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Organizing and backing up digital curriculum

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How do you organize your digital curriculum?

subject? grade? publisher?


And if you do back up the files what do you use?

drop box? google drive? external hardrive?


While i do sort by publisher, I realized i had three separate folders labeled home school with all different things in each... not very organized.

I was using Dropbox until i maxed out the amount of space that comes with a free account and now debating how i want to go about things.

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I organize by subject. If I have some freebies that I may or may not use, I sometimes put those in a subfolder within that subject, or I might make subfolders for general age range inside the subject folders. I try to keep it as simple as possible. If I have a lot of ungraded history, but a lot of graded LA, I am not going to add grade level folders to the history folder just to keep it consistent. I would wait until the history folder got chaotic before breaking it down more.


I back up to external hard drive, and it has a program on it that mirrors the drives I want copied. If I delete or move something in the original folder, the hard drive will automatically update to reflect that. It's not a manual copy and paste. The software came on the hard drive.


I try to keep a running list in OneNote of what curriculum I have, but it's not currently up-to-date. It would probably be smarter to take screen shots of the directory and put them in OneNote with annotations of some kind.

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I sort into folders by subject.  Within the broad subject folders I have subfolders if they make sense...addition/multiplication/fractions/etc in math, phonics/spelling/literature/etc in language arts, SOTW/lapbooks/geography/etc in history, etc.


If I have a file that fits into multiple categories then I put copies of it into multiple folders.


Then, I also have a folder for each school year.  It has subfolders for each subject that we will be covering that year.  I put copies into those subfolders of any resources that I expect to use that year.  So, for example, this coming year in the history folder I have all the SOTW2 resources.



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I too organize by subject: science and then subfolders such as biology. 


I back up to an external hard drive and fewer things to the cloud so space doesn't become an issue in my off-site backups. Curriculum would not make the cut to off-site. It can almost always be re-downloaded with proof of purchase.

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It's a stratage to make use of multiple cloud storage's free space, since you have maxed out the amount of space coming with your Dropbox account, you can create another account of  OneDrive, Google Drive, Amazon Cloud ... they are all good and with free space. Besides, a web-based tool called MultCloud can generate all cloud together so that you can easily manage them, for example, transfer files from one to another.... 

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Google Drive, so it's all in the cloud and accessible from computer, phone, or tablet. Then I have a "homeschool" folder. Within that it is by subject. Within the subjects I may have subfolders for various curricula and depending on how many files, I may have subfolders for years.


For example, homeschooling- math- mep- y2- *actual files*


I also have a "planning" folder and a "miscellaneous" folder. Between all that, it stays very organized and I never loose what I need and I have even been able to go "shopping" in my files for random needs and worksheets before.

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I keep everything in Google Drive (divided into subject folders--language arts, etc.), and I also save all original emails (that contain links to various downloads and accounts), under a "homeschool" label. 

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Google Drive, so it's all in the cloud and accessible from computer, phone, or tablet. Then I have a "homeschool" folder. Within that it is by subject. Within the subjects I may have subfolders for various curricula and depending on how many files, I may have subfolders for years.


For example, homeschooling- math- mep- y2- *actual files*


I also have a "planning" folder and a "miscellaneous" folder. Between all that, it stays very organized and I never loose what I need and I have even been able to go "shopping" in my files for random needs and worksheets before.

This is almost exactly what I do.

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I organize in folders by subject and maybe by sub-subject, like "Science -- Earth Science." I have it stored on my laptop, but I have a 1000 GB hard drive from my old desktop that has a cover that connects to my laptop via usb. If it's something important, After I store it on my laptop, I immediately copy it to the big hard drive. If it's a really important item that would be expensive to replace, I put it on Dropbox as a third precaution.

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Also, I use Gmail for all of my email needs, so it's very easy to search it for something, although using the labels works well too. I have yet to need to contact a publisher to explain a hard drive crash and to ask for help in allowing me to download something after the time period, but I'd have no problem don't by so.

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