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s/o Canned Veggies


What sort of veggies do you regularly eat?  

189 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you regularly prepare/eat... (YOU, not your family)

    • Fresh
    • Frozen
    • Canned
    • Dried
    • Other - does there need to be an other? If so, what should it be?
  2. 2. Are there any (overall) types you can't stand?

    • Fresh
    • Frozen
    • Canned
    • Dried
    • Other
    • Like them all (at least in one form or another)
  3. 3. Which canned veggies do you like (if any)?

    • Corn
    • Green peas
    • Green/yellow beans
    • Lima beans
    • Carrots
    • Potatoes
    • Mushrooms
    • Asparagus
    • Other beans (pintos, northerns, etc)
    • Beets
    • Tomatoes
    • Spinach
    • Other greens (collards, etc)
    • Artichokes
    • Other - what?
    • None

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I just read that. Backpedaling aside, it was a little harsh.



I don't think it was harsh, nor any backpedaling necessary.  This thread is asking a simple question and offering a simple poll and opportunity to explain your answer or not.   I think it's ridiculous that people get butthurt over anyone else's disagreement with them or critique of something they like or do.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions and their preferences and should be able to express those opinions and preferences in a conversation online without being finger-wagged. 

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I avoid canned food when I can because of BPA concerns, I don't particularly dislike it.


Fresh from the garden is my favorite way to eat produce, but that works for half a year at best. Frozen, freeze-dried, home-canned, and dehydrated all come in ahead of factory canned in my preferences, canned beans being an exception.

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I'm a little slow here... there's BPA in canned foods? I thought they were in aluminum cans and that BPA was from heated plastic.


Many aluminium cans are lined with plastic.  I don't know enough about the subject to say whether there is any leaching into the food.

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We do canned tomatoes since neither dh or I like tomatoes on their own and I only get them to use in sauce or chili or soup or something. 


I don't like raw tomatoes either (by themselves).  I thought I was pretty much alone in that, so it's nice to know there are others of us out there!  The rest of my family members love them, so we grow plenty each year.  I freeze the extras to use in sauces, etc, but before I found out that one can freeze tomatoes we mainly did canned ones off season.

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I don't think it was harsh, nor any backpedaling necessary.  This thread is asking a simple question and offering a simple poll and opportunity to explain your answer or not.   I think it's ridiculous that people get butthurt over anyone else's disagreement with them or critique of something they like or do.  Everyone is entitled to their opinions and their preferences and should be able to express those opinions and preferences in a conversation online without being finger-wagged. 


  People can express their opinions without putting down other people's likes and dislikes.   It's not that hard to do.  


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