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s/o Jean's thread "Who's...Tackle...?" Sister thread - "Who's going to tackle healthy eating/exercise with me today {name of day}"?


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Jean's thread is inspirational.   In light of that -


Would any of you join in if I started a "sister thread" entitled, "Who's going to tackle HEALTHY eating/EXERCISE with me - name of the day"? 


When I replied to Jean's Saturday thread I mentioned that this would run in the same manner as hers.   We would list what we have eaten or plan to eat for the day along with any exercise. 


This would be a support group and hopefully, like Jean's, motivate/inspire people.  I need this to hold myself accountable by writing it down not only for myself but other boardies.  :)


We could offer encouragement, tips, suggestions, etc.


Let me know if you are interested by replying to this thread.   If there is sufficient interest/commitment then I'd start a new-titled thread.


I do hope there's A LOT of yes's!!!  :)  



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Hi Jean!  Great!

My RD said that the egg study of limiting eggs was not accurate.  She said eat all the eggs I want.   I do so enjoy eggs and try to have them most mornings but today is a bust.  Full and late day yesterday led me sleep late today and I have tons to do so I've snacked.  See here, this is already an excuse though.    Arg


1 yogurt  (I limit these b/c of carbs)


1/8 bagel with 1 T cream cheese (again, high carbs)


And, I'm off to the store when I'm hungry.  WORST time to go!   :)

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I'm in. I got beach body on demand, sort of a gift to myself to finish losing these extra pounds and enter my 50's as fit and healthy as possible. My eating is not the best but I consider a day without soda, limited sugar and no white bread a good day. I do allow myself to enjoy most food in moderation.

Edited by lynn
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I'm in though today was a mixed bag. The good: I walked/jogged 3.5 miles, then strolled another 2 later in the day and went kayaking. The bad: I've had 2 bowls of black raspberry cobbler, a pice of baklava and popcorn today. Oh so nutritious. The ugly: I'm leaving for a concert in a few minutes. A glass of wine is likely.😘

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I'm in.  Trying to do better this summer but there's been so much going on its crazy.


I didn't do well today though.  We were really short on groceries until I went shopping, and I was told to up my fiber so options were limited.  (I may be doing a "Dr. Hive" post about this).


I didn't get out of bed until 11am and had Great Grains cereal, tea with honey and Benefiber for brunch.


I'm having two all-beef hotdogs and vegetarian baked beans for dinner.


Exercise was walking around Target and the grocery store for three hours this afternoon.

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Oh, so pleased to know this will take off.   WELCOME!!!    I won't be able to spend the time to like each post and reply to each reply everyday but this thread is for all of us so we all could/should reply to whomever.  Just know that I'm "liking" your future replies right now in this statement! LOL!


And, don't worry if you aren't able to post everyday.  No condemnation.  It would be nice for your benefit if you could, but if you can't just do so when you can!!!!!   

I went to the store and didn't do as badly as possible.. 


Dinner:  Rotisserie chicken, peas, toast  (not a big dinner, but it was fast)


Exercise:  treadmill 30 min at incline 3, pace 2.5  (I've slacked off and want to get back to 45 min/incline 3/pace 2.7)


Edited by sheryl
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I love this idea, thanks for implementing it.


I lost almost thirty pounds and had another stroke in December, ironically at my WW meeting.


Sadly, I have gained 15 pounds back. I have rejoined WW and want to get back on track.


I also have posterial tibial tendinitis and my ortho said to stay off my feet but do cycle and swim.


I do not have a gym membership and no bike. If anyone can think of some cardio that does not involve weight bearing, I would greatly appreciate it. I will get my gym membership back in September when there is no joining fee.


Okay, so tonight I had a turkey and Havarti cheese sandwich on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato and onions. I had a HC vegetable soup and lots of ice water.


I did walk 4000 steps but if i walk that or more, my tendinitis flares up. I also need to call PT and get restarted on that.


I have started working with some weights at home. 


I had no breakfast (I am cooking my steel cut oats for the week as I type this) but I did have leftover double jalapeno pizza for lunch. I had a Sargento Balanced Break for snack. They are really good combo of nuts, fruits and cheese for about 180 calories and 7 grams of protein.


Tomorrow I am having my steel cut oats with coffee and ice water, I am having a healthy Southwestern grilled chicken salad that consists of spring mix, taco shredded cheese, black beans, cherry tomatoes, spicy corn, and red pepper with salad dressing on the side, and icewater

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