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Curriculum that was a hit this year at your house?


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One Year Adventure Novel


Very glad to hear this! My son heard about it and asked if we could do it next year. Hopefully it's a hit here, too!


My daughter really enjoyed the CCM timeline. Initially, neither of us were "feeling" it, we only did it because they were doing it at her co-op.

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Art of Problem-Solving, Prealgebra and Number Theory.


Writing with Skill 2 was a hit for me, though ds wasn't really a fan. It really honed his natural writing skills.


High school ds is really enjoying the personalized lit course I designed.


That's about it as far as "hits." Everything else was just same-old, same-old.

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New for us this year and worth every penny:


All about reading for 2 learning to read

Rod and staff spelling for middle ones


Also new and so/so:


Great courses world history

Learning language arts through literature gold level. He says he learned a lot but I was meh about it.


Wish I hadn't spent the money:


Analytical grammar

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We have tried a few things, but we have always come back to Sonlight.  I don't even ever do it all, just part of it, but it seems to work.  


My middle son just finished his first year at PS and did well.  He also loves to read and always has a book downloaded on his phone so that when we are out he can read.  Youngest loves reading as well.



Teaching Textbooks
Apologia Science


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My teens tried Homeschool Connections this year for a speech and communications class and loved it.  


We really appreciated our U.S. history textbook, The American Odyssey; A History of the United States, edited by Keller, etc.  Very readable and well organized, and not too biased (though we occasionally noticed a bit).  


Saxon math - all my homeschooling life I've been trying to lure my kids away from Saxon to sexier math curricula and they always wind up migrating back to it.  It just gets the job done for them!

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