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Dr Hive / WWYD? DD & VBS


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Paging Dr Hive. DD has been feeling off since the 4th. She got sick at the 4th of July parade with what I first thought was a food allergy reaction {there were folks next to us eating and she has airborne allergies}. But it lasted over 24 hours, so was a stomach bug I think. Well she is still a bit queasy at times nearly a week later. Mostly just queasy, but the occasional dry heave or very small vomit. Nothing major, and she is fine in between spells. She has a finicky stomach that takes a while to calm down, so I'm not super worried about it or anything. We don't have a/c and are in South Texas, so there is also a pretty good chance that the heat may be a factor as well. 


My issue is this - VBS at the local church that is accommodating of her food allergies is this coming week {the 11-15}. It's 3 hours a day, but mostly inside in a/c. Would you be comfortable sending her? I honestly am not sure, even after us running errands today to see how she tolerated activity {she tired quicker and got a tiny bit queasy but soda fixed it}. My gut instinct is to play it safe and keep her home, but she is really really wanting to go so I want to make sure I'm not playing it too safe as I tend to do that. If I did send her I would send her snack with something I KNOW is not contaminated allergy-wise and stay nearby to get her if she wasn't feeling well {her group leader can call me if she says she is queasy}. 


ETA: She just tossed her cookies again fwiw. My gut is saying she is still sick. 

Edited by frugalmamatx
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I, also, vote send. You seem like you are totally on top of this, she doesn't sound contagious, if you are going to be there, on site, why not?

 I wouldn't be on site but would be nearby. I normally take VBS week to have quiet time at starbucks to lesson plan for the first part of our year. It's maybe a 15 minute walk?


how old is she?

 Nearly 10, but she is a young 9 for maturity level if that makes sense. 

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You live in South Texas, and you don't have air conditioning???  I would do ANYTHING to get time in a/c!  Send her, absolutely!


lol - it's actually not that bad most of the time. We spend the late afternoon / early evening sitting under the back patio, drinking iced drinks and doing the occasional hose-off to cool down. If it gets really really hot, we do head for the library or go shopping to escape the heat but honestly we've only done that a handful of times over the last couple of years. 

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I would keep her home. 


VBS is usually a frenetic pace, and could be very taxing for her.


Not to mention that if I were a VBS worker, and you told me she had been sick off/on for days---I would politely ask that you keep her home till she feels better. 


I do understand your dilemma; one of mine was a random vomit-er.  We did two rounds of allergy testing, changed some meds, and he's a new man.


Hope she feels better soon. :grouphug:


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Please keep her home. It sounds like she is still sick, and it would be nice to not contaminate others. Plus, no one at VBS wants anyone vomiting there.


While VBS is fun, it's a hard day for even healthy kids. It's long and tiring and frequently hot. It's go go go, and not easy for someone under the weather.

ITA ^^^ I will be a VBS volunteer this week and would most definitely prefer to not deal with a vomiting child or get sick myself. It's just not worth potentially exposing so many others.

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Thanks everyone - keeping her home for Monday at least. I'll re-evaluate Monday and see how she does. It's odd - she is fine at home doing small things, but if she does more activity / tires it's right back to the stomach issues. If it keeps up through Tuesday she'll be heading to a checkup to see what is going on. 

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I'm very strict about this sort of thing. If a child has had a fever or *any* non-normal gastric distress for 24 hours, keep them home. And that 24 hours would be from the start of the event, not the end. 

And by "non-normal" gastric distress, I know a couple of children who will vomit at some textures/smells. For them, that is normal.


Because, quite frankly, we don't want to get sick. You never know what our family health situation is or our extended family or neighbors or church family. And sometimes it is serious if someone gets sick. And is one day at VBS worth that?


That said, my youngest when a toddler had gastric distress for almost a week - nothing else was the matter. After the second doctor's visit, the doctor suggested giving her a dose of Benadryl to see if that solved the problem. It did, so I assumed that she must have had something that maybe she was slightly allergic too, and her stomach kept reacting to everything until the medicine hit her system. Or it could have been a virus with excellent timing. But it would have been a looonnnngggg virus with no other symptoms. 

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