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Netflix subscription?

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We love our Netflix subscription. For one, the selection is just mind boggling. Much wider variety than Redbox. We just have basic cable, so we use Netflix heavily. I find a really good selection of educational movies and cable TV programs. I think I pay around $12 for an unlimited two at a time membership and that gets us about 15 movies a month. Probably about 5 are for the kids for school and the rest are entertainment for mom and dad.

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This is my first month and I am loving it!! There is a HUGE selection and there are also a lot of movies that you can watch on your computer instantly if you are in the mood to watch one sooner. We are going to Hawaii this month and I just selected a couple of documentaries on Hawaii to watch before we go. Also, someone took the time to coordinate TOG, year 2, and movies on Netflix, which is very helpful.

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Couldn't live without it!! We have the 3 at a time subscription. Netflix has a tremendous selection, including lots of PBS, History Channel, etc documentaries. We use it to add to our studies all the time -- and you can do this at the last minute, because they ship REALLY fast. I can drop a dvd in the mail on a Thursday and have your new dvd on Saturday. That gives you a lot for the money. About the only thing I want that they don't have are the Schlessinger Media videos.

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I suscribed 3 weeks ago and so far we love it! I am doing the 3 at a time as well...I thought about 2, but 3 seems to fit better. Dh loves movies and I have only perused through 15 pages of 72 pages of historical documentaries. We watched one about Jamestown last week and today we are finishing one on the mayflower. Friday we will watch one about the Salem witch trials (on our computer). I have a bunch lined up... so far so good.


I am curious for those of you who use Netflix, what suscription works for your family? but I don't want to hijack the thread either....

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We've been Netflixers for about two years. We love the wide range of history, science, and literature movies they stock. Last year when we studied Shakespeare's comedies, we would read/listen to the play. After our study, we would reward ourselves with movie versions. It was such fun...we could get different productions of the actual play and also modern versions.


Today's queue if fulll of Civil War DVDs. There is no way we could find all of these at the library when we need them.

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Also, someone took the time to coordinate TOG, year 2, and movies on Netflix, which is very helpful.


Hey Mindy...would you happen to have that list handy? We are doing Yr 2 this year as well!


We just started Netflix and so glad we did. We don't have tv so we depend on the computer for entertaining us with movies! We have the unlimited 3 out at once and really like utilizing the "watch it now" movies/documentaries.

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