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My 12 year old is having an MRI today....

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My son is having to have an MRI on his head. He has been dealing with the vertigo issues now for two months.


He is a little nervous about the whole thing. If you think about it would you send up a little prayer for him this afternoon around 2:30-3?



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My 13 year old dd just went through the same thing. She had vertigo so her pediatrician thought it could be heart related. She had a holter monitor. At first we were told it was abnormal but after going to the cardiologist where dd had an EKG and echocardiogram they said her heart was fine. The holter monitor just showed 8 extra heartbeats that day. She also had a complete blood workup and we made sure that she wasn't dehydrated.


We took her to the ophthamologist to make sure her eyes were ok. They were great but the doctor (a pediatric neuroophthamologist) sent her for a brain MRI. DD was very scared but she did great. She wasn't thrilled about getting the dye but she did ok. It was pretty loud but wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. If you ds has questions please feel free to pm me and I'll ask my dd. The brain MRI came back normal.


We went back to the pediatrician and he sent her to an ENT specialist. He checked out her ears and checked the MRI to make sure that she didn't have a middle ear infection. She didn't. He said that it was possible that at one point she had a middle ear infection and was having residual effects. The thing is in children/teens the effects usually only last a week or so. By this time she had the symptoms over a month. He gave her some head position exercises just in case. When you have a middle ear infection it messes up your equilibrium and the exercises reset it. Dd did the exercises 3 times a day for almost a week without any change. Then she got sick so I had her stop doing the exercises for 3 or 4 days. She continued them again the next week. The ENT specialist told us that if she wasn't better after doing the exercises for a week then we would need to go see a neurologist and possibly a vertigo specialist. I was going to call the doctor the following Monday to make an appointment. The weekend before we realized that for the first time in a month and a half dd did not have dizziness episodes. We held off on calling the doctor and she has been fine for over a week now.


We're still not sure whether or not the exercises helped or if she had some strange virus.


So if the MRI results are normal for your ds I would strongly suggest that you try these exercises. We went to several specialists and had bills for well over $10,000 (luckily we only had to pay about $500-$600 out of pocket).


I will definitely be praying for your DS.

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Thanks everyone....I think he will be okay. He was a little nervous. I pulled up info on MRI's and he sat and read through the websites. I also showed him some pictures of an MRI and he seems to be okay.


I will let everyone know how he is when we get back this afternoon.



My 13 year old dd just went through the same thing. She had vertigo so her pediatrician thought it could be heart related. She had a holter monitor. At first we were told it was abnormal but after going to the cardiologist where dd had an EKG and echocardiogram they said her heart was fine. The holter monitor just showed 8 extra heartbeats that day. She also had a complete blood workup and we made sure that she wasn't dehydrated.


We took her to the ophthamologist to make sure her eyes were ok. They were great but the doctor (a pediatric neuroophthamologist) sent her for a brain MRI. DD was very scared but she did great. She wasn't thrilled about getting the dye but she did ok. It was pretty loud but wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. If you ds has questions please feel free to pm me and I'll ask my dd. The brain MRI came back normal.


We went back to the pediatrician and he sent her to an ENT specialist. He checked out her ears and checked the MRI to make sure that she didn't have a middle ear infection. She didn't. He said that it was possible that at one point she had a middle ear infection and was having residual effects. The thing is in children/teens the effects usually only last a week or so. By this time she had the symptoms over a month. He gave her some head position exercises just in case. When you have a middle ear infection it messes up your equilibrium and the exercises reset it. Dd did the exercises 3 times a day for almost a week without any change. Then she got sick so I had her stop doing the exercises for 3 or 4 days. She continued them again the next week. The ENT specialist told us that if she wasn't better after doing the exercises for a week then we would need to go see a neurologist and possibly a vertigo specialist. I was going to call the doctor the following Monday to make an appointment. The weekend before we realized that for the first time in a month and a half dd did not have dizziness episodes. We held off on calling the doctor and she has been fine for over a week now.


We're still not sure whether or not the exercises helped or if she had some strange virus.


So if the MRI results are normal for your ds I would strongly suggest that you try these exercises. We went to several specialists and had bills for well over $10,000 (luckily we only had to pay about $500-$600 out of pocket).


I will definitely be praying for your DS.


Thank you....I will let him read what you wrote. He has an ENT appointment after the MRI. This has been going on for two months now.


It started after he had a sinus infection. I am thinking it's inner ear related but his ears have looked fine. Thank you for sharing.


He said thanks also....:D

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I feel for your child and know what he is going through. I hope the MRI goes well.


I had vertigo during my last pregnancy. One of the hardest parts is not knowing from day to day if that day was going to be okay or not. There were times when I couldn't do anything for a few days. My children, ages 7 and 5 at the time, had to fend for themselves on vertigo days. Fortunately, it mysteriously went away after I gave birth.


I'll pray for your child definitely.

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I just saw this and prayed anyway, even though it's probably already over!


My 12 year old had an MRI 2 weeks ago, but had to be sedated because he has a lot of extra movements related to his Aspergers. The nurse called him "Happy Feet' because even after sedation, his feet were still moving.


His was to check for a possible cause of the seizures he's just been diagnosed with, but it was all clear! I hope that you get some answers for your son's problems! My son's went very smoothly, even with the sedation.

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Sorry, I had to find the thread and got a little lost with all the new updates.


He did well. I have had about 14 of these things so explained everything to him. We pulled up info and pictures of the set up for him to look at so it wasn't scary at all.


The only time he had a problem was with the IV. They put the needle in his hand and that hurt. He teared up a little...:grouphug:


We brought the disc home and he had a blast sitting here last night viewing all the images of his brain.


We will have to wait about a week before we get the results. Thanks for the prayers and thinking of him.


I will update when we get the results.

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