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What does this mean to you....


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Some students and I were having a conversation about the different types of people and we began discussing 'vulture people'.  


I won't tell you what we discussed but I would like to know your definition of a vulture person.


Our group was split as to what we think defines a vulture person; a split that I find quite interesting.

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I guess someone who takes advantage of your downfall.


An example would be people coming to get their inheritance almost before the body is cold - being insensitive to those who need to grieve a little before getting down to business.


If your house went on the block due to foreclosure and greedy people wanted to buy it at a bargain price, leaving you even more in the lurch than you already were.

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A vulture is an opportunist who watches for signs of vulnerability or struggle in others - waits - and then comes down from the trees to take advantage of the situation.



I see similarities in meaning between the terms emotional vampire and a vulture person but I don't feel like they are exactly the same.  


I think of an emotional vampire as someone needy who keeps coming back for lots of support but probably not consciously.  They may suck the life out of you because their needs are always unsatisfied, what you offer is never enough, but they aren't necessarily consciously and deliberately looking for weak spots to take advantage of.

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I think of a vulture as one seeking a vulnerable persom to pick apart.


I consider those that only want to participate in one sided relationships wherevtheycare the center of need at all times, taling, taking, taking and never wearing the other hat of kindness and support for the other as leeches....suck the life force righr out of you.


Vampires seek to mold others into more people just like them and get quite testy when their prey do not fall in line.

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