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Eyes dilation

Night Elf

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Are you kidding me? This is awful! I've never had my eyes dilated. I always opt to get the photo of the back of my eye, but for some reason the doctor said the photos weren't as clear as they could be so he suggested I do the dilation. Him shining those lights in my eyes was bad enough but going outside into the sunshine was torture! I bought a new pair of sunglasses so I wore them and the other 2 pairs I had in the car all at the same time to drive home. He said this would last 4 to 6 hours. I have to go back out in 4 hours. I'm hoping my eyes will be much less sensitive.

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I haven't had mine dilated in 2-3 years. For some reason I react strongly; the last time I had the dilated, it lasted almost 2 days. DAYS!


It was awful (also ended up with vertigo/nausea because of it). My grandma is the same.


My eye dr. charges extra for the eye photos, but it's worth it to me.

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My optometrist is great -- she figured out that because I'm small, including my eyes, I don't need nearly as much of the drop used to dilate my eyes as most people do.  Just a tiny bit does it, and I'm back to normal within a couple of hours.  The first couple of times I had them dilated (once by another optometrist in the same practice and once by her) -- oh my.  I couldn't see well until the next day.  Almost 24 hours.  Thankfully once I mentioned how much trouble I had her light bulb went off.  And she says it's fine if I just have that done every other year.

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I have retina issues so that doc dilates my eyes...oh my!


Not my favorite thing, but I'm so very glad my retina guy can see what's going on back there. In a different day and time, I'd probably be blind by now.


DD too.  She has to have it done a couple of times a year.  Just one of those not so fun but necessary things. 

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Here is our standard agreement with our eye doc... Do the exam without the dilation if possible.  If ANYTHING is of concern or unclear then do the dilation.


We don't want to just do the dilation because it is standard or a little easier, but we will never refuse if the Dr. thinks it;s necessary. Same with the dyes- one child reacts very badly to dyes, but if the Dr. needs the dye drops for any reason then I'll deal with the reaction later.


Our comfort is important, but with eye problems on both sides, we'll take the crummy drops for a day for a good diagnosis.


Also, our eye doc is 2 miles from our house, straight business highway, so at least a short easy drive home.

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