England. They put standard postage on it and it came back. I asked what happened. They thought he meant New England. But it plainly had the address and I'm sure I wrote "air mail" on it like I always do. Recently we bought stamps and I asked dh how much they were, he said he thinks .49 a piece. I googled and it says the rate is back to .47/stamp. So now we have to find the receipt for these forever stamps and see what we actually paid. But after hearing your story, I think I'll live with our problems lol. They did help ds bring packages to my car last time I waited out front with the car running and dd strapped in.


What if you called them to inquire??


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I could call. I once tracked a package down that way and found out it was delivered to some usual address. I'm like, gee, I don't think there's anything there on that road. Oh, no, there totally was. It was stuck in Walter Reed somewhere.


Our post office is just the definition of old school inner city. Bars and glass on the windows everywhere. No personal contact allowed with the postal workers. And there are always a million people working there, but only one person manning the counter. I swear having to put the stuff through the persnickety two door contraption that keeps everyone separated (whether it's so we don't shoot the postal workers or they don't shoot us, I have no idea) makes everything take ten times as long.


Our normal mail carrier is okay. I mean, he's weird. He refuses to talk to or give the mail to the children if they're in the front when we walks up. He doesn't like to give it to me either, though he usually will if I'm standing right there. He's always upset if any of us are outside. And I can see him through the window. He has some odd ritual of placing the mail through the slot then counting something at least once or twice before moving on. Like, looking into our entryway and counting. At least, I think he's counting. He doesn't speak English. I mean, he must speak English to have the job, but I hear him talking and I've never heard him speak English.

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I'm really surprised Amazon won't cover it. This happens to me regularly and they always cover it. Once one of the kids was waiting for a ds game she'd ordered and noticed it said delivered. She ran out to look for it and the mail carrier was just walking up the walk. No package. She showed her the delivered tracking notice and she went BACK ON THE TRUCK and rooted around and found it. I think becasue we live in an apartment building they scan everything at once when they get here. The sometimes things get Left behind. I'm not at all sure where they go after that though

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We have had extremely good luck with things shipped by USPS, however, they go to our Receiver/Forwarder in Miami,  which is a Commercial Address.   In the USPS Tracking, they will show "Out for Delivery", but it really is not out for delivery.  Someone from our Receiver/Forwarder goes to their local Post Office, every day, to pick up packages for their customers, including us.  I think the USPS just has the things sitting there, and then they show that the item is "Available for Pickup" or something like that. As if it was sent to a PO Box. That delays our Receiver/Forwarder getting things for one business day.     You can see from the below, which is in Spanish, that they say to wait 96 hours, if it was via USPS, before contacting them, if the item isn't in the system for the customer.  48 hours for other carriers...


OP I hope you get your stuff.  The practice of USPS and other carriers just leaving packages and showing it as Delivered, IMO, leads to a lot of crime and mis delivered packages, but that's the system there. Usually, the people get what they ordered or they wouldn't get away with that.  


"Si tienes confirmación de entrega de UPS, Amazon, Fedex, Lasership o DHL y despues de 48 horas (96 horas para USPS) auÌn no ves registrada tu mercancia, favor ingresa a tu cuenta y usa la herramienta"

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They delivered it to a wrong address. This happens to me all the time. Once we got a new mailman and he delivered all the packages for the period of two months to an old lady 10 minutes away by car. He confused the streets. It took several trips to the post office to sort this out. Of course I never got my packages back. And just this week a man showed up with my bag of prescription drugs that got delivered to his house for no reason. He doesn't even live close.

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They delivered it to a wrong address. This happens to me all the time. Once we got a new mailman and he delivered all the packages for the period of two months to an old lady 10 minutes away by car. He confused the streets. It took several trips to the post office to sort this out. Of course I never got my packages back. And just this week a man showed up with my bag of prescription drugs that got delivered to his house for no reason. He doesn't even live close.


Really? She didn't give them back? Or no one confronted her? Give me back my mail, lady! lol


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They delivered it to a wrong address. This happens to me all the time. Once we got a new mailman and he delivered all the packages for the period of two months to an old lady 10 minutes away by car. He confused the streets. It took several trips to the post office to sort this out. Of course I never got my packages back. And just this week a man showed up with my bag of prescription drugs that got delivered to his house for no reason. He doesn't even live close.


Good grief. Yeah, I suspect that's what happened.


If it's the same replacement carrier tomorrow, I'm going to try and flag him down and tell him my package is missing and ask where he might have delivered it. I wouldn't ask the regular carrier for obvious reasons, but this guy seemed nice. He's a young, sort of chill looking dude. And I doubt it's really his fault. He's been delivering around 8:30 at night so I suspect he's covering more than one route. Maybe whatever his regular route is plus half of ours or something.

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Really? She didn't give them back? Or no one confronted her? Give me back my mail, lady! lol


No. The mailman who confessed taking all my packages there said she was not in the best of health. Apparently she gets ton of packages all the time (shopping hobby?), so since her house number is the same and the street name a little similar, he was taking mine there as well. He personally apologized, but we never saw those packages. She must have discarded them.

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the technical answer is to report it as a theft (since the post office delivered it, according to them)


many small sellers will carry insurance that covers this scenario or will self-insure, but USPS's in-house insurance doesn't cover it (which makes sense I guess, as you can see how it might be abused)

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t. We were once assessed a massive (thousands of $) city fine that was meant for our address on 10th. And we made sure they got it. Sigh.



^^^^^What???? What kind of fine?


Property violations. They had illegal work done and messed up their neighbors' homes. Everyone does work illegally here so when we first got the fine I completely freaked. Like, we replaced our own fence, which is a huge no and I was like, crap, we're in for it. But there was photo documentation attached to the fine and we were like, wait, that's not our house. We walked around the 'hood figuring out who it should belong to and then got our council member involved in getting it fixed. Whew.

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