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Almost 15 year old boy struggling with writing....

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Other than just tossing out random guesses of programs, I really think it is next to impossible to suggest something that really would "click" for this family and help this young man. To make suggestions that might really help, we'd need to know what was used in the past that didn't work (and why). We'd need to know *why* the teen is struggling (LDs? poor grammar? writing resistant? didn't click with the form of instruction?). And we need to know what specific areas of writing he struggles with (translating thoughts to paper? basic sentence structure? organizing thoughts and the overall structure? how to support his points and write "commentary" explaining how/why his examples support his points?).


From the Lit & Comp co-op classes for grades 7-12 I've been running for the past few years, I see a wide variety of reasons why students struggle with writing, and highly structured/incremental approaches do not work for all of these students. Some need a mentor to ask a series of specific questions and walk them through the process. Some are whole-to-parts learners who need the big picture first and need to actually write until they figure out what they are trying to say. Some struggle with just one aspect of writing -- how to stay on topic for a paragraph; what goes into a thesis statement and how to come up with one; how to write "commentary"… Some flat out have LDs and are still at the stage of struggling with basic sentence formation, capitalization and punctuation. I've had to take a completely different approach for each struggler and basically one-on-one mentor them, using ideas from a LOT of different writing programs.


So, without knowing any of his specifics, the only thing I would be able to suggest that would be targeted and most effective is that mom hire a local tutor who is skilled in helping high school students who struggle with writing, to be able to walk alongside this student to teach composition to him and help strengthen his weak areas.


Very kind of you wanting to help! BEST of luck to the family in finding what works! :) Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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For my reluctant writer boys, IEW and Meaningful Composition have been great resources.  For that age, I would look at one of the SWI or SICC video courses (depending on what kind of writing instruction he's already had).  If cost is an issue, the Meaning Composition books are only $35, and the instruction and assignments are clearly explained and incremental.

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For my struggling writer I feel the need for extra time on the subject so my plan, which I am only partially executing right now, is to use something for essay writing for about an hour a day and spend another 30 minutes later in the day on writing exercises.  For the writing exercises we are using Writing in English by Maxwell, free on google books.  I haven't gotten very far, but it starts out with imitation.  They read and analyze a paragraph and then imitate it with their own similar topic.  My daughter has written some really nice paragraphs doing this and I think it gives some confidence, in addition to being a valuable thing to do for other reasons.  She is pleased with what she has written and it really forces her to think hard.



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