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Health coaching? Does anyone know anyone who makes reasonable $$ doing it?


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I'm not talking about Beachbody or something where you're selling products.


I think I would really like health coaching, but I suspect that it's hard to make reasonable money. A local university has a certification course coming up and I am very interested in going. It involves learning both content in terms of health but also an emphasis on motivational interviewing and behavioral research into how professionals can help people make healthy changes.


I am nearly 60, a cancer survivor, and lost 60 lbs since my diagnosis 5 years ago. I went from obese to fit.  The weight loss came through healthy eating (not diet) and exercise. Also, with Alzheimer's in our family, I am learning more and more about the steps one can take early to delay onset. Exercise helps even after symptoms show up. I'd like to serve in that niche: Boomers, cancer survivors, Alzheimer's. 



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I would love to do that too. I didn't even know it was a " thing". My guess is it's much like nutrition counseling and yoga ( both of which I'm certed to do). You need an urban area to have a large enough pool of people and works best if you have a working relationship with a gym, Y, or Doctor/chiro, etc. I end up volunteering/giving things away because I live in a rural, not health conscious area and I do have those pesky kids 🤓

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A person with excellent self-promotion skills could do okay, or even great!


I'm NESTA certified for Lifestyle Weight Management, but I live in the land of fad MLM "fixes", and I just don't want to work that hard to reach people who are looking for short cuts.  My cert program was, imo, minimal training.  I did a lot of additional research on my own.

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My husband and I were just talking about this, how we'd like to have at least a short term contract with someone who could help us be more fit and healthy as we slide into the upper range of middle-aged.  Everything changes -- all of a sudden your body needs less food, exercise needs to change to exert less pressure on joints, etc. I've never been one to want a personal trainer, but I could see being willing to pay for someone who could help with both fitness and health/nutrition.   Especially trying to combine our dietary needs with the dietary needs of two very hungry teenage boys.  How do we keep all of us healthy while still eating together and not cooking separate meals?   

Edited by Serenade
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How long does the certification take?


I have had 2 health coaches.  Both were through my insurance.  They weren't really all that helpful, so I admit I would love a good one.


What do YOU mean by healthy eating?  


That is where I get tripped up.  Everyone seems to have their own idea of what healthy eating is.

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How long does the certification take?


I have had 2 health coaches.  Both were through my insurance.  They weren't really all that helpful, so I admit I would love a good one.


What do YOU mean by healthy eating?  


That is where I get tripped up.  Everyone seems to have their own idea of what healthy eating is.


Right now, there is a push to develop national certification. I've looked at the certifying agency that universities are using for their programs. The programs themselves vary a lot between what they require in terms of course work, but there is an exam involved and I think 50 client contacts. I assume those are supervised in some way. I am fortunate that one of the cheapest and shortest programs is fairly close to home




Yeah, I had insurance which pushed health coaching and it was a waste of time. 


As I am just thinking open-endedly about it, I think for most people the issue is much less about content (the "what you should eat" or "how much you should exercise" ) and more about not being able to get themselves to do what they know they should do and really want to do longterm, but just not right this minute. KWIM? 


So I am thinking the ways a health coach could be most helpful is to help people develop their vision clearly, to figure out their motivation, and to help them analyze and order their environment in a way that makes sustained change most likely.

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Right now, there is a push to develop national certification. I've looked at the certifying agency that universities are using for their programs. The programs themselves vary a lot between what they require in terms of course work, but there is an exam involved and I think 50 client contacts. I assume those are supervised in some way. I am fortunate that one of the cheapest and shortest programs is fairly close to home




Yeah, I had insurance which pushed health coaching and it was a waste of time. 


As I am just thinking open-endedly about it, I think for most people the issue is much less about content (the "what you should eat" or "how much you should exercise" ) and more about not being able to get themselves to do what they know they should do and really want to do longterm, but just not right this minute. KWIM? 


So I am thinking the ways a health coach could be most helpful is to help people develop their vision clearly, to figure out their motivation, and to help them analyze and order their environment in a way that makes sustained change most likely.



I agree. Spot on.


And I'm tempted to hire you myself. 

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