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MIL is dying. Husband flies out in morning.

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A few days ago I posted that my husband's mother had liver cancer and he didn't want to go see her. Last night he told me again that he didn't want to go.


About half an hour ago, he was told she might not have 48 hours. He is flying out tomorrow morning to see her. His sister will be there at the same time. Their planes get down about half an hour from each other.


If you can spare prayers or kind thoughts or whatever for his Mom, please send them. Her name is Kelly.


He is flying back Saturday. And then leaving to go to CA for job interviews Monday morning. He is a total wreck at the moment. He needs all the positive thoughts you can find.


Thank you.

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He came home early today. He is uninterested in everything. He is just sitting and looking at a computer doing nothing.


Thankfully we got my son some new dvds for his birthday. It is today. He turned 8. I can put them on in a little while and keep the kids entertained. I think the tv as babysitter never looked so good.


Thank you for the prayers. We definitely need them.


His flight leaves tomorrow at about 8:00 am. He should be with his Mom just after noon.


I just want to make it all better. And I can't!!!

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